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This lecture covers the concepts of MACs (Message Authentication Codes) and hash functions, including their properties, usage, and security. It also discusses different attacks and fixes for naive CBC-MAC and introduces the notion of collision resistance and second preimage resistance in hash functions.
B504/I538:Introduction to Cryptography Spring 2017•Lecture 12 (2017—02—16)
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Recall: MAC existential forgery game Challenger (C) Forger (A) 1n 1n k←Gen(1n) m1 m1∈M∖{m} t1 t1←MACk(m1) m2 m2∈M∖{m} t2 t2←MACk(m2) mn mn∈M∖{m} tn (m,t) tn←MACk(mn) LetEbe the event that (m,t)∉{(m1,t1),…,(mn,tn)}yet Verk(m,t)=1 Define A’s advantage to be AdvMAC-strong-ex-forge(A)≔Pr[E]
Recall: Naïve CBC-MAC • Let {fk}k{0,1}*be a PRF family • Gen(1n) outputs a uniform random key k∊{0,1}n • MACk(m) does the following: • Split m into n-bit blocks m1,…,mn • Initialize t0={0}n • Compute ti=Fk(ti-1⊕mi) • Output the tag t≔tn • Verk(m,t) outputs 1 if t=MACk(m) and 0 otherwise
Recall: Naïve CBC-MAC m≔m1∥m2∥⋯∥mℓ k m2 k m1 k mℓ ⋯ Πk Πk Πk t2 t1 tℓ 0ⁿ tℓ
existential unforgeability of Recall: Attacking naïve CBC-MAC Challenger (C) Forger (A) 1n 1n k←Gen(1n) m m {0,1}n t t←MACk(m) m‘≔m∥(m⊕t) (m’,t) A’s output is a valid forgery because Fk(m’)=Fk((m⊕t)⊕t)=Fk(m)=t
CBC-MAC fix #1: Prepend the block-length m≔m1∥m2∥⋯∥mℓ k m2 k m1 k mℓ ⋯ Πk Πk Πk t2 t1 tℓ Fk(ℓ) tℓ IV = Fk(block length) (input padded to block size) Intuitively, MAC on n-block message is useless for forging MACs on n’-block messages
CBC-MAC fix #2: Length-specific key kℓ = Fk(block length) (input padded to block size) m≔m1∥m2∥⋯∥mℓ kℓ m2 kℓ m1 kℓ mℓ ⋯ Πkℓ Πkℓ Πkℓ t2 t1 tℓ 0ⁿ tℓ Again, MAC on n-block message is useless for forging MACs on n’-block messages
CBC-MAC fix #3: Nested CBC-MAC (NMAC) kℓ = Fk(block length) (input padded to block size) m≔m1∥m2∥⋯∥mℓ k1 m2 k1 m1 k1 mℓ ⋯ Πk1 Πk1 Πk1 t2 t1 0ⁿ k2 Πk2 t Compute Naïve CBC-MAC with first key MAC the Naïve CBC-MAC with second key
CBC-MAC versus CBC mode encryption • CBC mode encryption requires uniform random IV • Otherwise, it is not IND-CPA secure! • CBC-MAC requires fixed IV • Otherwise, it is not existentially unforgeable! • CBC mode encryption outputs each block • Otherwise, it is not correct! • CBC-MAC only outputs a single block (the last one) • Otherwise, it is not existentially unforgeable ! • CBC mode encryption requires a PRP • Otherwise, it is not correct! • CBC-MAC only requires a PRF
(Non-cryptographic) Hash functions Defn: A hash function is a PPT function H: {0, 1}*→{0, 1}sthat maps arbitrary-length bit strings intofixed-length bit strings. The output of a hash function is called a ”hash”, ”digest”, or ”fingerprint” of the input Fingerprints Hash function 00 Alice 01 02 03 Bob 04 05 Charlie … 13 Eve 14 15
Hash function collisions Defn: Let H be a function taking on values in {0, 1}*. A collision for H is an ordered pair (m0, m1) {0, 1}* of distinct inputs such that H(m0) = H(m1). Pigeon-hole principle: If the domain of H is (much) larger than its range, then (many) collisions must exist! collision more pigeons → more collisions "TooManyPigeons" by en:User:McKay - Transferred from en.wikipedia; Original text : Edited from Image:Pigeons-in-holes.jpg by en:User:BenFrantzDale. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:TooManyPigeons.jpg#mediaviewer/File:TooManyPigeons.jpg
Collision resistance • Intuitively, we want to say that no PPT algorithm can find a collision for H, except with a probability that is negligible in s (the length of the output) Q: How do we formalize this notion? A: Very carefully… • Difficulty: once H is fixed, it is trivial to define a PPT algorithm that has a collision for H “hard-coded”
Keyed hash functions Defn: A keyed hash function with output length (s) is a pair of PPT algorithms (Gen, H) such that • Gen(1s) outputs a uniform random key in k {0, 1}s • H(k, x) outputs a fingerprint y {0, 1}(1k1) x {0, 1}* Idea: Define collision resistance to require that no PPT algorithm can find a collision for Hwhen the key is selected at random, except with probability negligible in s.
