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J. Seibold, SBG Dresden mbH

MEETING BRUSSELS MARCH 14, 2013 CURRENT STATUS OF WG1 CHEMICAL OPERATOR. J. Seibold, SBG Dresden mbH. Development of Units of Learning Outcome. ECVET chemistry algorithm for the creation of units of learning outcomes. Creating Work Tasks to verify according to CREDCHEM template.

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J. Seibold, SBG Dresden mbH

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  2. Development of Units of Learning Outcome ECVET chemistry algorithm for the creation of units of learning outcomes Creating Work Tasks to verify according to CREDCHEMtemplate

  3. Structure of Units of Learning Outcome

  4. Subdivision of ULO 2

  5. Outline ULO2.1 Conducting physical processes work tasks laboratory work tasks technical center work tasks production

  6. ULO2.1: Survey of available work tasks ULO2.1-1.1.1 Manual and automatic tempering of fluids ULO2.1-1.1.2 Temperature Mixing ULO2.1-1.3.1 Distillation of a mixture of ethanol and water ULO2.1-1.4.1 Rectification of a mixture of methanol and water ULO2.1-1.5.1 Extraction of CuSO4 ULO2.1-1.7.1 Recrystallization of boric acid ULO2.1-1.7.2 Crystallization (example: copper(II) sulphate) ULO2.1-2.1.1 Filtration of calcium carbonate at low pressure ULO2.1-2.2.1 Preparation of a solution of salt in water with subsequent filtration ULO2.1-2.2.2 Homogenization of a solution of salt in water ULO2.1-2.2.3 Production task: batch production of wood protection, universal primer and metal protective lacquer ULO2.1-2.4.1 Comissioningpractice of the cutting mill SM 300 ULO2.1-2.4.2 Comissioningpractice of the Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM200 ULO2.1-2.4.3 Commissioning practice of the impact mill pulverisette14 ULO2.1-2.5.1 Filling and emptying the training and examination equipment ULO2.1-2.5.2 Compiling characteristic curves of pumps ULO2.1-3.1.1 Compilation of a piping and instrumentation diagram ULO2.1-3.2.1 Production task paint filling using a robot ULO2.1-3.3.1 MarkingpointsofEI&C ULO2.1-3.3.2 Compilationof a calibration curve for a resistance thermometer Pt100 ULO2.1-3.3.3 Measurement of fluid flow and adjusment of control valve ULO2.1-3.4.1 Influenceofcontrolparameters ULO2.1-3.4.2 Scaling of a controller

  7. Outline ULO2.2 Conducting chemical processes work tasks laboratory work tasks technical center work tasks production

  8. ULO2.2: Survey of available work tasks ULO2.2-1.2.1 Preparation of ammonium magnesia phosphate ULO2.2-1.3.1 pH-value – adjustment (example: neutralization of citric acid with a sodium hydroxide solution) ULO2.2-1.3.2 Production of sodium tartrate by neutralization of NaOH with tartaric acid ULO2.2-1.4.1 Synthesis of calcium carbonate by percipitation of sodium carbonate via calcium chlodride ULO2.2-2.8.1 Synthesis of ethyl benzoate ULO2.2-2.9.1 Saponification of vegetable/ plant oils

  9. Outline ULO2.3 Conducting biological processes work tasks laboratory worktaskstechnicalcenter work tasks production

  10. ULO2.3: Survey of available work tasks ULO2.3-2.1Cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the production of ethanol

  11. Structure of Learning Outcome Units

  12. Outline ULO3 Participating in quality control work tasks laboratory work tasks technical center work tasks production

  13. ULO3: Survey of available work tasks ULO3-1.2.1 Taking and conserving samples ULO3-1.2.2 Work task from production: Taking samples from tanks ULO3-1.2.3 Work task from production: Taking samples from a tub ULO3-2.1.1 Determination of the temperature in the absorber liquids ULO3-2.2.1 Determining densities via areometers in various solutions ULO3-2.2.2 Determining densities of solids via pycnometer ULO3-2.3.1 Checking conductivity of fluids ULO3-2.4.1 Measuring pH-values in waste water samples ULO3-2.6.1 Analysing smell, color tint and turbidity of process water ULO3-2.9.1 Analysing sediment volume according to DIN 38409 H9 ULO3-2.10.1 Bacteriological examination of water in the technical center

  14. Development of the ULOs ECVET chemistry algorithm for the creation of units of learning outcomes Analysing work tasks Process Operator CP ULO 1Executinginternallogistics ULO 2 Conducting processes ULO 3Participating in quality control ULO 4Executing maintenance and repairs

  15. Theoretical and practical testing of ULOs generaldescriptionoflearningoutcomes technicalcenter production laboratory verificationof ULOs validation creating job-relatedtasks testing testing creating assessment tools

  16. creating assessment tools ULO 1Executinginternallogistics ULO 2 Conducting processes ULO 3Participating in quality control ULO 4Executing maintenance and repairs

