Episodio 4: EL CONCIERTO1.What happens when JC gets to the stationary store?2. What does the customer buy?3. According to Sra. L, where is Monica?4. Why did Monica go skiing at a new place this time?5. What does JC decide?6. Upon arriving at the house, whom does JC call?7. How does JC’s boss treat him in general?8. According to Sr. M, what should JC do this very night?9. Does JC have time to eat?10. How does his boss say goodbye to him?
Episodio 4: EL NOVIO1.Whom are the door ladies talking about at the beginning of this episode?2. Who interrupts the newspaper reading?3. Why is Lupita surprised to see MC?4. What does Lupita tell MC?5. Why is what Sra. C saw very important?6. Whom does MC call?7. Who appears to be spying?8. What does MC tell JL?9. What do Lupita & doña C plan to do tonight?10. Why is the oriental perfume flask important? (it’s not that important)
Episodio 3: EL CONCIERTO1. According to the newspaper, how many dead people were in the theater?2. Who were the victims?3. Where did they find Saavedra’s cadaver?4. Why do they think Saavedra killed the other guy?5. Why does it appear there are 2 murderers?6. Describe the place where VL lives.7. Why is this episode called “Error of Identity?8. What opinion does HL have of his wife?9. Where will JC be able to get info about the young lady?10. What does Sra. L decide at the end of this episode?
Episodio 3: EL NOVIO1.Where is the courthouse?2. Why does MC ask the notary to wait for them?3. Does MC blame Carlos for not arriving on time?4. What does MC’s mom say about the taxi drivers?5. Why is doña M sure that Carlos didn’t take the bus?6. Why did JL arrive late to the registry?7. Who understands and consoles MC?8. What does MC decide to do?9. Where do the kidnappers take Carlos?10. What does the boss realize?
Episodio 2: EL CONCIERTO1. In what place does this episode begin?2. Whom does JC live with?3. Does JC’s mom think he’s serious about love?4. What important news is heard on the radio?5. Did JC realize the night before what had happened in the theater?6. Why is JC afraid of his boss?7. What do you think about the relationships in this family?8. Does this mom seem like moms here in the U.S.?9. What will JC do upon leaving from work?10. Do you like Sergio?
Episodio 2: EL NOVIO1. Who is Sra. L?2. What does doña L tell us about her life?3. Who is Sra. C?4. Why does Carlos give a key to doña L?5. How is Carlos dressed?6. Where is JL’s friend waiting for him?7. What is the guy that gets out of the car and approaches JL like?8. What does he desire (want)?9. What does the short guy make (obligate to) Carlos do?10. What can you say about Julian?
Episodio 1: EL CONCIERTO1. In what city does this story take place?2. Why are there some people in line?3. What does JC doe to start a convo with the young lady?4. What does JC plan to do to be able to see the blond the night of the concert?5. The night of the concert, who arrive to row F?6. What does the lady think about the concert?7. For what reason do you think the gentleman from seat 23 didn’t come back after intermission?8. What does JC say about his profession?9. What does JC pick up from the floor before leaving the concert?10. Would you like to be a journalist?
Episodio 1: EL NOVIO1. What city does this episode take place in?2. Do you know if this is a big or little city?3. How many characters appear in this episode?4. Where does Carlos live?5. Why does his friend’s call surprise him?6. For what purpose did JL come to the city?7. How does Carlos plan to get to the civil registry?8. Why is Sra. C so nervous?9. Why does she leave so quickly from the apartment?10. What does Carlos do at the end of the episode?