Collision-finding game Challenger (C) Attacker (A) 1s 1s k k ← Gen(1s) (m0, m1) Let E be the event that m0≠ m1and H(k, m0) = H(k, m1) Define A’s advantage to be Advcollision(A) := Pr[E] Defn: A keyed hash function (Gen, H) is collision resistant if, for every PPT attacker A, there exists a negligible function such that Advcollision(A) ≤ (s).
Second preimage resistance a.k.a target collision resistance • Informally, a keyed hash function (Gen, H) is second preimage resistant if no PPT attacker can, given m0 {0, 1 }* and k←Gen(1s), output m1 {0, 1}* such that m0≠ m1and H(k,m0) = H(k, m1) except with probability negligible in s.
Second-preimage-finding game Challenger (C) Attacker (A) 1s k 1s, m0{0, 1}* k ← Gen(1s) m1 Let E be the event that m0≠ m1and H(k, m0) = H(k, m1) Define A’s advantage to be Adv2-preimage(A) := Pr[E] Defn: A keyed hash function (Gen, H) is second preimage resistant if, for every PPT attacker A, there exists a negligible function such that Adv2-preimage(A) ≤ (s).
Second preimage resistance Thm: If (Gen, H) is collision resistant, then it is also second preimage resistant. Proof: Just note that a second preimage is a collision. Q: Is the converse of this theorem true? A: No! (But why?)
Preimage resistance a.k.a one-wayness • Informally, a keyed hash function (Gen, H) is preimage resistant if no PPT attacker can, given k←Gen(1s) and y {0, 1}(s)output m {0, 1}* such that H(k, m) = y except with probability negligible in s.
Preimage-finding game Challenger (C) Attacker (A) 1n 1n, y∈{0,1}ℓ(n) k k←Gen(1n) m Let E be the event that H(k, m) = y Define A’s advantage to be Advpreimage(A) := Pr[E] Defn: A keyed hash function (Gen, H) is preimage resistant if, for every PPT attacker A, there exists a negligible function such that Advpreimage(A) ≤ (s).
Preimage resistance Thm: If (Gen, H) is preimage resistant for randomly selected inputs, then it is also second preimage resistant. Proof (sketch): Suppose that A breaks preimage resistance. - Given k and m, compute y = H(k, m) - Now use A to find a preimage of y. - Since y has many preimages, with high probability that preimage that A finds will not be m! Q: Is the converse of this theorem true? A: No! (But why?)
(One-way) compression functions • Intuitively, a (one-way) compression function is a keyed function h with three properties: • Efficient: There exists a PPT algorithm that evaluates h • Compression: h maps 2s-bit strings and to s-bit strings • One-way: Given an output of h, it is difficult to find any input that maps to that output Q: On average, how many inputs map to each output? A: About 2s (This is the opposite of what you want from non-cryptographic compression functions)
Merkle-Damgård construction m1 . . .
