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The United Nations aligns with Kenya's national priorities to enhance governance, rule of law, security, and devolution for a peaceful, cohesive, and equitable society by 2022. Strengthening capacities, empowering citizens and institutions, and promoting inclusivity are key focus areas.

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  2. Alignment of undaf to MTP III, leveraging the Big 4 The UN Tanzania’s Support to SDGs -UNDAP II – 2016/17 – 2020/21 Operational level UNDAF Result Framework Political Pillar Social Pillar Outputs within and across pillars • The Big 4 • Manufacturing • Food security • Affordable housing • Universal Health Coverage Activities, Costed in one budgetary & M&E framework National Priorities Economic Pillar Operational Arrangements – Joint Work Plans with GoK, Joint “SRAs”/”Big 4 Result Groups” Joint Secretariat Enablers

  3. POLITICAL PILLAR OVERALL RESULT STATEMENT Transformative governance, respect for the rule of law, improved security, and effective implementation of devolution for a peaceful, secure, cohesive, equitable and prosperous Kenya Outcome 3 People in Kenya live in a secure, peaceful, inclusive and cohesive society. Outcome 1 By 2022, people in Kenya enjoy improved governance, access to justice, respect for the rule of law, human rights and gender equality. Outcome 2 By 2022, people in Kenya access high quality services at devolved level that are well coordinated, integrated, transparent, equitably resourced and accountable.

  4. POLITICAL PILLAR OVERALL RESULT STATEMENT Transformative governance, respect for the rule of law, improved security, and effective implementation of devolution for a peaceful, secure, cohesive, equitable and prosperous Kenya Outcome 2 By 2022, people in Kenya access high quality services at devolved level that are well coordinated, integrated, transparent, equitably resourced and accountable. 1.1. Rule of law, access to justice and legislative institutions have technical and financial capacities to deliver inclusive, accountable, equitable services in line with normative frameworks; OUTPUTS: 1 Outcome 1 By 2022, people in Kenya enjoy improved governance, access to justice, respect for the rule of law, human rights and gender equality. • 1.2. Security and relevant institutions have technical and financial capacities to address insecurity, transnational, organized and emerging crimes in line with the Constitution and international human rights standards; • 1.3. Strengthened technical and financial capacities of electoral management bodies to deliver peaceful and democratic elections; Outcome 3  People in Kenya live in a secure, peaceful, inclusive and cohesive society. 1.4. Strengthened capacities of citizens, non-state actors and media to engage in governance.

  5. POLITICAL PILLAR OVERALL RESULT STATEMENT Transformative governance, respect for the rule of law, improved security, and effective implementation of devolution for a peaceful, secure, cohesive, equitable and prosperous Kenya Outcome 1 By 2022, people in Kenya enjoy improved governance, access to justice, respect for the rule of law, human rights and gender equality. 2.1. National and county governments have strengthened capacities for formulation and implementation of policy, legal, and institutional frameworks and mechanisms for coordinated, inclusive and effective service delivery at devolved level; OUTPUTS: 2 Outcome 2 By 2022, people in Kenya access high quality services at devolved level that are well coordinated, integrated, transparent, equitably resourced and accountable. • 2.2. Public finance management institutions at national and county level have strengthened capacities, processes and systems for equitable, efficient, transparent and accountable service delivery; 2.3. County level institutions and stakeholders have strengthened, processes and systems for evidence based planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation for accountable service delivery; Outcome 3  People in Kenya live in a secure, peaceful, inclusive and cohesive society. • 2.4. People in Kenya have capacity to engage, deepen accountability and transparency in devolution, especially special interest groups.

