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Year 6 SAT’s meeting

Get ready for Year 6 SATs with information on papers, example questions, levels, and how to help at home. Stay informed about timetable, formats, and teacher assessment for a successful preparation.

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Year 6 SAT’s meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Year 6 SAT’s meeting 26/2/15

  2. Year 6 SATs • Welcome • Breakfast club • SATs week timetable • Format of SATs papers • Example questions • How we are preparing your children in school • How you can help your children at home • SATs levels & Teacher Assessment • Illness & unforeseen circumstances • SATs information letter • Questions

  3. Breakfast club

  4. Purpose: * A relaxing, non-threatening start to the day. * A boost to concentration levels.

  5. Timetable

  6. Format of papers • ENGLISH Reading test (60mins) Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation test (45mins)

  7. English – Example Questions Reading These questions are about Pompeii Today 1. What was the unusual blanket that covered the town? .................................................................................................................................. 1 mark 2. ... not all visitors treat the site with respect. Write down two different ways in which they cause damage to the town. 1 ............................................................................................................................... 2 ............................................................................................................................... 2 marks 3. ... trapped in time. Why do you think Pompeii was described in this way? .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. 1 mark 4. Explain why the archaeologist believes that he is watching the second death of Pompeii. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. 2 marks

  8. Grammar Test • A new statutory test of English grammar, punctuation and spelling which was introduced for children at the end of Key Stage 2 from May 2013. • The test implements an important recommendation of Lord Bew’s independent review that writing composition should be subject to teacher assessment only, with the more 'technical' aspects of English - such as grammar, punctuation and spelling - assessed via an externally marked test.The introduction of this new test reflects the Government’s beliefs that children should have mastered these important aspects of English by the time they leave primary school, and that appropriate recognition should be given to good use of English throughout their schooling. • The test assesses levels 3-5 of the current statutory KS2 English National Curriculum programme of study for English. A separate level 6 test is available.The level 6 test samples additional content from the Key Stage 3 programme of study for English.Both the level 3-5 test and level 6 tests assess children’s abilities in the following technical aspects of English: • grammar; • punctuation; • spelling; and • vocabulary.

  9. Maths SAT

  10. Format of papers • MATHS Test 1 (non-calculator paper) Test 2 (non-calculator paper) Mental Maths test

  11. Mental Maths Paper 20 marks 3 sections: 5 seconds – 5 questions 10 seconds – 10 questions 15 seconds – 5 questions

  12. Example 5 second questions: Multiply 5 by 9. What is nought point two six divided by ten? What is three quarters as a decimal?

  13. Example 10 second questions: What is half of eight hundred and sixty? A pencil costs 85p. How much change would I get from £1?

  14. Example 15 second questions: Add together fourteen, twenty-three and forty-one. 14 23 41 Look at your answer sheet. Put a ring around the number which is a multiple of thirty-five. 600 700 800 900 1000

  15. Maths Paper 1 40 marks 45 minutes No calculator allowed

  16. Children MAY ask to have words read to them but we cannot tell them what mathematical terms mean.

  17. Example Paper A questions:

  18. Here is a sorting diagram for numbers. Write a number less than 100 in each space.

  19. Samir spins a fair coin and records the results. In the first four spins 'heads' comes up each time. Samir says, 'A head is more likely than a tail'. Is he correct? Circle Yes or No. Yes / No Give a reason for your answer. ………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………..

  20. Maths Paper 2 40marks 45 minutes Non-calculator

  21. Example Paper 2 questions:

  22. Sunita has two rectangles. Each one is 8 centimetres by 18 centimetres. She puts one rectangle over the other at right angles to make this shape. Calculate the perimeter of Sunita’s shape.

  23. How many biscuits did he make?

  24. How we are preparing your children in school • Exposure to past questions • Encouraging extra detail to answers • Modelling answers • Teaching ‘tricks’ • Setting timed work for speed practice • Revision drop-in sessions • BUT…………

  25. We are: • Still teaching normal lessons!

  26. How you can help your children at home • Encourage reading • Quick fire/fun mental maths • Encourage discussion e.g about a text or a TV programme • Mental Maths tests on school website • Revision books

  27. Useful revision sites • www.bbc.co.uk/revisewise

  28. Useful revision sites • http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/7.cfm?p=1961

  29. Useful revision sites

  30. How you can help your children at home • Let them have fun!!!!

  31. SAT’s levels and Teacher Assessment • Reading , Grammar and Maths SATs papers are sent away and marked by an external marker. • We report 1 Grammar plus 1 Reading and 1 Maths (which will be an aggregate of all tests taken). • We will report a ‘pure level’ e.g. L4 (not 4a,b or c) • Children are tested at Level 3-5. Level 5 is the highest children can achieve on the papers. • We will also report our teacher assessment – this may be higher or lower than the SATs score, as appropriate. We will report teacher assessment showing sub-levels for Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening, and Maths. • Writing will be teacher assessed in school and moderated across schools.

  32. Level 6 • A small group of high achieving children will be put forward to sit these papers. These children will be registered with QCDA and will begin to look at L6 papers and questions. • Children will be required to achieve both a L5 in the L3-5 test and pass the L6 test in order to be awarded an overall L6

  33. L6 timetable

  34. Illness/Unforeseen circumstances • If your child is unable to attend school due to illness, please phone school by 9am. • We leave the decision as to whether a child attends school if unwell to parental judgement. • A child who does not take all of the tests does not get a final level for that subject. • If, due to unforeseen circumstances, your child is going to be late please phone school ASAP before 9am.

  35. Questions

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