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Project Overview. FSMLR/LABEIN Dr. Mikel Sorli. Agenda. Background Needs Business Objectives S&T Objectives H-KNOW Concept Business Cases Current Actions Next Actions. 1. Background.
Project Overview FSMLR/LABEIN Dr. Mikel Sorli
Agenda Background Needs Business Objectives S&T Objectives H-KNOW Concept Business Cases Current Actions Next Actions
1. Background Increasing number of multidisciplinary complex works in construction industry (CI), particularly for maintenance / restoration of old and CH buildings. The nature of these works requires small, highly competent and flexible organisations, i.e. specialised SMEs. Lack of information flow between different actors taking a role in the processes. ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
2. Needs Innovative solutions to support new forms of collaborative working networks of SMEs and RTD experts for restoration and maintenance. SMEs need to: Create business collaborations to carry out complex projects Access to competitive knowledge in materials/processes ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
3. Business Objectives Advanced and cost-effective solution The project plans to develop an ICT solution, which will include: (1) an advanced support for realisation of new forms for SME-RTDnetworking through their specific knowledge/competence integration, within a new collaboration structure and (2) innovative services for competitive knowledgesharing and training providing The system should provide the possibility for interactive sharing, generation and reuse of the branch specific knowledge and essential expertise ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
4. S&T Objectives Methodology for creation of SME-RTD Virtual Collaborative Networks (VCNs), supported by a set of models and methods for: Network set-up (respecting organisational, cultural and technical aspects) and Procedures/models for knowledge structuring and management, adapted specifically for and by SMEs. SOA platform, hosting a set of services for: Management of Social Interactions (MSI) Services enabling a framework for collaboration (VCN establishment). Ontology and KM Services for efficient knowledge collection and sharing within the RTD-SME networks. Technology Enhanced e-Learning (TEL). Definition and development of an optimal form of e-learning from inputs of KM Services. The platform should enable interactive knowledge sharing among RTDs & SMEs within VCNs. ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
5. H-KNOW Concept (I) Structured universe Open universe of CI of SMEs and RTDs SMEs and RTDs H - KNOW Virtual Breeding Environment (VBE) Transfer from „Open“ to „Structured“ - VBE Members acquisition - Sharing common principles Direct VCN Establishment KNOW VCN Establishment - H H - KNOW - Slow partner search and SME - RTD - VCN partners selection from the selection VCN structured set - No trust - Fast expertise/resource allocation - No appropriate replacement - Facilitated MSI Initialisation of VBE Creation Business Opportunity ? ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
5. H-KNOW Concept (II) MSI Services Creation of Virtual Collaborative Networks (VCNs) out of a Virtual Breeding Environment (VBE) Searching for optimal team (VCN creation) Searching for expertise Collaboration tracing (statistics) Select communication needs (voice, e-mail, chat, etc) ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
5. H-KNOW Concept (III) KM Services and Ontology Knowledge collection from CKR and experts Ontology definition Resource discovery (searching) for similar works Customized services to support works (CASS) Business Cases Specific Services ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
5. H-KNOW Concept (IV) TEL Services Discovery of Learning pills from inputs of the Ontology and KM Services Learning Objects creation Courses scheduling Courses tracking ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
5. H-KNOW Concept (V) ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
5. H-KNOW Concept (VI)Architecture ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
6. Business Cases (I) BC1 (German) - Gathering of knowledge related to new materials/processes & VCN business aspects (MSI & KM Services) Focus on the realisation of the Collaborative Application Specific Services "Energy-efficient buildings restoration" and "Old Building Maintenance". Application of the: MSI services for organisation of the innovative long-term collaboration forms, KM based services for monitoring of new materials related knowledge sources and for collection of documents related to business aspects in SME networks. ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
6. Business Cases (II) BC2 (Spanish) - CH restoration knowledge gathering & transfer into a learning content (KM & TEL Services) Focus on the realisation of the Collaborative Application Specific Service "CH Object restoration“. KM services: Appropriate structuring of the large knowledge corpus collected from international sources Knowledge structuring to be done aiming at its reuse in future CH restoration works as a kind of e-Guidelines for Restoration TEL services: Generation of trainingcontent (using knowledge from KM)and its transference to the learning objects/pills. ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
6. Business Cases (III) BC3 (Portuguese) - Knowledge resources discovery and teams creation (MSI & KM Services) Focus on the realisation of the Collaborative Application Specific Services "CH Object restoration" and "Old Buildings Maintenance” Resources discovering using the eConstroi e-marketplace created and managed by partner VORTAL ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
6. Business Cases (IV) BC4 (Italian/French) - Knowledge resources discovery and On-site provision of the climatology related knowledge to teams (KM & MSI Services) Focus on the realisation of the Collaborative Application Specific Service "CH Object restoration". KM: Existing knowledge on specific aspects related to the influences of the past and present climate changing will be collected and made available for reuse MSI: Online support to mobile workers in a construction site, which is often in remote areas ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
7. Current Actions Project Status: M11 out of 36M (30%) Activities: Methodology and Ontology Specification based on: SotA and requirements analysis, Methodology and System Concept and Business Cases Platform specification MSI Services specification KM Services specification TEL Services specification ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
8. Next Actions Activities: Methodology and Ontology development Based on the specification Early Prototype implementation for the 4 BCs Testing and assessment procedures in order to gather users’ feedback for the full prototype implementation Demonstrators Validation of H-KNOW results within the VCN to bring these to the related Construction Industry community ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
7. Current Actions First version of the exploitation plan released on M9 Exploitable Foreground identified: ICT tool Methods of application of technologies for VCN management within CI Purpose of Exploitable Foreground: In further research activities For developing and creating a new product For providing a service Exploitation ways: First 12 months after the end of the project: Enhancement of the SW services based on the application at the end-users and presentation of H-KNOW to other potentially interested ICT providers Following stages: Exploitation of H-KNOW methodology and services in other industrial sectors In parallel to the joint exploitation activities, each partner will develop own plans for the exploitation of project results ECTP 2009 - LE PLAZA HOTEL - BRUSSELS 24 & 25 November 2009
Thank you very much for your attention Dr. Mikel Sorli sorli@labein.es http://www/h-know.eu