Davies-Meyer compression function Thm: If F is a PRF, then the Davies-Meyer compression function is collision resistant. In particular, finding a collision requires O(2n/2) evaluations of F on average. mi zi F mi(zi-1) := Fmi(zi-1) zi-1 zi-1
Recall: Nested CBC-MAC (NMAC) k1 k1 k1 m1 . . . k2 Compute Naïve CBC-MAC with first key MAC the Naïve CBC-MAC with second key
Hash-based MAC (HMAC) • The most widely used MAC algorithm in practice • Hs is a collision-resistant (keyed) hash function • k is the secret MAC key • opad= 0x5c5c5c...5c • ipad= 0x363636...36 1 block "outer" pad HMACs,k(m) := Hs((k opad) 11Hs((k ipad) 11 m )) "inner" pad n blocks 1 block Chosen so that (opadipad )has large Hamming weight
HMAC k ipad . . . k opad
Simpler HMAC constructions? Q: Is H(k 11 m) a secure MAC? A:No!(But why?) • Suppose H is constructed using Merkle-Damgård construction • Given (m, H(k 11 m)) it is easy to compute m' := m 11 m'' and t' such that t' = H(k 11 m')! (But how?) • Just set t' = H(t 11 m'') Q: Is H(m 11 k) a secure MAC? A: Errr, well....sort of!? It's not as secure as HMAC! (But why?) • If H(m0) = H(m1) then H(m0 11 k) = H(m1 11 k) • Weakness in collision-resistance of H implies weakness in HMAC
Simpler HMAC constructions? Q: Is H(k 11 m 11 k) a secure HMAC? A: I don't know! Possibly? • This is essentially HMAC without ipad and opad • Proof of existential unforgeability for HMAC requires that ipadand opaddiffer in at least one bit! • H(k 11 m 11 k) falls to "target prefix collision" attacks against H
Generic birthday attack • Let H: {0, 1}*→{0, 1}s and consider the following algorithm: • Choose N :=(5/4) · 2s/2distinct messages, m1,..., mN, each uniformly at random • For i = 1,..., N, compute yi := H(mi) • If yi = yjfor some i≠ j, then output (mi, mj) Thm (birthday paradox): Let r1,..., rNbe independently and identically distributed random variables taking on values in {0, 1}s. If N = (5/4)· 2s/2, then Pr[ i≠ j, ri = rj ]≥ 1/2.
Generic birthday attack Thm (birthday paradox): Let r1,..., rNbe independently and identically distributed random variables taking on values in {0, 1}s. If N = (5/4)· 2s/2, then Pr[ i≠ j, ri = rj ]> 1/2. Proof (for uniform random variables): Pr[i≠ j, ri = rj ] = 1 - Pr[i≠ j, ri≠rj ] = 1 - ((2s-1)/2s)((2s-2)/2s) . . . ((2s-N+1)/2s) = 1 - ≥ 1 - -i/2s (1-x ≤ e-x) = 1 - e-1/2s∑i ≥ 1 - e-(N2/2)/2s = 1 - e-((5/4 2s/2)2/2)/2s = 1-e-25/32≥ 0.54
Generic birthday attack • Obs: An attacker A that uses the generic birthday attack can find collisions with advantage Advcollision(A) > 1/2 in O(s·2s/2) time (albeit with O(s·2s/2) storage Q: Is this a problem? A: No!(in theory); Possibly! (in practice) • Real hash functions have fixed-length outputs • Need to ensure that 2s/2work is infeasible....or do we? Memory is scarcer than time Q: Is it sufficient to ensure no real attacker can store s·2s/2 bits? A: Perhaps surprisingly, no!
"Small-space" birthday attack • Consider an attacker A that works as follows: • Choose a random initial value m0 • Set m := m0and m' := m0 • For i = 1, 2, 3,..., do the following • Compute m := H(m) and m' := H(H(m'))//nowm = H(i)(m0) and m' = H(2i)(m0) • If m == m', break from loop • Set m' := m and m := m0 • For j = 1, . . ., i, do the following • If H(m) == H(m'), return (m, m') • Else, set m := H(m) and m' := H(m')//nowm = H(j)(m0) andm' = H(i+j)(m0) Thm: The above small-space birthday attack finds a collision with probability at least 1/2 in O(s·2s/2) time using O(1) storage.