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NSC Bloodborne & Airborne Pathogens. Objectives . Understanding the OSHA Standard Highlights of the new program Availability, pricing and marketing efforts. OSHA Bloodborne Standard (29 CFR 1910.1030).
Objectives • Understanding the OSHA Standard • Highlights of the new program • Availability, pricing and marketing efforts
OSHA Bloodborne Standard(29 CFR 1910.1030) Workers in many different occupations are at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens, including Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV/AIDS. This exposure may be through needlesticks, sharps injuries, mucous membranes, and skin exposures. First aid team members, housekeeping personnel in some settings, and nurses are examples of workers who may be at risk of exposure. Workers and employers are urged to take advantage of available engineering controls and work practices to prevent exposure to blood and other body fluids. In 1991, OSHA issued the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard to protect workers from this risk of exposure. In 2001, in response to the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act, OSHA revised the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1030. The revised standard clarifies the need for employers to select safer needle devices and to involve employees in identifying and choosing these devices. The updated standard also requires employers to maintain a log of injuries fromcontaminated sharps. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration promulgates the standard to eliminate or minimize occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. OSHA has made a determination that employees face a significant health risk as the result of occupational exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials because they may contain bloodborne pathogens. The Agency further concludes that this exposure can be minimized or eliminated using a combination of engineering and work practice controls, personal protective clothing and equipment, training, medical surveillance, Hepatitis B vaccination, signs and labels, and other provisions.
What does this mean to you? • The Bloodborne Pathogens Standard applies to your company if your employees can reasonably anticipate contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials as a result of the performance of their duties. • You will need to offer training that is up-to-date, convenient and cost effective. You may also be required to offer supplemental training as needed, particularly if an employee’s duty changes • Your Exposure Control Plan must include an extensive set of precautions you are taking to protect employees from bloodborne and airborne pathogens. • You will want to ensure that your employees know as much as possible about diseases, how they are prevented and the pros and cons of each type of personal protective equipment they could use. • OSHA requires you to explain to employees the sequence of events that will occur if they are exposed to pathogens within the workplace. • Employers are required to provide training to all employees with the potential of occupational exposure on an annual basis, during work hours, at no cost to the employee.
What Should your Training Include? Training Should Include: • Accessible copy of the regulatory text of the standard • General explanation of the symptoms of Bloodborne disease • Explanation of the mode of transmission of BBP • Explanation of the employers exposure control plan • Explanation of the appropriate methods for recognizing tasks that may involve exposure to blood and other infectious materials • Information on the types, proper use, location, removal and disposal of personal protective equipment (PPE) • How to select PPE • Information on Hepatitis B vaccine • Information on appropriate actions to take in case of exposure • Information on post exposure evaluation and follow-up • Explanation of signs and labels and color coding • An opportunity for interactive questions
Are You in Compliance? • To be in compliance of the Standard: • Provide accessible copies of the regulatory text and explanation of its contents to your employees • Have a written exposure control plan • Provide training both initially and annually to your employees • Regularly enforce work practice control methods such as hand washing • Provide the necessary personal protective equipment
Highlights of NSC Bloodborne& Airborne Pathogens 2012 Revision
We’ve Updated All Components • Student workbook • Instructor manual • PowerPoints • DVD
Student Workbook Changes • Updated data on Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDS) • Updated and moved chart of “Select Other Diseases Caused by Bloodborne Pathogens” • Expanded examples of job classifications covered under the OSHA Standard • Increased information on effectiveness of alcohol-based hand rubs • Included CDC guidelines for their use
Student Workbook Changes, Cont’d. • Updated information from the World Health Organization on epidemics and pandemics • Skill sheets • Revised hand washing skill to reflect the most current CDC guidelines • New skill sheet on using a commercial body fluid disposal kit • Revised 60% of the illustrations • Replaced 50% of the photos
Instructor Manual Changes • Totally reformatted so it is easy to use • Format identical to other instructor manuals in the product line • Icons used to cue instructors to • Scenarios • Answers to scenarios • Skill performance checklists • Additional “Special Notes to Instructors” provide more content depth
PowerPoint Changes • Updated to reflect revised content • Include new photos and illustrations
DVD Changes • All new DVD reflects revised content • Includes people in job classifications not included in the last DVD • New on-camera host • Same host used in other revised NSC first aid courses
Some Things Remain the Same • Content organized into 4 lessons • 2 hour course • Airborne pathogens content is optional • Successful completion card valid for 1 year
Online Course Is Another Option • Content available 24/7 • Designated person to augment with site-specific information • Designated person to act as a resource to answer questions • Demo available at nsc.org/demoonline • Approximately 1 ½ hours • Course completion card is printable at the end of the course
Instructor Resource Kit • Available: January 27, 2012 • Product Number: 73189-0000 • Price: $125.00 • Instructor Resource Kit includes: • Instructors Manual • Instructors DVD with case clips • Instructors CD with PowerPoint • Student Workbook
Student Workbooks • Available January 27, 2012 • Student Workbook- includes a nationally recognized course completion card • Product Number: 73190-0024K
Need to Know • Customers who have purchased the second edition kit since September 1, 2011 will receive the new Instructor Resource Kit free of charge • We will continue to make available the student workbooks from the second edition while supplies last • When the inventory of the second edition is depleted we will not be reprinting them
Marketing Efforts • Webinar to current instructors and past customers • January 20th 10:00 a.m. CST • Direct Mail piece • Corporate focus • Webinar to NSC customers/members • Second direct mail piece geared towards EMS • Updates in the shopping cart