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PA 03 - Occupational pension and National retirement pension. Source: SVD:s pensions guide. PA 03 agreement. retirement pension survivor´s pension disabilaty pension. Retirement pension. defined-contribution pension 1. Individual retirement pension 2.Supplementary retirement pension
PA 03 - Occupational pensionandNational retirement pension Section for salaries and pension
Source: SVD:s pensions guide Section for salary and pensions
PA 03 agreement • retirement pension • survivor´s pension • disabilaty pension Section for salaries and pension
Retirement pension • defined-contribution pension 1.Individual retirement pension 2.Supplementary retirement pension • defined-benefit retirement pension Section for salaries and pension
Individual retirement pension • Earn from the age of 23 • 2,5% of the salaryyoureceiveeverymonthuntil the retirement age of 65 • Personal choice ofhow the pension should be invested and managed (www.spv.se) 1.traditional or unit-linkedinsurance 2.insurance company 3.with or withoutrepayment cover • Lifelongpayment, earliest from the age of 61. Section for salaries and pension
Supplementary retirement pension(Kåpan tjänste) • Earn from the age of 23 • 2% of the salaryyoureceiveeverymonthuntil the retirement age of 65 • possibletochooserepayment cover but not how the pension is managed or typeofinsurance. • normallypayed over a period offiveyears, earliest from the age of 61. Section for salaries and pension
Defined-benefit retirement pension • Earn from the age of 28 • Whataffects the amount? 1. the lengthofyourpensionabletimeof service 2. 60% of the componentofyourpensionablesalarybetween 7,5 and 20 incomebaseamounts (present amount 426 750 - 1 138 000 SEK) 3. Special transitionalprovitions: bornbetween 1943 and 1972 (bornbetween 1946 and 1976 for employees at Chalmers) Section for salaries and pension
Pensionable time of service • In order toreceive a full amount, yourtimeof service in employmentwithgovernment pension entitlementhavetoamountto 30 years. • Less timewillgiveyou a part of a full pension (Pensionable service factor, for example 180/360) • Timeofemployment, including part timecounts. Requiresthatyouareemployed for at least 20% of full time. Section for salaries and pension
pensionable income and pensionable salary • Pensionableincomeincludes: 1. yourfixedsalary 2. other cash emoluments (not overtimecompensation) 3. benefits in kind in the form av board and lodging • Pensionablesalary: - the averagepensionableincome for the fivecalendaryearsimmediatelypreceding the yearofretirement (65). Section for salaries and pension
Vested benefit • What happens If you don´t stay in government employment until the age of retirement? • You will receive a vested benefit which amounts to what you have earned in pension rights during your time of employment Section for salaries and pension
Special transitional provitions if you are born 1943-1972 If you are employed at Chalmers the percentages correspond to the age group 1946-1976 Section for salaries and pension
How to aply for pension if you live outside Sweden • Notification of a move from Sweden shall be given in writing to the Swedish Tax Agency. SPV should also be given notice of a change of address abroad. • Application form, see www.spv.se • Give the bank in Sweden, at the moment Nordea Bank, notice to which bank they can transfer your money. • Certificate of existence Section for salaries and pension
Survivor´s pension • Survivor´s pension for adults • Survivor´s pension for children • Group life insurance Section for salaries and pension
Disability pension • A supplement to sickness compensation from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan). • Full or partial compensation corresponding in scope and term with the decision made by Försäkringskassan. Section for salaries and pension
National retirement pension • Income pension • Premium pension (individual choice) • Guarantee pension (complementtoearnings-related pension) Section for salaries and pension
Howyouearnyour national retirement pension Premium pension - Individual choice 2,5 % 18,5 % 16 % Government manage the income pension Section for salaries and pension Salary Sickness benefit Parental benefit Unemployment benefit Sickness- or Activitycompensation Activity grant Pensionqualifyingamounts (yearsspentwithchildren, higher studies)
Individual information (www.pensionsmyndigheten.se) Section for salaries and pension
Decide for yourselfwhentoretire • 61 year of age • The later you retire, the higher your pension will be • Work and receive pension at the same time • Full pension or partial pension • You have to aply for your pension! Section for salaries and pension
Howtoaply for pension ifyou live outsideSweden • EU/EEA/Switzerland • A country outside EU/EEA/Switzerland with which Sweden has an agreement • Other country Section for salaries and pension