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Experience from Georgia's participation in the BS-ERA.NET Workshop for Non-EU Black Sea and EaP Countries. This workshop aimed to improve coordination and cooperation in research programs and funding in the Black Sea region.
Experience from participation of Georgia in BS-ERA.NET Workshop for the Participation of Non-EU Black Sea and EaP Countries in Thematic COFUND ERANETs; Mr. Nikoloz Bakradze; Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF); 13-14 October 2016, Baku
The BS-ERA.NET is an ERA.NET project funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technology Development (FP7). Main objectives of the BS-ERA.NET project • to reduce the fragmentation of the European Research Area (ERA) by improving the coherence and coordination of national and regional research programmes; • to develop and strengthen the coordination of public research programmes conducted at national and regional level, which target a group of countries from the extended Black Sea region;
Main objectives of the BS-ERA.NET project (cont) • to set up and run a structure to sustain and strengthen the collaboration between R&D funding programmes and agencies for transnational coordinated funding of R&D in the extended Black Sea Region. • to establish an information exchange and communication framework; • On a political level BS-ERA.NET contributes in several ways to European Added Value by further integrating the partner countries in the European Research Area.
BS-ERA.NET Germany Ukraine • Romania Greece Azerbaijan Italy Turkey Armenia France Malta Bulgaria Georgia Moldavia BS-ERA.NET key data • Duration: Jan 2009-Dec 2012= 48 months; Budget: 2, 2 mln. €; • Projectpartners:17 institutions from 13 countries • Co-ordinator: National Centre for Programme Management (Ministry of Education, Research and Youth), Romania
The BS-ERA.NET Project consisted of six dedicated work packages: • WP 1:Systematic Information Exchange on National and Multilateral initiatives in the Black Sea Region; • WP 2: Definition and preparation of common strategic activities between coordinated RTDI programmes in the Black Sea Region; • WP 3:Defining of the Black Sea Research Programme (BSRP); • WP 4:Launching and implementation of the first Pilot Joint Call (PJC); • WP 5:Communication and Dissemination Activities; • WP 6:Management and co-ordination;
BS-ERA. NET Pilot Joint Call (PJC) • One of the major and most important milestones of the BS-ERA.NET project was the launching of the Pilot Joint Call • Pilot Joint Call (PJC) of interested programme owners of the EU (MS), and the extended Black Sea region had been launched on 4th October 2010 and closed on 14th January 2011 • Eleven (11) out of the thirteen (13) Countries of the BS-ERA.NET’s consortium had participated in the BS-ERA.NET Pilot Joint Call. • The Programmeowners of these 11 countries that had signed an Implementation Agreement and confirmed their participation in the Group of Funding Parties of the Call, are: SCS-RA (Armenia), SDF(Azerbaijan), MEYSB (Bulgaria), SNRSF(Georgia), BMBF (Germany), GSRT (Greece), ENEA (Italy), ASM (Moldova), CNMP(Romania), TÜBITAK (Turkey), SCSII (Ukraine).
Thematic fields of the PJC The thematic scope of the call was based on the analysis of the priorities and needs of the countries from the extended BS region; Documents used for the definition of the call included: • Analysis of the Questionnaire regarding cooperation in science, research, technological development and/or innovation addressing governmental and non-governmental programme owners; • R&D Programmes Fact Sheets; Country Reports; • SWOT analysis on the practical and concrete networking activities and formulation of recommendations for mutual programmes in the BSR; • Report on the definition of priority fields for a Joint Call -made by ICBSS; • other documents developed within other relevant initiatives in the region: -INCO NET EECA -BS-ResPot
Thematic fields of the PJC (cont.) After analysing the mentioned documents, two main thematic fields have been considered of particular interest for the Black Sea region: Environment focused on: 1.1 Exploitation and transport of mineral resources: impact on environment; 1.2 Water pollution prevention options for coastal zones and tourist areas; Energy focused on: 2.1 Hydrogen production from H2S rich Black Sea Water; 2.2 CO2 capture and storage technologies for zero emission power generation in the Black Sea region; Socio-economic aspects could be included in the research proposals where relevant.
