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Learn about the integration of TB and HIV data into webDHIS, enhancing patient management, data flow, and reporting efficiency. Explore the benefits, timeline, and standard operating procedures for this crucial initiative.
1 TB/HIV Information Systems: Reporting from ETR.Net and TIER.Net to webDHIS
Welcome and introductions Facilitators: • Riona Govender – NDoH M&E (THIS NIT co-lead) • Zamangema Ngema – NDoH TB RIMES • Brent Williams - HISP • Moeketsi Finger – NDoH*(THIS NIT) • Ipeleng Mojaki – NDoH* (THIS NIT) • XolileNdzulu – NDoH HIS * Seconded from CHAI
Welcome and introductions Facilitators: • Barbara Franken – NDoH* (THIS NIT) • Hilda Motlanthe– NDoH TB RIMES • Sharon Maja – NDoH M&E • Bavuyile Norubela – HISP • XolileNdzulu – NDoH HIS * Seconded from CHAI
Welcome and introductions Facilitators: • Nevilla Somnath – NDoHTB RIMES (THIS NIT co-lead) • Tebogo Maomela – NDoH M&E • Charity Mashabane – NDoH TB RIMES • Ronelle Niit – HISP • XolileNdzulu – NDoH HIS
Acknowledgements • webDHIS developers: HISP • TIER.Net developers: UCT - Centre for Infectious Diseases Epidemiology and Research (CIDER) • Developers of ETR.Net:WAMTech • Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
Round of introductions • By show of hands: all districts represented? • District TB leads – is TB from every sub-district present? • District HIS/IM/M&E leads – is every sub-district present?
Agenda • TB/HIV Information Systems (THIS) Integration: background and national vision • TB: export / import process • HIV: export / import process • Demo, and practical work
Key house rules • Ask questions, as and when they arise. • Respect: no side conversations, no phones. • Computers closed – except during the practical exercise.
Tb / hiv information systems (THIS) integration QUICK Recap Background, benefits and national vision of data flow
10 Rationale for TB / HIV integration • In context of high co-infection of TB and HIV, care is increasingly integrated. • However, data was largely managed separately: • HIV: 3-tiered ART M&E strategy. • TB: M&E system consisting of paper registers and ETR.Net. • Problem: Fragmented data systems compromise patient management, and duplicate effort and resources to manage these systems.
3-tiered ART M&E system • In 2011 South Africa adopted the 3-Tiered ART M&E Strategy, consisting of: • 1sttier - paper ART register, or • 2nd tier - TIER.Net, a non-networked electronic monitoring system, which digitizes HIV patients at facility level, or • 3rd tier – smARTer, networked Electronic Medical Record. • Each tier produces the same core set of data. • TIER.Net is entrenched nationally: ~ 3,600 facilities (94% of ART sites) are digitising ART data in TIER.Net.
12 Timeline of TB / HIV integration • 2013: WHO-led evaluation of HIV, TB and PMTCT programmes recommended integration of information systems. Reinforced by systems review in 2014. • January 2015: NDoH decision to proceed with integrating TB and HIV data management in facilities. • Expansion of TIER.Net to capture TB data. • March 2016: Strategy launched to inform stakeholders of TB/HIV Information Systems (THIS)integration initiative. • January–March 2017: Comprehensive THIS trainings. • May 2017: National release of TIER.Net v1.10.5
13 Benefits of THIS integration • Let’s hear from the audience
14 Benefits of THIS integration Integrated data management supports integrated patient management- In-facility digitisation of TB data puts ownership of TB data back into the hands of facility staff - direct access to patient management reports. Integrated data flow- TB and HIV data will follow same flow, within facilities, as well as in reporting/exporting data to (sub)district – this improves completeness and timeliness of reporting to webDHIS. Rationalisedsupport – streamlined monitoring, maintenance, IT equipment, training, system upgrades, etc. Focus of today
Integration headline re data flow • TB treatment data will now follow DHMIS prescripts (previously only data for screening and presumptive TB followed DHMIS). • Standardisation of: • The flow of TB and HIV data into webDHIS. • Timeframes of reporting monthly and quarterly data. • Responsibility for review and verification of data in webDHIS.
Integrated M&E SOP (being finalised) Provides standard procedures for accurately, completely, and timeously: • Collecting and managing routine HIV/ART and TB data, • Reviewing and using data for enhanced clinical patient care at facilities, • Improved reporting of information to webDHIS, • Enhanced flow and usage by sub-district, district, province and national levels.
Interim data flow (during transition period) Patient-level data Aggregate data Electronic HIV & TB facilities Paper TB facilities National 25th: national data signed off by DG webDHIS Integrated National TIER.Net HIV/TB Patient Database 20th: provincial data signed off by HOD ETR.Net Province webDHIS Integrated Provincial TIER.Net HIV/TB Patient Database ETR.Net 15th: district data signed off by District Manager (Sub)District Export quarterly DS-TB outcome data 10th: sub-district data signed off by sub-district manager Export quarterly ART cohort data* Export quarterly DS-TB outcome data webDHIS ETR.Net TIER.Net 5th: monthly data signed off by Facility Manager and reported to webDHIS** Dispatch quarterly Facility TB Register TB Register TIER.Net TB data from patient folder TIER.Net TIER.Net TB data from patient folder HIV & TB data from patient folder HIV & TB data from patient folder HIV & TB data from patient folder HIV Testing data from HTS Register Presumptive TB data from TB Case Identification Register
18 Expected data flow (from 1 April 2018 onwards) Patient-level data Aggregate data Electronic HIV & TB facilities National 25th: national data signed off by DG webDHIS Integrated National TIER.Net HIV/TB Patient Database 20th: provincial data signed off by HOD Province webDHIS Integrated Provincial TIER.Net HIV/TB Patient Database 15th: district data signed off by District Manager (Sub)District 10th: sub-district data signed off by sub-district manager Export quarterly ART cohort & DS-TB outcome data webDHIS TIER.Net 5th: monthly data signed off by Facility Manager and reported to webDHIS Dispatch quarterly Facility TIER.Net TIER.Net TIER.Net HIV & TB data from patient folder HIV & TB data from patient folder HIV & TB data from patient folder
What is an export? • TIER.Net allows for data exchange (export/import) with other applications. • An export is a file template used to transfer data out of an electronic programme. • An export file can then be imported into another programme. • DES = official Data Exchange Standard for transfer of raw data between electronic software programs (e.g. between TIER.Net, ETR.Net, and webDHIS)
Example: exports from TIER.Net Facility • Dispatch – complete data set, used to move data between levels. • Excel export- LIMITED set of data, for analysis beyond standard reports, if need be. • DHIS ART Export - XML file with ONLY ART cohort data held in TIER.Net, used for importing data into webDHIS. • Export to ETR- XML file with ONLY TB cohort data held in TIER.Net, used for importing data into ETR.Net. • DES export- XML file with almostALL data held in TIER.Net, used for complex analyses in relational data tables. Sub- district Research only