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Exploring Work and Energy: Summary and Examples

Understand work-energy theorem, potential energy concepts, and how to calculate gravitational potential energy. Explore various types of potential energy including gravitational and elastic potential energy with detailed examples. Learn about conservative forces and their characteristics. Examine work done by different forces in various scenarios.

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Exploring Work and Energy: Summary and Examples

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  1. Ch. 6, Work & Energy, Continued

  2. Summary So Far • Work(constant force): • W = F||d = Fd cosθ • Work-Energy Theorem: • Wnet = (½)m(v2)2 - (½)m(v1)2 KE • Total work done by ALL forces! • Kinetic Energy: l • KE  (½)mv2

  3. Potential Energy A mass can have a Potential Energydue to its environment Potential Energy (PE)  An energy associated with the position or configuration of a mass. Examples of Potential Energy: A wound-up spring A stretched elastic band An object at some height above the ground

  4. Gravitational Potential Energy • When an object of mass m follows any path that moves through a vertical distance h, the work done by the gravitational force is always equal to W = mgh • So, we say that an object near the Earth’s surface has a Potential Energy (PE) that depends only on the object’s height, h • The PE is a property of the Earth-object system

  5. Potential Energy (PE)  Energy associated with the position or configuration of a mass. • PotentialWork Done! • Example: • Gravitational Potential • Energy:PEgrav mgy • y = distance above Earth. • m has the potential to do workmgy when it falls • (W = Fy, F = mg)

  6. Gravitational Potential Energy For constant speed: ΣFy = Fext – mg = 0 So, Wext = Fext hcosθ = mghcos(0) = mgh = mg(y2 – y1) Work-Energy Theorem Wnet = KE  (½)[m(v2)2 - m(v1)2] (1) In raising a mass m to a height h, the work done by the external force ismgh. So we define the gravitational potential energy at a height y above some reference point (y1) as (PE)grav = mgh

  7. Consider a problem in which the height of a mass above the Earth changes from y1 to y2: Change in Gravitational PEis: (PE)grav= mg(y2 - y1) Work done on the mass: W = (PE)grav y = distance above Earth • Where we choose y = 0is arbitrary, since we take the difference in 2y’s in (PE)grav

  8. Of course, this Potential energy can be converted to kinetic energy if the object is dropped. PE is a property of a system as a whole, not just of the object (it depends on external forces). If PEgrav = mgy, from where do we measure y? It turns out not to matter! As long as we are consistent about where we choose y = 0 that choice won’t matter because only changes in potential energy can be measured.

  9. Example: PE Changes for a Roller Coaster A roller-coaster car, mass m = 1000 kg, moves from point 1 to point 2 & then to point 3. ∆PEdepends only on differences in height. a. Calculate the gravitational potential energy at points 2 & 3 relative to point 1. (That is, take y = 0 at point 1.) b. Calculate thechangein potential energy when the car goes from point 2 to point 3. c. Repeat parts a. & b., but take the reference point (y = 0) at point 3.

  10. Many Other Types of Potential Energy Besides Gravitational Exist! Consider an IdealSpring An Ideal Spring, is characterized by a spring constant k, which is a measure of it’s “stiffness”. The restoring force of the spring on the hand is: L (Fs >0, x <0; Fs <0, x >0) This is known as Hooke’s “Law” (but, it isn’t really a law!) Fs = - kx It can be shown that the work done by the person is: W = (½)kx2 (PE)elastic We use this as the definition of Elastic Potential Energy

  11. Elastic Potential Energy (PE)elastic≡(½)kx2 Relaxed Spring Work to compress spring distance x: W = (½)kx2 (PE)elastic The spring stores potential energy! When the spring is released, it transfers it’s potential energy PEe = (½)kx2 to mass in the form of kinetic energy KE = (½)mv2

  12. The applied Force Fappis equal & opposite to the force Fs exerted by block on the spring: Fs = - Fapp = -kx

  13. Force Exerted by a Spring on a Block x > 0, Fs < 0 x = 0, Fs = 0 x < 0, Fs > 0 The spring force Fs varies with the block position xrelative to equilibrium at x = 0. Fs = -kx. Spring constantk > 0 Fs(x) vs. x