Management of the PJC implementation A Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) has been entrusted the operational management of the Pilot Joint Call. The submission of the projects’ proposals was through an on-line submission system, the “PT-Outline”. A total number of 66 project proposals have been submitted. The Joint Call Secretariat checked that 56 project proposals met the eligibility criteria. External independent experts: The selection was based on an international, independent peer-review procedure. More specifically, firstly, a dedicated pool of evaluators, consisting of external independent experts, assessed anonymously the merits of the submitted proposals. Scientific Council (SC): SC has been appointed by the Joint Call Secretariat based on the nominations of the Group of Funding Parties, consisting of high level scientific experts, consolidated the results of the evaluation and made recommendations to the Group of Funding Parties. In practice, SC reviewed proposals that had less than 3 independent evaluations or the already given evaluations by the independent experts had significant difference in their scoresThe final selection of 11 excellent projects out of 56 project proposals had been recommended for funding. Group of Funding Parties (GFP): The final funding decision rested with the Group of Funding Parties.
PJC: Main Rules for Participation and Funding Scheme • Projectconsortia should consist of at least three parties out of which at least one from an EU and one from a non-EU Black Sea country • The institutions that applied for funding had to be eligible for funding by their respective national Funding Party • The duration: 18 and 36 months and the maximum funding allocated per project was € 300,000 • The PJC was implemented through a coordinated funding scheme (“virtual common pot”) whereby each Funding Party have funded its own teams within each multilateral research project • The total budget for BS PJC was 2,7 million euros (national and INTAS contribution); Georgia (SRNSF) contributed 200 000 €; • The financial contributions of each Funding Party have been topped-up by a contribution based on a transfer of INTAS financial assets. The principle was a pro-rata basis depending on the total actual contribution of each Funding Party in relation to the total financial contribution of the Group of Funding Parties.
PJC: List of Funded Projects with Participation of Georgian Research Teams
PJC: Projects with Participation of Georgian Research Teams Project Title: Reliability and durability of Machines and Mechanisms used for Oil and Gas transportation in Black Sea Region (RDMMOGT) • A multidisciplinary study on reciprocating machines for petroleum industry was proposed. The project brought together experts from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and Germany in order to develop an integrated model of the piston machine system to be used to evaluate and improve current designs. • 'Dynamical analysis of Piston Machines and increase of reliability of pump-compressor stations'(Azerbaijan team), 'Analysis and determination of the friction losses in piston assembly'(Germany team), 'New fabrication techniques of wear resistance materials for reciprocating machines'(Turkey team) and 'Research of damage intensity of various elements of crank – piston mechanisms in different technical conditions'(Georgia team) were the aspects on the agenda. • The research efforts led to more reliable and efficient design alternatives for reciprocating machines as are used for the transport of oil and gas and will thus contribute directly to the competitiveness of a key industry in the Black Sea Region.
Project Title: Natural analogue investigation for CCS in the Southern Caucasus (Caucas-ccs) Main Project Components: • Green House Gas Budget, Hydrogeology, Geology and Mineralogy; • Rock Alteration Investigation; • Geomechanics: Identification of critically stressed faults; • Seismology and Monitoring; Expected impacts: • Contribution to global climate protection in the Southern Caucasus, an area which is of ecological importance; • Coherence in national research in the field of greenhouse gas reduction; • Economic Impact potential future cap and trade market; • Science for population living in vicinity of storage sites; Results: -Gas Composition of Underground Waters; -Compilation of regional seismicity in areas of potential CO2 storage sites (Racha region and Javakketi region);
Caucas-ccs (Publications) • Goginyan V., Gasparyan A., Arakelyan A., Kalantaryan N., Chilingaryan K., Tozalakyan P. Biosynthesis of lipids by microalgae Dunaliellasalinaunder conditions of nitrogen limitation and salinity of cultivation media.Horizon Research Publishing, USA, Universal Journal of Microbiology, 2013 (in print): • Goginyan V., Tozalakyan P., Arakelyan A., Kalantaryan N. On study of photosynthesizing microorganisms in Armenia. Proceedings of the ISTC 2nd International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers on Biotechnology, General and Applied Microbiology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Environmental Protection «Contribution of the Young Generation in the Development of Biotechnology», Yerevan, October 1-4, 2013, 59-60. • G. Melikadze, O. Körting, N. Kapanadze, B. Müller, M. Todadze, T. Jimsheladze, A.Chankvetadze, “Investigation of carbon dioxide fluxes and possibility its storage in Georgia”, Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue A. Physics of Solid Earth, vol. 116A 2013. • G. Melikadze, M.Todadze, N.Kapanadze,O.Korting,B.Muller,J.Vaupotic,P.Andreeva,Hr.Kiselinov.Study Interaction between Seismicity and Gas Emission on the Territory of Georgia. Complex Research of Earthquake’s Forecasting Possibilities, Seismicity and Climate Change Correlations, BlackSeaHazNet Workshop, Sofia,Bulgaria; 12/2013 • S.Klumbach,O.Korting,H.Babayan,G. Melikadze,B.Muller,T.Neumann,H.Stosch,P.Tozalakyan.“CO2-induced Rock Alteration in Armenia and Georgia”First Results of BS-ERA.NET project CauCasCCS. 09/2013; DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.20131632.
