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SOL REVIEW JEOPARDY!. Supreme Court. At Home: 1877-1920. In the World: 1890-1920. 1790-1850. Colonization. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. Jeopardy. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500.

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  2. Supreme Court At Home: 1877-1920 In the World: 1890-1920 1790-1850 Colonization 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 Jeopardy 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  3. How were labor unions and Progressives alike? Both supported laissez faire economics Both wanted workplace reforms Both were supported by the middle class Both opposed immigration B. Both wanted workplace reforms At Home 1877-1920 100

  4. Which is an advantage of a corporation? Progressives support them Protects individual investors Guarantees profit Allows foreign investments B. Protected individual investors: Limited Liability (it is also easier to raise capital) At Home 1877-1920 200

  5. Booker T. Washington’s plan for advancement of African Americans did NOT include- A. Integration B. Vocational Education C. Self-Help D. Economic Success A. Integration At Home 1877-1920 300

  6. What African American leader’s ideas for equality included immediate legal rights and political equality? A. Booker T. Washington B. Ida Wells C. Theodore Roosevelt D. W.E.B. du Bois D. W.E.B. du Bois At Home 1877-1920 400

  7. What is the difference between old immigrants and new immigrants? Their age New immigrants were subject to restriction laws Old immigrants were more likely to go west They came from different places D. They came from different places At Home 1877-1920 500

  8. Between 1914 and 1917, the Monroe Doctrine was used to- A. Justify world trade B. Explain the US’ role in WWI C. Encourage colonization D. Support the Progressives B. Explain the US’ role in WWI In the World 1890-1920 100

  9. Who developed the “Open Door Policy?” William McKinley William Howard Taft John Hay Theodore Roosevelt C. John Hay In the World 1890-1920 200

  10. What role did Theodore Roosevelt play in the construction of the Panama Canal? He designed it He made an agreement with Panama to build it He used the Open Door Policy He followed the Monroe Doctrine B. He made an agreement with Panama to build it In the World 1890-1920 300

  11. Taft’s “Dollar Diplomacy” was meant to increase American business in this region A. Latin America B. Asia C. Europe D. Pacific Islands A. Latin America In the World 1890-1920 400

  12. Which of the following ideas of the Fourteen Points was written because of the reason America fought in WWI? A. National self-determination B. Freedom of the seas C. League of Nations D. Independence for colonies B. Freedom of the seas In the World 1890-1920 500

  13. National nominating conventions are an example of- A. Power held by the aristocracy B. Changes in American democracy C. Compromises between North and South D. Westward expansion B. Changes in American democracy 1790-1850 100

  14. Critics of the spoils system said- A. The best qualified people did not get jobs B. One party would control the whole government C. It was illegal D. It violated the Constitution A. The best qualified people did not get jobs 1790-1850 200

  15. Turner’s and Gabriel’s Rebellions resulted in- A. A growing abolitionist movement B. Changes in democratic participation C. Slave revolts throughout the South D. Tougher laws called slave codes D. Tougher laws called slave codes 1790-1850 300

  16. According to the Monroe Doctrine, what would be a threat to the United States? A. Tariffs B. Native American tribes C. European colonization in the Americas D. Latin American revolutions of the 1820s C. European colonization in the Americas 1790-1850 400

  17. How did the Marbury v. Madison decision change the role of the judicial branch? A. It gave the president the power to veto B. It gave the Supreme Court the power of judicial review C. The judiciary won the right to review all legislative acts D. All branches of government had equal powers B. It gave the Supreme Court the power of judicial review 1790-1850 500

  18. These were the wealthy landowners who received their land from the king A. Burgesses B. Cavaliers C. Indentured servants D. Separatists B. Cavaliers Colonization 100

  19. The Mayflower Compact and Town Meetings were two examples of- A. Settlement patterns B. Puritan laws C. Southern government D. Democracy in the New England colonies D. Democracy in the New England colonies Colonization 200

  20. Which colony was settled by Quakers? A. New York B. Massachusetts C. Maryland D. Pennsylvania D. Pennsylvania Colonization 300

  21. What is the importance of the House of Burgesses? A. It made laws independent of Parliament B. It was appointed by the king C. It was the first elected assembly in the New World D. It was dominated by members of the Anglican Church C. First elected assembly in the New World Colonization 400

  22. Which of the following did all the colonies have in common? A. All were established for religious purposes B. They all relied on large plantations C. A belief in free enterprise D. Religious freedom C. A belief in free enterprise Colonization 500

  23. Early influential Chief justice who presided over Marbury and McCulloch cases George Marshall Thurgood Marshall John Marshall John Hay C. John Marshall Supreme Court 100

  24. Case that resulted in the creation of Jim Crow laws A. Plessy v. Ferguson B. Brown v. Board of Education C. Marshall v. Maryland D. Cherokee v. Georgia A. Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court 200

  25. What was the importance of McCulloch vs. Maryland? A. “Judicial review” B. “Separate but equal” C. Supported “Supremacy Clause” D. “Trail of Tears” C. Supported “Supremacy Clause” Supreme Court 300

  26. How did the Court change when a Federalist became Chief Justice? A. The number of justices increased B. The Court generally ruled in favor of the states C. The legislative branch gained power over the judicial D. The power of the judicial branch equaled the other branches D. The power of the judicial branch equaled the other branches Supreme Court 400