  6. POLITICAL PILLAR OVERALL RESULT STATEMENT Transformative governance, respect for the rule of law, improved security, and effective implementation of devolution for a peaceful, secure, cohesive, equitable and prosperous Kenya • 3.1: Strengthened capacities of national and county institutions to operationalize policies and legal frameworks on conflict management, cohesion and human security, responsive to gender and human rights; Outcome 1 By 2022, people in Kenya enjoy improved governance, access to justice, respect for the rule of law, human rights and gender equality. OUTPUTS: 3 Outcome 3  People in Kenya live in a secure, peaceful, inclusive and cohesive society. • 3.2. Strengthened capacities of peace architecture at national, county and community levels on peace, inclusion, reconciliation, social cohesion and integration; • 3.3. Strengthened capacities of national, county and community levels in preventing and countering violent extremism, responsive to gender and human rights; Outcome 2 By 2022, people in Kenya access high quality services at devolved level that are well coordinated, integrated, transparent, equitably resourced and accountable. • 3.4. Enhanced capacities of communities in mainstreaming environmental sustainability for management of natural resources; 3.5. Enhanced institutional capacities to manage migration and mobility of refugees, displaced persons, migrants and other vulnerable groups, pursuant to international standards; • 3.6. Enhanced institutional capacities of border county governments for cross border conflict prevention and management.

  7. Social Pillar OVERALL RESULT STATEMENT By 2022, people in Kenya, particularly the most vulnerable, are educated, healthy, well nourished, have clean water and sanitation, are protected, empowered and live in decent homes within resilient communities Outcome 2. By 2022, people in Kenya have increased & equitable access to & utilize quality health services including Sexual Reproductive Maternal New-born Child Adolescent Health (SRMNCAH)in emergency & non-emergency settings Outcome 1. By 2022, children, youth and adults have increased access to inclusive and equitable quality and relevant education and training that integratessports, culture and the arts and provides life-long learning opportunities By 2022, Ministry of Education and other stakeholders have strengthened capacities to develop, review and implement inclusive and equitable, gender-sensitive policies for quality education and lifelong learning in Kenya By 2022, National, selected County Governments and their partners have improved capacity to deliver universal health coverage through a resilient system with a focus on strengthened health governance, health financing, human resources and monitoring the quality of health services By 2022, National, selected County Governments and their partners have improved institutional and technical capacities to provide rights based, quality, equitable and integrated sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health services especially for the vulnerable and marginalized population By 2022, the education system is strengthened to support boys and girls in Kenya to access gender-sensitive, inclusive, equitable quality and relevant learning opportunities from ECD to basic education, secondary, TVET and tertiary level for the acquisition of relevant competencies and life skills By 2022, MoE has improved partnerships, cooperation and coordination to facilitate the realization of SDG 4 and interrelated SDGs in Kenya By 2022, National, selected County Governments and their partners have improved leadership, technical and institutional capacity to prevent, control, eliminate or eradicate communicable, non communicable conditions and neglected tropical diseases By 2022, government and non-government partners have increase capacities and are supported to adopt and mainstream risk-informed approaches to emergency preparedness, planning and response to humanitarian needs and climate change adaptation in the education system Resilience of communities and health systems to cope with health emergencies and disease outbreaks (DRR) By 2022, the education system has increased capacity to integrate sports, arts and culture at all levels from ECD to tertiary education as well as lifelong learning

  8. Social Pillar OVERALL RESULT STATEMENT By 2022, people in Kenya, particularly the most vulnerable, are educated, healthy, well nourished, have clean water and sanitation, are protected, empowered and live in decent homes within resilient communities Outcome 3. By 2022, increased proportion of girls and boys under 5 years and pregnant and lactating women have equitable access to and use qualitynutritionspecific and sensitive interventions Outcome 4: All women, men, and children in need, including key and priority populations, have equitable access to quality HIV prevention, treatment and care services By 2022 Ministry of Health and other stakeholders at National and County levels, including in refugee settings, have strengthened capacity to provide integrated and quality high impact nutrition prevention and treatment interventions at facility and community levels By 2022, Kenya has established mechanisms for sustainable financing and commodity security for the HIV response By 2022, Kenya has increased capacity to scale up evidence based policies and programmes for the HIV response By 2022, women, caregivers and community health workers in vulnerable counties have improved nutrition knowledge and skills for enhanced behaviour and practices at community level By 2022, Kenya has strengthened national and county leadership, coordination, and generation and utlization of strategic information By 2022, Nutrition specific and sensitive line ministries at National County and refugee settings have strengthened capacity to leverage domestic resources for nutrition policy implementation, coordination and monitoring By 2022, Government and non-government partners adopt risk-informed approaches to emergency preparedness, planning and response to needs for nutrition specific and sensitive programmes, including refugee settings