  14. Relaxed Spring Spring constant k x = 0  W In (a), the work to compress the spring a distance x: W = (½)kx2 So, the spring stores potential energy in this amount.  x  W W W W = (½)kx2 W In (b), the spring does work on the ball, convertingit’s stored potential energy into kinetic energy. W W W

  15. Elastic PE PEelastic = (½)kx2 KE = 0 PEelastic = 0 KE = (½)mv2

  16. Measuring k for a Spring Hang the spring vertically. Attach an object of mass m To the lower end. The spring stretches a distance d. At equilibrium, Newton’s 2nd Law says ∑Fy = 0. So, mg – kd = 0, mg = kd Knowing m & measuring d, k = (mg/d) Example: d = 2.0 cm, m = 0.55 kg  k = 270 N/m

  17. In a problem in which compression or stretching distance of spring changes from x1 to x2, The change in PE is: (PE)elastic= (½)k(x2)2 - (½)k(x1)2 • The work done is: W = - (PE)elastic The PE belongs to the system, not to individual objects.

  18. Conservative Forces

  19. Conservative Forces • Conservative Force  The work done by that force depends only on initial & final conditions & not on path taken between the initial & final positions of the mass. A PE CAN be defined for conservative forces

  20. Non-Conservative Force  The work done by that force depends on the path taken between the initial & final positions of the mass. A PE CAN’T be defined for non-conservative forces • The most common example of a non-conservative force is FRICTION

  21. Definition:A force isconservativeif & only if the work done by that force on an object moving from one point to another depends ONLY on the initial & final positions of the object, & is independent of the particular path taken. Example: gravity.

  22. Gravitational PE Again! • The work done by the gravitational forceas the object moves from its initial position to its final position is Independent of the path taken! • The potential energy is related to the work done by the force on the object as the object moves from one location to another. • Because of this property, the gravitational force is called a Conservative Force.

  23. Conservative Force:Another definition: A force is conservative if the net work done by the force on an object moving around any closed path is zero.

  24. Potential Energy • The relationship between work & PE: ΔPE = PEf– PEi = - W • W is a scalar, so PE is also a scalar • The Gravitational PE of an object when it is at a height y is PE = mgy Applies only to objects near the Earth’s surface • Potential Energy, PE is stored energy • The energy can be recovered by letting the object fall back down to its initial height, gaining kinetic energy

  25. Potential Energy: Can only be defined for Conservative Forces! In other words, if a force is Conservative, a PECAN be defined. But, if a force is Non-Conservative, a PE CANNOTbe defined!!

  26. If friction is present, the work done depends not only on the starting & ending points, but also on the path taken. Friction is a non-conservative force! Friction is non-conservative!!! The work done depends on the path!

  27. If several forces act, (conservative & non-conservative), the total work done is: Wnet =WC + WNC WC ≡work done by conservative forces WNC ≡work done by non-conservative forces • The work energy theorem still holds: Wnet =WC + WNC = KE • For conservative forces (by the definition of PE): WC = -PE  KE = -PE + WNC or: WNC = KE + PE

  28.  In general, WNC = KE + PE • The total work done by all non-conservative forces≡ The total change in KE + The total change in PE

  29. Mechanical Energy & its Conservation GENERALLY:In any process, total energy is neither created nor destroyed. • Energy can be transformed from one form to another & from one object to another, but the Total Amount Remains Constant.  Law of Conservation of Total Energy

  30. In general, for mechanical systems, we found: WNC = KE + PE • For the Very Special Case of Conservative Forces Only  WNC = 0 = KE + PE = 0  The Principle of Conservation of Mechanical Energy • Please Note!!This is NOT(quite) the same as the Law of Conservation of Total Energy! It is a very special case of this law (where all forces are conservative)

  31. So, for conservative forces ONLY! In any process KE + PE = 0 Conservation of Mechanical Energy • It is convenient to define the Mechanical Energy: E  KE + PE  In any process (conservative forces!): E = 0 = KE + PE Or,E = KE + PE = Constant ≡ Conservation of Mechanical Energy

  32. Conservation of Mechanical Energy • In any process with conservative forces ONLY!  E = 0 = KE + PE Or,E = KE + PE = Constant • In any process (conservative forces!), the sum of the KE & the PE is unchanged: That is, the mechanical energy may change from PE to KE or from KE to PE, but Their Sum Remains Constant.

