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Cultivating Kindness and Patience in the Workplace

Explore the symbolism of toothpaste activity in relation to bullying & respect, understanding impatience triggers, and coping strategies for a positive work environment. Enhance teamwork, communication, and empathy. Foster a culture of understanding and respect for improved productivity and well-being.

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Cultivating Kindness and Patience in the Workplace

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Value of Kindness & Patience

  2. Activity Time Toothpaste Activity Who Am I?

  3. Toothpaste Activity • Obviously putting the toothpaste back in the tube is nearly impossible and can’t be done! • What symbolism does this have to bullying and workplace respect?

  4. Who Am I? • First sheet - The Bad Names • How did the names make you feel? • How did these names impact you? • Second sheet - The Good Names • How do these names make you feel? • How did you determine what names to select? • What can you do as a team member to make sure other team members are called by their preferred name?

  5. What Causes Impatience? • Observing or being impacted by someone not following process, routine, procedures or standardized training • Conversely, not having a process, routine or procedure when there should be one • Feeling too busy • Trying to please everyone • Answering the same question over and over • Additional reasons?

  6. When We Forget to Be Patient • We may say things that we don’t mean • We may use different tone or volume • Our body language may not be positive

  7. The Impact on the Workplace • Team members feeling like they are on “pins & needles” • Heightened stress and anxiety • Increased absenteeism • High percentage of turnover • Staff burnout • Low productivity • Decreased quality of care

  8. Immediate Coping Strategies • Stop and take a breath (Inhale for 5, exhale for 5) • Think before you speak • Remember everyone has bad days - things always cannot be perfect • Take a walk • Explain to other team members that you need a moment to catch up • Smile • Additional Ideas?

  9. After the Fact Coping Strategies • Reflect, understand why your are getting frustrated, upset, stressed • Talk with a leader, manager, or human resources • Ask how you can become involved in remedying the solution • Offer to provide additional teaching and training • Approach the team member directly, talk with them, offer training (as applicable)

  10. Applying the Activities… • Remember, the words we use and how we interact with one another during stressful and busy moments have a significant impact on: • Job Satisfaction • Engagement • Retention • Quality of Care • Customer Service • Make sure your words, body language and actions are reflective of a kind heart.

  11. Questions or Comments?

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