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The Misdeeds of Alejandro Saez-Blanco

According to the records, the ex and her new boyfriend filed a complaint stating all the misdeeds this Argentinean man Alejandro Saez-Blanco had committed.

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The Misdeeds of Alejandro Saez-Blanco

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  1. Alejandro Saez-Blanco – The Man Arrested for Attempting Extortion

  2. Alejandro Saez-Blanco, the Argentinean man, was arrested by the police for attempting stalking and extortion. • He had been stalking his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend since February this year. • Alejandro is a 40-year-old man and he belongs to Argentina.

  3. As soon as he was found guilty, the police and court prohibited him from visiting Aspen and contacting the lady and her boyfriend by any means. • However, the man kept on sending threatening messages and warnings to the boyfriend. • He even crossed the limits by paying a visit to her ex’s new boyfriends’ home.

  4. The Misdeeds of Alejandro Saez-Blanco • According to the records, the ex and her new boyfriend filed a complaint stating all the misdeeds this Argentinean man had committed. • The lady believed that the man would return to Aspen in order to take revenge on her. • However, the court had prohibited his visit to Aspen.

  5. It all started in February 2019, when Alejandro Saez-Blanco sent some warning text messages to the lady’s new boyfriend. • The man even reached his home only to discover that the place was locked. • When nobody answered the door, he took a look through the window to see if anyone was inside. The man, then, returned.

  6. Two days after the incident, the lady’s new boyfriend caught this man tapping on the door and peering into the window. • As per the affidavit filed in Pitkin Country District Court, the boyfriend started receiving threat messages the same night after this incident. • Alejandro sent messages where he threatened him of attempting physical violence.

  7. Sending Threat Messages to the Boyfriend • One month after i.e. in March, Alejandro Saez-Blanco was arrested for extortion, stalking, and trespassing. • According to the court’s order, he was not allowed to contact the lady and her new boyfriend. • However, the man did not listen to the warnings and started sending threat messages again.

  8. In April, he sent threatening text messages to her ex-girlfriend. According to the sources, he sent these messages from an Argentinean location. • He had also messaged the boyfriend calling him names. Alejandro Saez-Blanco left a voicemail where he said: “I’m coming for you”. • Soon after these messages, he started playing some other game by warning the boyfriend that he would report the lady to the immigration authorities if $50,000 were not deposited into his bank account immediately.

  9. According to the affidavit, the Argentinean man called the lady’s new boyfriend a “pedophile” on his Facebook post. • Currently, there is no information about the recent location of the Alejandro Saez-Blanco available. He is either in Spain or Argentina.

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