  33. Principle of Conservation of Mechanical Energy: If only conservative forces are doing work, the total mechanical energy of a system neither increases nor decreases in any process. It stays constant—it is conserved.

  34. Conservation of Mechanical Energy:  KE + PE = 0 Or E = KE + PE = Constant • This is valid for conservative forces ONLY (gravity, spring, etc.) • Suppose that, initially: E = KE1 + PE1, & finally: E = KE2+ PE2. • But,E = Constant, so  KE1 + PE1= KE2+ PE2 A very powerful method of calculation!!

  35. Conservation of Mechanical Energy  KE + PE = 0 or E = KE + PE = Constant • For gravitational PE: (PE)grav = mgy E = KE1 + PE1 = KE2+ PE2  (½)m(v1)2 + mgy1 = (½)m(v2)2 + mgy2 y1= Initial height, v1 = Initial velocity y2 =Final height, v2 = Final velocity

  36. KE1+ PE1 = KE2+ PE2 = KE3+ PE3 all PE PE1 = mgh, KE1 = 0 but their sum remains constant! KE3+ PE3 = KE2+ PE2 = KE1+ PE1 half KE half PE KE1 + PE1 = KE2 + PE2 0 + mgh = (½)mv2+ 0 v2 = 2gh PE2 = 0 KE2 = (½)mv2 all KE

  37. Example: Falling Rock • Energy “buckets” are not real!! • Speeds at y2 = 0.0, & y3 = 1.0 m? Mechanical EnergyConservation! • KE1 + PE1 = KE2 + PE2 • (½)m(v1)2 + mgy1 = (½)m(v2)2 + mgy2 =(½)m(v3)2 + mgy3 (Mass cancels!) • y1 = 3.0 m, v1 = 0, y2 = 1.0 m, v2 = ?, y3 = 0.0, v3 = ? • Results:v2 = 6.3 m/s, v3 = 7.7 m/s NOTE!! • Always use KE1+ PE1 = KE2+ PE2 = KE3+ PE3 • NEVERKE3= PE3!!!!In general, KE3≠ PE3!!! This is a very common error! WHY????

  38. Speeds at y2 = 0.0, & y3 = 1.0 m? Mechanical EnergyConservation! • Cartoon Version! (½)m(v1)2 + mgy1 = (½)m(v2)2 + mgy2 =(½)m(v3)2 + mgy3 (Mass cancels!) y1 = 3.0 m, v1 = 0, y2 = 1.0 m, v2 = ? , y3 = 0.0 m, v3 = ? Results:v2 = 6.3 m/s, v3 = 7.7 m/s v3 = ? PE only part PE part KE v1 = 0 y2 = 1.0 m y1 = 3.0 m v2 = ? y3 = 0 KE only

  39. Example: Roller Coaster Height of hill = 40 m. Car starts from rest at top. Calculate: a. Speed of the car at bottom of hill. b. Height at which it will have half this speed. Take y = 0 at bottom of hill. • Mechanical energy conservation!(Frictionless!)  (½)m(v1)2 + mgy1= (½)m(v2)2 + mgy2(Mass cancels!) Only height differences matter! Horizontal distance doesn’t matter! • Speed at the bottom? y1 = 40 m, v1 = 0 y2 = 0 m, v2 = ? Find: v2 = 28 m/s • What is y when v3 = 14 m/s? Use: (½)m(v2)2 + 0 = (½)m(v3)2 + mgy3 Find: y3 = 30 m In general, KE3≠ PE3!!! 1 3 2 NOTE!!Always use KE1+ PE1 = KE2+ PE2 = KE3+ PE3 NeverKE3= PE3 ! A very common error! WHY????

  40. Conceptual Example :Speeds on 2 Water Slides • Who is traveling faster at the bottom? • Who reaches the bottom first? • Demonstration! v = 0, y = h Frictionless water slides! Both start here! y = 0 v = ? Both get to the bottom here!

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