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ABACUS EXERCISE CD (Hindi,English,Tamil) Let your kid exercise abacus with us. An Amazing, efficient and cost effective way to learn abacus calculation at your own pace. Only 30 minute a day. This animated virtual abacus learning tutorial helps you and your kid to master Abacus Mental Arithmetic technique. Jvindians.com’s CD helps children to develop deep concentration and patience. Regular and systematic exercise in abacus makes one more focused, sharper and stronger. It has been proved that abacus calculation techniques are one of the fastest ways of doing calculations especially when it comes to large numbers. Children love to play; we encourage them to do so. Our Self pace animated and interactive simple abacus study tutorial helps children learn while playing. Make your kid a “math-genius” in just 3 to 6 months’ time. This is a method of calculation, performed on a visualized abacus in the mind. The cost will be Rs.499/- New No. 25, Old No.9, Chari Street, North Usman Road, T.Nagar, Chennai - 600017, Tamilnadu, India. Email : alagappan_sk@yahoo.com, info@jvindians.com Phone : 044-42071815 Tele Fax: 044-42071815 Cell : ( 91) - 098410 23115/7299923115 Website: www.jvindians.com/ www.abacussupplier.com
JAYAVARAD GRAPHICS Abacus Video Tutorials
Marketing Office New No. 25, Old No.9, Chari Street,North Usman Road,T.Nagar, Chennai - 600017,Tamilnadu, India. Email :alagappan_sk@yahoo.com, info@jvindians.com Phone : 044-42071815 Tele Fax: 044-42071815 Cell : (+91) - 098410 23115/7299923115 Web : www.jvindians.com