  17. Example for practical assessment ULO 3Participating in quality control Work Task ULO3-2.2.1 Determining densities via areometers in various solutions Adaptedassessment

  18. Thank you very much for your attention! Ende

  19. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO2.1-1.1 Heating and cooling ULO2.1-1.1.1 Manual and automatic tempering of fluids ULO2.1-1.1.2 Temperature Mixing

  20. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO2.1-1.3 Distillation ULO2.1-1.3.1 Distillation of a mixture of ethanol and water

  21. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO2.1-1.4 Rectification ULO2.1-1.4.1 Rectification of a mixture of methanol and water

  22. Work tasks at the laboratory: ULO2.1-1.5 Extraction ULO2.1-1.5.1 Extractionof CuSO4

  23. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO2.1-1.7 Crystallization ULO2.1-1.7.1 Recrystallization of boric acid

  24. Work tasks at the laboratory: ULO2.1-1.7 Crystallization ULO2.1-1.7.2 Crystallization (example: copper(II) sulphate)

  25. Work tasks at the laboratory: ULO2.1-2.1 Filtration ULO2.1-2.1.1 Filtration of calcium carbonate at low pressure

  26. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO2.1-2.2 Mixing ULO2.1-2.2.1 Preparation of a solution of salt in water with subsequent filtration ULO2.1-2.2.2 Homogenization of a solution of salt in water

  27. Work tasks production: ULO2.1-2.2 Mixing ULO2.1-2.2.3 Production task: batch production of wood protection, universal primer and metal protective lacquer

  28. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO2.1-2.4 Comminution ULO2.1-2.4.1 Comissioning practice of the cutting mill SM 300 ULO2.1-2.4.2 Comissioning practice of the Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM200 ULO2.1-2.4.3 Commissioning practice of the impact mill pulverisette14

  29. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO2.1-2.5 Conveyance ULO2.1-2.5.1 Filling and emptying the training and examination equipment ULO2.1-2.5.2 Compiling characteristic curves of pumps

  30. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO2.1-3.1 P&I Diagram ULO2.1-3.1.1 Compilation of a piping and instrumentation diagram

  31. Work tasks production: ULO2.3-3.2 Automation technology ULO2.1-3.2.1 Production task paint filling using a robot

  32. Work tasks at the technical center : ULO2-3.3 Measurement technique ULO2.1-3.3.1 Marking points of EI&C ULO2.1-3.3.2 Compilation of a calibration curve for a resistance thermometer Pt100 ULO2.1-3.3.3 Measurement of fluid flowandadjusmentofcontrolvalve

  33. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO2-3.4 Control technolgy ULO2.1-3.4.1 Influence of control parameters ULO2.1-3.4.2 Scaling of a controller

  34. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO2.2-1.2 Complex forming reactions ULO2.2- 1.2.1 Preparation of ammonium magnesia phosphate

  35. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO2.2-1.3 Acid-base-reactions ULO2.2-1.3.1 pH-value – adjustment (example: neutralizationofcitricacidwith a sodiumhydroxidesolution) ULO2.2-1.3.2 Production of sodium tartrate by neutralization of NaOH with tartaric acid

  36. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO2.2.1.4 Percipitation ULO2.2-1.4.1 Synthesis ofcalciumcarbonatebypercipitationofsodiumcarbonate via calciumchlodride

  37. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO2.2.-2.8 Esterification ULO2.2-1.8.1 Synthesis ofethylbenzoate

  38. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO2.2-2.9 Saponification ULO2.2-1.9.1 Saponification of vegetable/ plant oils

  39. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO2.3-2 Cultivationoffungi ULO2.3-2.1 Cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the production of ethanol

  40. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO3-1.2 Taking samples ULO3-1.2.1 Takingandconservingsamples

  41. Work tasks production: ULO3-1.2 Taking samples ULO3-1.2.2 Work task from production: Taking samples from tanks ULO3-1.2.3 Work task from production: Taking samples from tub

  42. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO3-2.1 Measuring temperatures ULO3-2.1.1 Determination of the temperature in the absorber liquids

  43. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO3-2.2 Determining densities ULO3-2.2.1 Determiningdensities via areometers in varioussolutions

  44. Work tasks at the laboratory: ULO3-2.2 Determining densities ULO3-2.2.2 Determiningdensitiesofsolids via pycnometer

  45. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO3-2.3 Determining conductivity ULO3-2.3.1 Checkingconductivityoffluids

  46. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO3-2.4 Determning of acid capacity ULO3-2.4.1 Measuring pH-values in waste water samples

  47. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO3-2.6 Determining smell, color and turbidity ULO3-2.6.1 Analysing smell, color tint and turbidity of process water

  48. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO3-2.9 Determing all deposited substances ULO3-2.9.1 Analysing sediment volume according to DIN 38409 H9

  49. Work tasks at the technical center: ULO3-2.10 Determining the total germination index ULO3-2.10.1 Bacteriological examination of water in the technical center

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