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Join us at the EFM@CI2004 seminar series featuring speakers discussing topics in artificial intelligence, finance, and project collaboration. Check out the schedule and venue changes. Stay updated with the AI-ECON Research Center's focus on new mathematics and problem-solving tools. Learn more about the event at our webpage.
EFM@CI2004 AI-ECON Research CenterDepartment of EconomicsNational Chengchi University
Good afternoon! Welcome back to EFMACI2004 Please take a seat and relax. The Sessions will start in a minute. Don’t forget to turn off your cellular phone.
First week(8/16-8/20): National Chengchi University, Taipei Second week(8/23-8/26): Feng Chia University, Taichung Third week(8/30-9/3): National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Kaohsiung
Attention! The venue of tomorrow’s seminar will be changed to Academia Sinica! 明日(8/19)的研討會將改在中央研究院舉行!
Time Speaker Topic 14:00-15:20 王信文 A Volatility Skews-Based Options Shin-Wen Wang Arbitrage Model via Artificial Intelligence 15:40-17:00 陳以明 An Agent-Based Collaborative Framework for Distributed Project Yee-Ming Chen Dynamic Scheduling Two Forthcoming Session
Shin-Wen Wang王信文教授 A Volatility Skews-Based Options Arbitrage Model via Artificial Intelligence 服務單位: 清華大學計量財務金融學系 研究興趣: 財務工程資訊系統之應用與設計
Yee-Ming Chen陳以明教授 An Agent-Based Collaborative’s Framework for Distributed Project Dynamic Schduling 服務單位: 元智大學工管系 研究興趣: 偵錯與診斷、資料融合與探勘、軟體多重代理人、專家系統
Aims & Scope New Mathematics and Natural Computation (NMNC) Forthcoming With the growing maturity of linear and reductionist paradigms, the new frontier for problem-solving tools will be new mathematics and algorithms. It is clear that new tools are needed for solving more difficult social and biological problems. This type of mathematics will be capable of handling uncertainties, making decisions and modeling very large systems and networks which are complex, nonlinear and distributive. For more information, please refer to the webpage: http://www.worldscinet.com/nmnc.html
What is the purpose of attending conference? Meeting people and make friends. Don’t forget coffee break !