  27. What serves as the Court’s check on the power of the other government branches? A. Veto power B. Judicial review C. Approval of nominations D. It enforces the Supremacy clause B. Judicial review Supreme Court 500

  28. Civil Rights & Modern America Depression & New Deal Civil War Causes In the World: 1945-1991 Constitution 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 DoubleJeopardy 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

  29. What was the effect of the Missouri Compromise? A. It repealed earlier compromises B. It created a dividing line for slavery C. It eased economic conflict between North and South D. It made Congressional representation unequal B. It created a dividing line for slavery Civil War Causes 200

  30. Which economic issue divided the nation? A. Tariffs favored Northern manufacturers B. Southern plantation owners dominated the economy C. The Bank of the US favored Eastern elite D. The South had begun to industrialize A. Tariffs favored Northern manufacturers Civil War Causes 400

  31. How did Stephen Douglas contribute to the coming of the Civil War? He was an abolitionist He was a Southern Democrat who supported states’ rights He created the Compromise of 1850 He negotiated the Kansas Nebraska Act D. He negotiated the Kansas Nebraska Act Civil War Causes 600

  32. The Dred Scott case forced him back to his owner and- A. Made efforts to stop slavery illegal B. Expanded “popular sovereignty” C. Created the Fugitive Slave Act D. Increased southern resentment A. Made efforts to stop slavery illegal Civil War Causes 800

  33. The Republican Party was formed as a response to- A. The Compromise of 1850 B. The Dred Scott decision C. The election of Lincoln D. The Kansas-Nebraska Act D. The Kansas-Nebraska Act Civil War Causes 1000

  34. Which event is considered to have begun the modern civil rights movement? March on Washington Emancipation Proclamation Brown vs. Board of Education Civil Rights Act 1964 C. Brown vs. Board of Education Civil Rights & Modern America 200

  35. Davis v. School Board of Prince Edward County immediately resulted in- The Massive Resistance movement Integration March on Washington Voting rights for African Americans A. The Massive Resistance movement Civil Rights & Modern America 400

  36. Private academies were established throughout Virginia because- Whites would rather pay than integrate Whites were leaving the cities African-Americans wanted to continue their education Wealthy families wanted to separate themselves from poorer ones A. Whites would rather pay than integrate Civil Rights & Modern America 600

  37. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is used to— A. Restrict illegal immigration B. Measure national economic performance C. Determine interest rates D. Measure technological development B. Measure national economic performance Civil Rights & Modern America 800

  38. The Cuban embargo is an example of- Modern immigration laws Bilingual education The impact of recent immigrants on American politics Economic opportunity C. The impact of recent immigrants on American politics Civil Rights & Modern America 1000

  39. What dominated US foreign policy after WWII? Isolationism The Cold War Colonial relations Massive retaliation B. The Cold War In the World: 1945-1991 200

  40. D. Korea The Truman Doctrine was successful in- Vietnam China Cuba Korea In the World: 1945-1991 400

  41. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, most Americans believed-- The Soviets were really weak John Kennedy did not know what he was doing Nuclear war was a serious threat Fidel Castro was a threat to the US C. Nuclear war was a serious threat In the World: 1945-1991 600

  42. As a consequence of the division in America over the Vietnam War- Vietnamization became a popular idea Vietnam veterans were regarded as heroes Ronald Reagan was elected president Censorship of war reporting increased Vietnamization became a popular idea In the World: 1945-1991 800

  43. What policies of Ronald Reagan helped end the Cold War? Nuclear arms limitations Vietnamization He won the support of the UN Increased military spending D. Increased military spending In the World: 1945-1991 1000

  44. Which statement about the Articles of Confederation is true? A. Congress can’t impose decisions on the states B. The judicial branch is the strongest C. The central government’s power is greater than that of the local or state governments D. Both houses of the legislature had equal responsibilities A. Congress can’t impose decisions on the states Constitution 200

  45. Which of the following indicated that the US needed a government with police power? A. Inability to levy taxes B. Shays’ Rebellion C. Annapolis Convention D. Declining value of US currency B. Shays’ Rebellion Constitution 400

  46. Unlike the government under the A of C, the Virginia Plan called for- A. States to lose power B. A unicameral Congress C. No executive branch D. Three branches of government D. Three branches of government Constitution 600

  47. Why didn’t the US sign the Versailles Treaty? A. Congress made a law voiding the treaty B. President Wilson vetoed the treaty C. The Senate did not approve this action by the executive D. The Supreme Court decided the treaty was unconstitutional C. The Senate did not approve this action by the executive Constitution 800

  48. How did delegates to the Constitutional Convention change the purpose of their meeting? A. They created a new government instead of fixing the old one B. They ratified the Constitution C. They replaced a direct democracy with a representative one D. They strengthened the Confederacy A. They created a new government instead of fixing the old one Constitution 1000

  49. How did global economic factors contribute to the Depression? A. Cheap foreign goods flooded the US market B. Demand in Europe stimulated the US economy C. A tariff war cut world demand for goods D. Inflation spread around the world C. A tariff war cut world demand for goods Depression & New Deal 200

  50. The New Deal could be summarized as an attempt to- A. Apply laissez faire principles to politics B. “Jump start” the economy C. Rescue businesses from bankruptcy D. Take over the nation’s industries B. “Jump start” the economy Depression & New Deal 400

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