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Advancements in Data-Intensive Grid Computing

Learn about the Condor Project's distributed computing research and collaborations in Unix/Linux/NT environments. Explore their impact on users and upcoming challenges.

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Advancements in Data-Intensive Grid Computing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. From Compute Intensiveto Data Intensive Grid Computing

  2. Welcome to the 2nd Annual Condor meeting!!!(Hope to see you all in the EuroGlobus+Condor meeting in southern Italy in mid June)

  3. The Condor Project (Established ‘85) Distributed Computing research performed by a team of 26 faculty, full time staff and students who • face software engineering challenges in a UNIX/Linux/NT environment, • are involved in national and international collaborations, • actively interact with academic and commercial users, • maintain and support a large distributed production environment, • and educate and train students. Funding - DoD, DoE, NASA, NSF, AT&T,IBM, INTEL, Microsoft and the UW Graduate School

  4. State of the project • Extended the scope and size of the project • Extremely busy • Defended and preserved our unique approach to distributed/Grid computing • Enjoyed the impact we have on “real” users • Maintained the reputation of our research and the quality of our technology • Worked hard to make a commercial Condor fly alongside our project

  5. The Physicists & Us • Some of us have our roots in physics (Derek, Doug, Miron, Raj) • Long history of joint work (NIKHF 91,INFN 96, PPDG 99, SMC, WA92 COROUS, PHINEX, CMS …) • Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) project funded by the Information Technology Research program of NSF ($10.9M for five years $2M to our group) • Joint UW-HEP and Condor project funded by the UW Graduate School. • 1M hours of Condor CPUs were allocated by the National Resource Allocation Board (NREC) to the CMS group at Caltech • Our team selected as the main CS group for the next phase of PPDG (DOE-SciDAC proposal pending) • CMS group of UW is one of the four sites of the Grid Laboratory of Wisconsin (GLOW) (NSF-MRI proposal pending)

  6. Physicists Have aLOTof data. (others have data problems too …)

  7. The Data Grids & Us • Extend and enhance existing capabilities of Condor • Develop new storage and data transfer management technologies (key element in PPDG proposal) • Interface “legacy” applications and the Grid “fabric” with new capabilities/technologies • Work closely with the Globus team and follow their leadership on data transfer and replica management tools (joint Data Grid SciDAC proposal is pending) • Close collaboration with the EU Data Grid effort • Make ClassAds the “Esperanto” of Grid management (joint Security SciDAC proposal with Globus is pending)

  8. And what about … • Allocating Network Resources, • Scheduling of Storage Resources, • Co-allocation of Processing, Storage and Network Resources, • Resource Reservation, • Data Shipping vs. Function Shipping, • Data Security, • Write Behind, • Data Affinity, • Or … ?

  9. Challenges Ahead • Ride the “Grid Wave” without losing our balance • Leverage the talent and expertise of our new faculty (Distributed I/O, Distributed Scheduling, Networking, Security) • Expend our UW-Flock to a state-wide system (WiscNet?) • Apply the Master Worker paradigm to domain decomposition problems (ongoing work with JPL) • Scale our Master Worker framework to 10,000 workers. • Open Source vs. Public Domain binaries vs. a Commercial version of Condor

  10. C High Throughput Computing ondor Don’t ask “what can the Grid do for me?”ask “what can I do with the Grid?”

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