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EEA Grants Norway Grants

Guidelines for reporting project outcomes and outputs, shifting focus from resource monitoring to result measurement. Project partners, timeline, target groups, financial details, and results reporting explained in detail.

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EEA Grants Norway Grants

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  1. EEA Grants Norway Grants Reporting on programme output and outcomes Brussels 20 November 2012

  2. Shifting focus from monitoring resources to measuring outcomes • Fromreporting on whatisbeingdone to what has been achieved

  3. What kind of information will you need from the projects?

  4. Project level information • Programme Operators are responsible for submitting information related to each approved project • Programme Operators have to submit this within 15 days after project contract conclusion • A project level information template is available on the FMO web-site until it has been finalised in DoRIS

  5. PROJECT LEVEL INFORMATION TEMPLATE http://www.eeagrants.org/id/3192

  6. 1. Basic Information • Title and ID number

  7. 2. Project summary • Each project needs a summary which includes the project’s expected outcome, main outputs and justification for the project • Why is the project needed? • What is the objective? • What is the project expected to achieve (outcome)? • How will the project address these challenges (outputs)? • Who is expected to benefit? (Target groups) • What will the partnership achieve?

  8. 3. Project partnerships planned • Describe how each project partner will contribute to the achievement of the project’s objective and what role the partner will play in the project

  9. 4. Timeline • Start date of the project • Expected duration

  10. 5. Geographical target • Nuts codes: • NUTS Level 0 – National level • NUTS Level 1 – Macro regional level • NUTS Level 2 – Regional level • NUTS Level 3 – Provincial level

  11. 6. Project Outcome • Which Programme Area is the project addressing? • Which Programme Expected Outcome is the project objective contributing to? • Which Programme Expected output is the project outcome contributing to?

  12. 7. Project Target Group(s) • The project promoter shall identify the main target group(s) which benefit from the project

  13. 8. Project specific information • 8.1 Sector coding • 8.2 Sector codes (PA10) – can use 2 codes • 8.3 Project measures • 8.4 Information specific to research projects under any Programme Area

  14. 9. Policy Markers • 9.1 Gender equality • 9.2 Anti-corruption

  15. 10. Financial information • For all projects the grant amount and the grant rate shall be provided in Euros. • Show the amount allocated to each partner

  16. 11. Project completion date • Enter the date on which the project has been completed

  17. 12. Financial information at project completion • Actual disbursement to the project at projects completion

  18. 13. Summary of project results • Why was the project needed? How will results be sustained? • What was the objective, and to what extent was it reached? • What was the outcome, and to what extent was it reached? • Which outputs were delivered? • How were the beneficiaries involved? What was the main benefit? • What did the donor partnership achieve?

  19. 14. Project partnershipachieved results • Describe how each project partner has contributed to the achievement of the project objective and what role the partners played

  20. Conclusion • The project level information will provide you and the FMO with basic statistics on each project • The project summaries will provide you and the FMO with basic information on what the project plans to achieve and which Programme Output and Outcome it will contribute to

  21. Challenges • The PO is expected to aggregate project results and report on how they collectively have contributed to the Programme • The PO is expected to analyse the programme’s contribution to the overall objective and outcomes of the programme area

  22. Challenges • Managing for results aims at improved efficiency; therefore, it is essential to be selective • Keep the results reporting system as simple, cost-effective, and user-friendly as possible

  23. Continuous learning • Use results information for management learning and decision-making, as well as for reporting and accountability.

  24. Good practices on project reporting?

  25. Expectation for the first Annual Programme Report • Expand on justification (in programme proposal) for why this programme is needed • Use baseline data if available • Describe the context (situation within the sector) using national data and the relevance of the programme • Expand on risk analysis • If there has been an open call, assess the projects selected and how they will contribute to the Programme Outcomes • Describe expectations to strengthened bilateral relations

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