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Comparative Politics

Comparative Politics. Centripetal Democratic Governance : A theory and Global Inguiry Gerring J., Thacker S, Moreno C. Yılmaz Topuz. Outline. Background Information : What is Centralism , Decentralism , Centripetalism ?

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Comparative Politics

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  1. ComparativePolitics CentripetalDemocraticGovernance: A theoryand Global Inguiry Gerring J., Thacker S, Moreno C. Yılmaz Topuz

  2. Outline • Background Information : What is Centralism, Decentralism, Centripetalism? • Conceptualization, EmpricialTests, ResearchDesign • ResultsandCritique • Discussion

  3. Centralism, DecentralismandCentripetalism • Centralism: - Centralization of power - Founder: Hobbes - WestministerSystempresuminggoodgovernancewould be providedbypower transfer tosinglecentre. • Decentralism: - Decentralization of Power - Founder: Montesquieu - AmericanPolitysupportingtheseperationof poweramongmultipleindependentbodies - ChecksandBalances

  4. CENTRIPETALISM • On thecontrarytothetheory of decentralism, goodgovernance is associatedwithcentralizedpower. • Reconciliationbetweencentralizedauthorityandbroadinclusion. - Inclusive: Allinterests, ideasandidentities - Authoritative: Providingandagreementandimplementingthatagreement. • Thepower of authority is persuasive, not coercive: Bringingtogetherdiversegroupsandperspectivestosolvepoliticalconflicts.

  5. Dimensions of Centripetalism

  6. Conceptualization • MeasurementLevels : OrderingScheme - 0 = federal , 1= semi federal, 2= nonfederal - 0= presidential, 1= semipresidential, 2= parliamentary - 0=majoritarian, 1= mixed-membermajority, 2 = closedlistProportionalRepresentation(PR) Scopecondition: Democracy

  7. Thecritique: Thedefinition of Democracy • -“Minimum threshold of democracy” • Mysuggestion : Procedural minimum forDemocracy ( CollierandLevitsky, 1997) - “Fullycontestedelectionswithfullsuffrageandabsensce of massivefraud combinedwith - Effectiveguarantees of civillibertiesincludingfreedom of speech, assemblyandassociation”

  8. Results • The model is statisticallysignificant. • Theauthorfinds a strongsupportwithcentripetal form of government on all 8 dependentvariables However, iftherearetoomanycasesandobservations, thesignificance of somecases is ruledout !!!

  9. Unitarism • UnitarismPoliticalStability Do youthinkthatpoliticalstability is a measurementforgoodgovernance?

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