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Understanding Addition Reactions in Alkenes and Alkynes

Learn about the mechanisms, stability concepts, and regioselectivity rules in addition reactions of alkenes and alkynes. Understand Markovnikov's rule, bridged bromonium ions, and stereospecific anti-addition. Explore examples and the formation of enantiomers.

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Understanding Addition Reactions in Alkenes and Alkynes

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  1. Alkenes and Alkynes I.Addition Reactions Chapter Eight WWU -- Chemistry

  2. Types of Additions =>

  3. Sect 8.1: Addition Reactions WWU -- Chemistry

  4. Addition of H-X WWU -- Chemistry

  5. Addition of Water WWU -- Chemistry

  6. Sect. 8.2: Introduction to Mechanisms • mechanism • two step • rate determining step (i.e. slow step) • energy diagram • transition states • intermediates WWU -- Chemistry

  7. MECHANISM STEP-BY-STEP ACCOUNT OF WHAT HAPPENS :X- X step 1 step 2 C C C C C C + E E + E intermediates are formed during a reaction but are not products Intermediate WWU -- Chemistry

  8. ENERGY PROFILE two step reaction intermediate TS1 E N E R G Y TS2 - X C C + E step 1 step 2 DH C C X product C C + E E WWU -- Chemistry

  9. ACTIVATED COMPLEXES correspond to transition states for each step - X X C C C C C C + E E intermediate + E - X + C C C C + E + E show bonds in the process of breaking or forming ACTIVATED COMPLEXES (bonds are half formed or half broken) WWU -- Chemistry

  10. Sect 8.3: Electrophilic Addition to a Double Bond WWU -- Chemistry

  11. Hyperconjugation WWU -- Chemistry

  12. CARBOCATION STABILITY HYPERCONJUGATION H .. electrons in an adjacent C-H s bond help to stabilize the positive charge of the carbocation by proximity (overlap) R + C C H R H R C R C H R R C H R R Most stable Least stable 2 > > + + + tertiary secondary primary WWU -- Chemistry

  13. Can you recognize the following carbocations? 1o, 2o, 3o 2 o 2 o 1 o 2 o 2 o 3 o WWU -- Chemistry

  14. Sect 8.4: Addition of Hydrogen Halides: Markovnikov’s rule WWU -- Chemistry

  15. Markovnikov’s Rule In the ionic addition of an acid to the carbon-carbon double bond of an alkene, the hydrogen of the acid attaches itself to the carbon atom which already holds the greaternumber of hydrogens. • “Them that has, gets!” • “The richer get richer!” (V. W. Markovnikov -- 1838 - 1904) WWU -- Chemistry

  16. Markovnikov WWU -- Chemistry

  17. MARKOVNIKOV RULE When adding HX to a double bond the hydrogen of HX goes to the carbon which already has the most hydrogens C H C H 3 2 C l + HCl ..... conversely, the anion X adds to the most highly substituted carbon ( the carbon with most alkyl groups attached). WWU -- Chemistry

  18. REGIOSELECTIVE REACTION C H C H C H 3 3 3 HCl C H C C H C H C C H + C H C H2 C H 3 2 3 3 3 C l C l major minor one of the possible products is formed in larger amounts than the other one Compare REGIOSPECIFIC only one of the possible products is formed (100%). WWU -- Chemistry

  19. Mechanism (Markovnikov) Secondary C+ Major product WWU -- Chemistry

  20. Mechanism (anti-Markovnikov) Primary carbocation Minor! WWU -- Chemistry

  21. COMPETING PATHWAYS rate-determining step higher energy intermediate slower faster lower energy intermediate 1 o 2 o rate-determininng (slow) step WWU -- Chemistry

  22. Markovnikov Addition to an Alkene WWU -- Chemistry

  23. Mechanism 3 o C+ WWU -- Chemistry

  24. SOME ADDITIONAL EXAMPLES only major product is shown C H C H 3 3 C l + HCl C H C H 3 2 C l + HCl C H C H C H C H 3 2 + HCl C l WWU -- Chemistry

