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A/B Testing

A/B Testing. Lee Cloer - Web Developer @ LeeCloer. SiteDartStudio.com. Nearly all consumers (97 %) now use online media when researching products or services in their local area BIA/Kelsey's. Your Website Should…. Introduce your products and services Contain Calls to Actions (CTA)

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A/B Testing

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  1. A/B Testing Lee Cloer- Web Developer@LeeCloer SiteDartStudio.com

  2. Nearly all consumers (97 %) now use online media when researching products or services in their local areaBIA/Kelsey's

  3. Your Website Should… • Introduce your products and services • Contain Calls to Actions (CTA) • Help visitors contact you • Be a successful tool for your business pixabay

  4. socialmediatoday.com

  5. A/B Testing in Real Life… Date Night Nice candle light dinner and then dancing flickr.com Colin Mutchler A hot dog and a monster truck show empireonline.com

  6. Green vs Red Button • What does Green mean to you? • Go? Natural? Environment? • What does Red mean to you? • Stop? Excitement? Passion? Warning? • More importantly what do these colors mean to your visitors from up north, or out west, or in Europe? Ref: Hubspot

  7. Performable Ref: Hubspot

  8. Results of Green vs Red Button • Tested over 2 day period • 2,000 + visits to that page • Red button outperformed green button 21% Ref: Hubspot

  9. A/B Test Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons • Friendbuy had an over complicated CTA • 1.44% Click-through Rate (CTR) • “Test It Out” vs “See Demo” Ref: emailonacid.com

  10. Results of A/B Test • Baseline CTR: 1.44% • Variant 1 CTR: 2.47% • Variant 2 CTR: 4.49% Ref: emailonacid.com

  11. A/B Test Subject Line • Email Aptitude sent promoting free shipping for a shoe sale • Sent A/B subject line test to 15,000 of their 50,000 subscribers • Subject Line: “Spring Shoe Sale! Get Free Shipping” • Subject Line: “Free Shipping! Offer Expires 3/15/09” Ref: emailonacid.com

  12. How Long… is Long Enough? How long should you run a test? Long enough to establish a statistical significance • Google Ad Words • Headline: “Code Review Tools” • Headline: “Tools for Code Review” • Hampster Test • Hammy the Hamster chooses conventional produce • Hammy the Hamster chooses organic produce • Hammy the Hamster Video blog.asmartbear.com Ref: blog.asmartbear.com

  13. A/B Test Show a Statistical Significance The way you determine whether an A/B test shows a statistically significant difference is: • Define N as “the number of trials.”For Hammy this is 8+4 = 12.For the AdWords example this is 32+19 = 51. • Define D as “half the difference between the ‘winner’ and the ‘loser’.”For Hammy this is (8-4) ÷ 2 = 2.For AdWords this is (32-19) ÷ 2 = 6.5. • The test result is statistically significant if D2 is bigger than N.For Hammy, D2 is 4, which is not bigger than 12, so it is not significant.For AdWords, D2 is 42.25, which is not bigger than 51, so it is not significant. This hurts my brain! creepypasta.wikia.com Ref: blog.asmartbear.com

  14. You Run the Test Longer You decide to run test for longer and the next day you see: • 30 more clicks on Adwords for Variant A for a total of 62 • 19 more clicks for Variant B for total of 40 Running the formula: • N = 62+40 = 102; D = (62-40) ÷ 2 = 11; D2 = 121 which is bigger than 102, so now the measured difference is significant. Ref: blog.asmartbear.com EUREKA!!!! You now have something you can work with! Flickr.com Alexandre Normand

  15. Important Items to Test • Call to Action text • Call to action button • Subject Line • Headlines • Sub Headlines • Paragraph Text • Images • Landing Page Layout

  16. The Dos and Don’ts of A/B Testing • Do test tons of different variables • Don't test them all at once • Do start simple • Don’t be afraid to try more advanced testing • Do always be testing • Don’t limit your tests to one marketing channel • Don’t assume your results are statistically significant • Do analyze where results are statistically significant • Don’t give up if results aren’t significant • Do make changes based on test results wikipedia.org Ref: Hubspot

  17. Be A Website Hero - Summary • A/B Testing can improve your click through rates (CTR) • Testing can improve your email open rates • You can test many different items across your website and you should test often • Test long enough to get statistical significance • Use the knowledge you gain to improve your website’s return on investment (ROI) • Take your wife to dinner and dancing and not to a loud, dusty monster truck show photobucket.com/nlanat

  18. How To A/B Test Contact your website developer. They should be able to perform A/B Testing on various elements of your website and email marketing. • We Handle It • Seem overwhelming? If your web developer cannot conduct A/B testing for you give SiteDartStudio • a call at 828-349-3638. • CreateSend Email Marketing • Inbound Marketing • Website Development skcuzzlebumm.blogspot.com

  19. who we are Want to stop working for your website and put your website to work for you?We’ll handle it. Need an amazing idea created foryour online marketing campaign?We’ll handle it. we handle it Looking for hands-free management of an online strategy to better your business?We’ll handle that too. Stop wasting your time and tell us how we can help; let us handle it for you. SiteDart Studio • SiteDartStudio.com • Blog.SiteDart.net • Twitter.com/SiteDart • Facebook.com/SiteDart Call us today at 828-349-3638 Speaker: Lee Cloer • LeeCloer.com • Twitter.com/LeeCloer

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