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Community Research: Empowering Relationships and Transforming Development

Explore the impact of community research on diverse groups, challenges, and mechanisms for improvement. Learn practical steps and techniques to engage effectively. "Swing" concept illustrated.

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Community Research: Empowering Relationships and Transforming Development

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  1. Community Research An Introduction for Student Researchers Stergios Roussos, Paul Brown, Linda Cameron, Robin DeLugan Health Sciences Research Institute Task Force for Community Engaged Scholarship UC Merced Alliance for Community Research and Development April 20, 2012

  2. Workshop Objectives • Understand why we do community research? • Understand your roles and opportunities in community research?

  3. Overall Goal Ensure that all communities can easily and effectively understand and improve what matters most to them.

  4. COMMUNITIES Mexican-Americans Women Fresno Young Black Men First Generation College Graduates china South Merced BABY BOOMERS People Living in Poverty

  5. Changing Faceof Merced

  6. Community Research RelationshipsTransforming the Nature of Research and Development Communities Shared Vision & Outcomes Support Organizations Institutes of Higher Education

  7. Community Research Illustrations 1. What does “it” look like? 2. How would it benefit my personal and professional development?

  8. Community Discussion 1. What matters most to you? 2. What would the “dream” relationship look like between communities and student researchers?

  9. Overall Goal Ensure that all communities can easily and effectively understand and improve what matters most to them.

  10. Community Research Across Sectors Business Schools Government Common Purpose Civic Organizations Faith Community Health/Service Organizations

  11. Key Challenges in the “Research” of Community Research Complexity in design Delayed outcomes Inadequate indicators Estimating “dose” Attributing “cause and effect” Evolving and adaptive nature of community work

  12. Key Challenges in the “Community-Side” of Community Research No time No money No measurement and other research skills No research resources (e.g., data, databases, tools to help with measurement) Research seems (is) irrelevant Research seems (is) burdensome

  13. The Mechanism for Community Research to Improve Communities Step 1. Join Interested Student and Community Members Step 2. Step 3. Merced County Rated as “Most Awesome” Place on Planet

  14. Types of Community Partners Single EntityOne organization, one program Partnership or CollaborationA group or network of organizations addressing a shared concern Community-wide Initiatives

  15. Categories of Community Research Formative/DevelopmentalOne organization, one program Process/Fidelity with Implementation Summative/Outcome Impact/Effectiveness

  16. Key Steps in Community Research • 1. What decisions must be made? • Who cares? – Who will use • the results? • What do they care about? – What matters? STOP POINT? 9. Share & use the results. 2. What evidence will suffice? (type of data, analysis) What is credible? Community Research 8. Produce a report with meaningful evidence. 3. What should the final report look like? (format, presentation) 7. Analyze the data. 6. Conduct the assessments to answer the key questions. 4. What questions may lead to the required evidence? 5. Have these questions been answered before? Must we re-answer or re-prove something? – Why? STOP POINT? “Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers” - Voltaire

  17. Community Research RelationshipsTransforming the Nature of Research and Development Communities Shared Vision & Outcomes Support Organizations Institutes of Higher Education

  18. The Work Ahead Clarify student and community criteria for success and the resources for success Start ongoing training and support Match and monitor community research Hold regular convenings to review, celebrate and redirect

  19. Swing Swing is the mythical moment in rowing. When the energy an oarsman puts into the boat seems to perfectly propel the hull forward, … when the crew moves in unison and the boat slides over the water, when the output seems to generate more energy and a grueling pace seems infinitely sustainable, a boat and the rowers aboard feel "swing.” - By Coach Jay

  20. Swing is trust. Trust between the individual rowers, and between the crew and coxswain. Trust that everyone is doing their job and you only have to worry about doing your own. Trust that you can do your own and the boat will fly because of everyone. - By Coach Jay

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