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Flood Prevention in Rio de Janeiro

Flood Prevention in Rio de Janeiro. By: Luiza, Hannah, Omar, Ivan, Jorge . Recent Flood in Rio de Janeiro Causes Tragedy .

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Flood Prevention in Rio de Janeiro

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  1. Flood Prevention in Rio de Janeiro By: Luiza, Hannah, Omar, Ivan, Jorge

  2. Recent Flood in Rio de Janeiro Causes Tragedy • In January of this year, Rio had a horrible flood. Forecasters say that it was one of the worst flood in 4 decades. Firemen and other rescuers are doing the best they can to find everybody and get them medical care. More than hundreds of people died because of this natural disaster!4,000 families are homeless and 10,000 homes are at risk. The forecast says that more rain will come throughout the year.. Lots of people are having diseases such as water born diseases because of the floods.

  3. LET’S HELP! • Government says they’ll give money to help. They do, but it is such a small quantity that it doesn’t make any difference. We need to find solutions to prevent the flood in Rio de Janeiro. Let’s help these people and show them some strategies we came up with!

  4. Causes and Effects I • The rain that reaches Rio de Janeiro has killed more than one hundred people and thousands were left homeless and hurt. Before the disaster, the state governor, Sergio Cabral, and the mayor, Eduardo Paes, asked the federal government for R$ 370,000,000 for emergency repairs such as transportation if a tragedy like this happens and medical care. According to the government, Rio de Janeiro had the highest recorded rainfall in its history, and beat the record set in 1966.

  5. Causes and Effects II (Português) • Durante cadachuva forte queacontece no Rio, o número de mortesaumentapelomenospara 225. Essaspessoassãomortasporcausa de deslizamentos de terra, inundaçõesde ruas e chuvapesada. O pior disso tudoéque as pessoasafetadasnao tem nenhummeio de transportesoualgumamoradia. Muitosmoradorespobresfazemprotestos contra a diferença entre autoridades de ricos e pobres.

  6. Human Factors • Many people are victims of floods. Many damages that floods causes to people is our fault. Because since the poor people doesn’t have enough money to build a good house in a secure place, they build it in dangerous hills which are most affected because of landslides. Also, there aren’t enough culverts for the water pass, so during the flood it accumulates in streets and start spreading and killing people and entering in houses.

  7. Science Effects • As it is summer in Brasil, the water of the ocean and rivers get quickly evaporated. That causes to rain more. In the year of 2011 the rain in Rio de Janeiro affected a lot of the weather. Because even though forecasters predict there is coming heavy rain, most people won’t have enough money to get transportation and go to a safe place. Also, rains happens in every season and we can’t all the time go to other places to be safe.

  8. Political Problems • Since the recent tragedy killed more than hundredss of people and left thousands homeless, the president DilmaRouseff declared that an emergency of R$ 780,000,000 would be needed so than the government will be able to build more than 2,000 houses for the homeless people. The government tries to keep people who don’t have a house away from high risk areas, but they just won’t obey. One problem in that Brasil’s government only give the money after the disaster, and not before to prevent it.

  9. Prevention • As youknowwecan’t stop therainso... • Firstweneedtohave a waytocommunicatetopeoplethatthere’sgoingtobe a heavy rainthatwill for sure cause floods • For examplean speaker in eachstreetwithforecasts for theweekortheday. So, people will be prepared and go to a safe place. • We also may use the government’s money to build places where people can go when heavy rain is predicted and in that place there’ll be shelter, medical care, food and water. • What the government really needs to get is transportation for everyone and be sure they are safe.

  10. Pictures

  11. Works Cited • http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-12200299.com • http://trin.wordpress.com/2011/01/17/death-toll-from-brazil-flooding-continues-to-rise/ • http://news.discovery.com/earth/big-pic-brazil-rainfall-landslides-110113.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_deadliest_floods • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_deadliest_floods

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