  25. Sect 8.5 Addition of Sulfuric Acid to an Alkene WWU -- Chemistry

  26. ALKYL HYDROGEN SULFATES O - O S O H O S O H O 3 SLOW C C C C C C + O H H H O S O H alkyl hydrogen sulfate O cold water room temp FOLLOWS MARKOVNIKOFF RULE WWU -- Chemistry

  27. Addition of Water to an Alkene WWU -- Chemistry

  28. Mechanism of Hydration WWU -- Chemistry

  29. Sect 8.6 Addition of Bromine to an Alkene WWU -- Chemistry

  30. ADDITION OF BROMINE B r B r C C l 4 C C C C C C SLOW + B r B r B r B r d- d+ : B r B r alkene polarizes bromine WWU -- Chemistry

  31. THE REACTION IS STEREOSPECIFIC ANTI ADDITION - anti B r H H “open“ carbocation would give both cis and trans + B r H syn B r H B r syn anti H H H B r B r B r B r H cis compound trans compound NOT OBSERVED ACTUAL PRODUCT WWU -- Chemistry


  33. CYCLIC BROMONIUM ION note size of bromine + WWU -- Chemistry

  34. BRIDGED BROMONIUM ION Br + Br Br bridging blocks approach from this side WWU -- Chemistry

  35. FORMATION OF ENANTIOMERS symmetric intermediate Addition could also start from the top with bromide attacking the bottom. + ENANTIOMERS WWU -- Chemistry

  36. ADDITION OF BROMINE TO 2-BUTENE * * C H C H C H C H C H C H C H C H 3 3 3 3 + B r B r B r 2 2n possible stereoisomers C H H C H C H 3 3 3 H C H H H 3 cis-2-butene trans-2-butene WILL THESE STEREOISOMERS GIVE THE SAME PRODUCTS? WWU -- Chemistry

  37. NO ! THEY GIVE DIFFERENT PRODUCTS cis trans enantiomers meso These results can only be explained by stereospecific anti addition. WWU -- Chemistry

  38. - B r B r H H H H C H 3 C H 3 H C 3 H C B r+ B r 3 B r B r H H B r C H 3 H C H 3 H C H B r 3 B r H C 3 B r B r B r B r C H H 3 3 H H C H H H C 3 3 - cis ADD TO LEFT ADD TO RIGHT ROTATE ROTATE C H ENANTIOMERS WWU -- Chemistry

  39. _ _ trans + ADD TO LEFT ADD TO RIGHT ROTATE ROTATE MESO IDENTICAL (also meso) WWU -- Chemistry

  40. Bromination of an Unsymmetrical Alkene WWU -- Chemistry

  41. Stereochemistry of Bromination of Alkenes • Simple alkenes: Addition of bromine or chlorine goes exclusively anti, with the formation of a bridged ion • If a resonance-stabilized open-chain carbocation is possible, there may be a mixture of mechanisms, with some molecules reacting via a bridged ion and some molecules reacting via an open-chain carbocation WWU -- Chemistry

  42. Stereochemistry of Bromination of Alkenes--Part Two • In cases where a resonance-stabilized carbocation is possible, if the solvent is made more polar (acetic acid or nitromethane), the proportion of molecules reacting via an open-chain carbocation increases. • For simple alkenes, changing solvents has little or no effect on stereochemistry. WWU -- Chemistry

  43. Sect 8.7 Halohydrin Formation Br2 + H2O HO-Br + HBr WWU -- Chemistry

  44. Mechanism WWU -- Chemistry

  45. Sect. 8.8: Carbocation Rearrangements WWU -- Chemistry

  46. Sect 8.10 Free Radical Addition of HBr to Alkenes (anti-Markovnikov!) WWU -- Chemistry

  47. ADDITION OF HBr Markovnikov Addition Oxygen Anti-Markovnikov Addition WWU -- Chemistry

  48. WWU -- Chemistry

  49. STABILITY OF CARBON RADICAL INTERMEDIATES Radicals are electron-deficient just like carbocations and have the same stability order. lowest energy highest energy tertiary secondary primary methyl and they are stabilized by resonance and / or hyperconjugation. ( ) ( ) ( ) etc. C H 2 ( ) WWU -- Chemistry

  50. Sect. 8.11 and 8.12: Hydrogenation of Alkenes and alkynes WWU -- Chemistry

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