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Enhancing Cross-Border Cooperation in Slovenia and Beyond

Explore the experiences of Slovenian approval authorities in establishing cross-border cooperation entities, challenges faced, and solutions. Focus on EGTC tasks, membership obstacles, and approval procedures.

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Enhancing Cross-Border Cooperation in Slovenia and Beyond

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  1. EXPERIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Meeting of the EGTC Approval Authorities Budapest, March 7th, 2014 roman.lavtar@gov.si

  2. Co-operation at Slovenian borders roman.lavtar@gov.si

  3. roman.lavtar@gov.si

  4. roman.lavtar@gov.si

  5. CBC SLOVENIA-AUSTRIA (www.si-at.eu): 79 mio EUR Length of the border is 330 km Priority 1: Competitiveness, knowledge and economic cooperation Priority 2: Sustainable and balanced development roman.lavtar@gov.si

  6. CBC SLOVENIA-HUNGARY (www.si-hu.eu): 36 mio EUR Length of the border is 103 km Priority 1: Increase the attractiveness of the cooperation area Priority 2: Sustainable development roman.lavtar@gov.si

  7. CBC ITALY-SLOVENIA (www.euskladi.si): 136 mio EUR Length of the border is 232 km Priority 1: Environment, Transport and Sustainable Territorial Integration Priority 2: Competitiveness and a Knowledge-based Society Priority 3: Social integration roman.lavtar@gov.si

  8. CBC IPA SLOVENIA-CROATIA (www.si-hr.eu): 18 mio EUR (2007 –2013) Length of the border is 670 km Priority 1: Economic and social development Priority 2: Sustainable management of natural resources roman.lavtar@gov.si

  9. CBC IPA ADRIATIC INITIATIVE (www.euskladi.si): 106 mio EUR Priority 1: Economic, social and institutional cooperation Priority 2: Natural and cultural resources and risk prevention Priority 3: Accessibility and Networks roman.lavtar@gov.si

  10. EGTC “Territory of municipalities: Gorizia (Italy), Mestna občina Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and Občina Šempeter-Vrtojba (Slovenia)” Members: Nova Gorica, Šempeter-Vrtojba Acronym Gorizia-Nova Gorica (GECT GO) Registered on September 15th, 2011 PANNON EUROPEAN GROUPING OF TERRITORIAL COOPERATION Lendava/Lendva and Ptuj (joined 2013) Acronym PANNON EGTC Registered on March 28th, 2012 Slovenian municipalities in EGTC roman.lavtar@gov.si

  11. Experiences of Approval Authorities of the Republic of Slovenia concerning approval of member’s participation in EGTC roman.lavtar@gov.si

  12. poorly defined strategy, goals and performance targets of EGTC definition of general and specific tasks of EGTC no clear vision of the reason for establishing EGTC clear understanding of their interests and specific goals in border area. CLEAR VISION OF THE PURPOSE OF EGTC 1/10 roman.lavtar@gov.si

  13. members jump into EGTC as a form of cross border cooperation without past cooperation at lower lever of formalization it is evidently far more successful when future members cooperate before establishing EGTC certain degree of confidence into each otherand experience in cross border cooperation EGTC AS A HIGER LEVEL OF COOPERATION 2/10 roman.lavtar@gov.si

  14. narrow interpretation of Regulation (EC) No. 1082/2006: EGTC carries out projects but cannot be managing authority of the operational programs (OP) under the European territorial cooperation framework that position will probably not change for the next Multiannual financial framework (MFF, formerly ‘financial perspectives’) of the EU due to the cohesion implementation framework in Slovenia THE SCALE OF EGTC TASKS 3/10 roman.lavtar@gov.si

  15. EGTC members attend to agree on very complex institutional structure with too many bodies the length of their mandates varies from body to body etc. the complex institutional structure of EGTC: slow decision making process and transparency. INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE EGTC 4/10 roman.lavtar@gov.si

  16. The members of the EGTC : government municipalities and bodies governed by public law i.e. financed, for the most part, by the State or local authority subject to management supervision by those bodies(private partners in public – private partnership) OBSTACLES FOR MEMBERSHIP 5/10 roman.lavtar@gov.si

  17. in case when new member joining EGTC the other Slovenian members are not required to apply once more poor translations of convention and statutes of the EGTC (ambiguity) SIMPLIFICATION OF APPROVAL PROCEDURE 6/10 roman.lavtar@gov.si

  18. the need for consultation between the authorities responsible for issuing approvals and future members of the EGTC future EGTC members can facilitate the approval process potential non-compliance of founding acts with Regulation (EC) No. 1082/2006 and national legislation can be avoided COOPERATION BETWEEN MEMBERS AND APPROVAL AUTHORITIES 7/10 roman.lavtar@gov.si

  19. Slovenia has no official register of EGTCs small number of municipalities is involved no EGTCs is registered in Slovenia THE REGISTER OF THE EGTC 8/10 roman.lavtar@gov.si

  20. EGTC Regulation 1302/2013/EC resolves situation where third country and EU member share a common land border Slovenia has no such border THIRD COUNTRIES MEMBERS OF EGTC 9/10 roman.lavtar@gov.si

  21. the approval process adheres to the General Administrative Procedure Act, which provides time framework of administrative action (3 months), but a prerequisite for it is a complete application TACITUS APPROVAL 10/10 roman.lavtar@gov.si

  22. Office for Local Self-government Tržaška cesta 21, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija T: +386 1 4788 569, F: +386 1 4788 757 E: roman.lavtar@gov.si dr. Roman Lavtar vodja službe roman.lavtar@gov.si

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