Project Title: Hydrogen Production from Black Sea Water by Sulfide-Driven Cell (HYSULFCEL) The HYSULFCEL project was directed to produce ‘carbon-free’ energy and to extract valuable compounds from the deep marine water. The possibility of capture of sulfide-ions on local natural and modified zeolites and synthetic cationite with the aim of enrichment of water by hydrogen sulfide was studied. Project Outcomes: Various catalysts, selective in the oxidation of sulfide to sulfate ions were studied; Different types originally designed fuel cells with varying size were tested; The method was tested on a pilot installation in real sea conditions during expedition at a ship "Academic", together with the project partners; Laboratorial and large-scale laboratorial models of fuel cell were created; With respect to the electromotive force of the fuel cell efficiency up to 90% was achieved; The results of the researches are published in international and local editions and a patent has been granted;
Project Title: Investigation of Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) for preventing pollution and eutrophication of the coastal Black Sea (SGD Black) • In order to solve the problems of pollution in the Black Sea the Joint research was carried out on the territory of Romania and Georgia by supervising of German and Greek Scientists; • with a view todeterminethegroundwaterdischargeintothesea,areashavebeenselectedandimplemented the new methodology of using the ecologicaltracers; • In Studies have been successfully used the complex of sea and land investigations , such as ecological tracers like oxygen 18O and hydrogen 2H stable isotopes, Rn and Ra and other parameters; • Has been determined the groundwater flow direction and its discharge area into the sea at Kobuleti district as well as the shallow character of contamination; • Within the mentioned area have been identified the intensity of eutrophication – the nitrate and phosphate values in groundwater and the sea water. Also, was studied their distribution area and the intensity of their transportation into the sea; • The forecast about the possibility changes of mentioned parameters has been done , and the recommendations about of monitoring measurements and appropriate actions was given to the local municipality authorities;
SGD Black (Articles) • G. Melikadze, M. Schubert, Ch. Tsabaris, N. Kapanadze, M. Todadze, Z. Machaidze, A.Chankvetadze, “Using Environment Tracers for Investigation of Submarine Groundwater Discharge”, Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue A. Physics of Solid Earth, vol. 116A 2013 • G. Melikadze, N. Kapanadze, M. Todadze, Z. Machaidze, A. Chankvetadze, Ch. Tsabaris, E. Androulakaki, F. Pappa, G. Eleftheriou, D. Patiris, M. Schubert, K. Knoeller, R.Stollberg, U. Mallast. “Using Environment Tracers for Investigation of Black Sea Pollution“. Complex Research of Earthquake’s Forecasting Possibilities, Seismicity and Climate Change Correlations, BlackSeaHazNet Workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria; 12/2013
Contact details Name: Institution: Address: Email: Tel.: Fax:
PJC: Main Conclusions/Lessons learnt More than a half of the submitted proposals were for the topic no 1.2 -Water pollution preventions for coastal zones and tourist areas (ENV) and topic no 2.2- CO2 capture and storage technologies for zero emission power generation in the BS Region.
Main Conclusions/Lessons learnt (cont.) • The research priorities of PJC have been identified through a detailed analytical work by using the relevant adequate methodologies; • Due to the unpleasant situation that the allocated national funds of some countries quickly exhausted, the group of funding bodies was forced to skip several highly ranked projects in the ranking list; • PJC has promoted collaborative research on Climate and Environment and Energy taking a proactive and innovative approach to developing solutions for a sustainable development; • Opportunities for follow-up activities and future cooperation between PJC funded projects’ partners: HYSULFCEL: Bulgarian Government may allocate additional resources; France and England expressed interest to join; SGD: Project funded under H2020 (Marie Curie Actions); Caucas-ccs: Submitted to German Foundation; • It is a great achievement that eleven (11) funding parties coming from eleven (11) countries with different RTDI systems, decided to cooperate allocating national funds to a joint call and overcoming all the bureaucratic barriers that originated from their different administration and legislation structures;
SRNSF’s interest towards future thematic COFUND ERANETs Identified in the context of BSH Project (Task. 3.5) • CULT-COOP-10-2017 SC6 - Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective Society • HCO-03-2017: To implement the Strategic Research Agenda on Personalized Medicine [RTD] • OTHER-1-2017: SC2 - Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy