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Glendale Falls Project: Web-Based Geological Research Site

Collaborative multi-university field research project in Massachusetts focusing on structural petrology. Students contribute to scientific research, fostering collaboration and competition while studying regional geology. Explore the significance and controversy of Glendale Falls through mapping, analysis, and discussion.

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Glendale Falls Project: Web-Based Geological Research Site

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  1. Michael L. Williams, University of Massachusetts H. Robert Burger, Smith College Charles M. Onasch, Bowling Green State University Anthony J. Caldanaro, Smith College THE GLENDALE FALLS PROJECT: A MULTI-UNIVERSITY, WEB-BASED, STRUCTURAL-PETROLOGIC RESEARCH SITE IN W. MASSACHUSETTS

  2. Time consuming: The class is over before meaningful results are obtained… Difficult to make them relevant or significant: It is nice for students to see that they are contributing to something bigger… not just a class exercise. The Problem Many (most?) field-based class research projects are:

  3. The time consuming background work can be done communally … maps, regional context, background literature… Students get a sense of collaboration… … and some healthy competition. The geological significance of each small contribution can be readily seen The Idea: Create a multi-university field research area … in an area of geological significance and perhaps controversy. Example: Glendale Falls, Massachusetts

  4. Karabinos et al., 1998

  5. Detailed Mapping

  6. Structural Analysis

  7. Igneous petrology, geochemistry, & the room problem

  8. Petrology- Microstructure

  9. Veining

  10. 1632 1686 1420 Geochronology

  11. Geophysics Biogeology

  12. GIS-Geomorphology

  13. Integrated Multi-University Research

  14. Web-hosted Discussion – reply Mini- Conference ? Feedback to other studies… Regional tectonics

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