  9. Social Pillar OVERALL RESULT STATEMENT By 2022, people in Kenya, particularly the most vulnerable, are educated, healthy, well nourished, have clean water and sanitation, are protected, empowered and live in decent homes within resilient communities Outcome 6: By 2022, marginalized and vulnerable people have increased access to and utilize social protection, and services for prevention and response to gender based violence and violence against children. Outcome 5: By 2022, an increased proportion of the population have access to sustainable and safe drinking water and sanitation, and practice appropriate hygiene behaviour. By 2022, National and County Governments have increased capacity to deliver equitable and sustainable safe drinking water services Government and partners have financial and technical capacity to review, develop and implement policies, legislation and strategies on Social Protection By 2022, National and County Governments have increased capacity to deliver equitable and sustainable solid waste management, sanitation, and hygiene services Social and Child Protection Systems have enhanced technical and financial capacity to develop and manage programmes at scale Functional coordination at the National and County levels for inter-sectoral linkages enhanced By 2022, National and County Governments have increased capacity to implement risk-informed strategies to increase water security, and provide effective response and recovery to drought and flood emergencies Duty bearers and rights holders in focus counties have strengthened technical capacity, awareness and skills for enhanced prevention and response to all aspects of GBV, FGM, VAC and Child marriages

  10. Social Pillar By 2022, people in Kenya, particularly the most vulnerable, are educated, healthy, well nourished, have clean water and sanitation, are protected, empowered and live in decent homes within resilient communities Outcome 7: By 2022, management of population programmes and access to quality, affordable and adequate housing is improved in socially and environmentally sustainable settlements with focus on vulnerable groups Outcome 8: By 2022, individuals and communities in Kenya have reduced exposure to risks and are more resilient to disasters and emergencies Strengthened resilience programming and disaster risk governance Strengthened capacity of National & County institutions to generate quality population data and information Resilience Programming and Disaster Risk Governance at National and County Level Strengthened National and County Institutions capacity to generate quality population data and information for decision making including integration of demographic dynamics and population characteristics in people centered development plans and strategies strengthened Strengthened communities’ resilience & adaptive capacity to disasters & emergencies Enhanced capacity of National and Country governments to develop and implement policies, plans and programmes Communities Resilience and Adaptive Capacity to Disasters and Emergencies including from Climate Change Strengthened National and County Governments capacity to develop and implement policies, urban development plans and programmes that foster integrated, equitable, sustainable cities and communities enhanced Enhanced Disaster Preparedness for Effective Response and Resilient Recovery to Build Back Better Enhanced disaster preparedness Strengthened capacity to develop & implement sustainable housing policies National and County Governments capacity to develop and implement sustainable housing policies, social and physical infrastructure that improve access to quality, affordable and adequate housing focusing on informal settlements and slum upgrading strengthened Output language has not been quality assured or finalized. This diagramme shows output themes only, and not finalized output results which are SMART, or standardized

  11. ECONOMIC PILLAR Result statement : Competitive and sustainable economic growth that is increasingly resilient, green, inclusive, equitable, and creating decent jobs and quality livelihoods for all OUTCOME 1.: By 2022, productivity in services sectors, agriculture, manufacturing, extractives, blue economy and their value chains increased. OUTCOME 2 : By 2022, marginalized vulnerable groups and regions in Kenya have increased access to decent jobs, income and entrepreneurship opportunities. OUTCOME 3 : By 2022, people in Kenya benefit from sustainable natural resource management and resilient green economy OUTPUT 1.1 : Strengthen the Human and institutional capacities along the productive sector value chains with special attention to marginalized groups/regions. OUTPUT 2.1: Capacities of MSMEs increased to create decent jobs with particular attention to marginalized groups and regions. OUTPUT 3.1: Enhanced institutional (both public and private) and community capacity for increased access to cost-effective and clean energy . OUTPUT 1.2: Increased investments in key priority sectors which create jobs ,improve food and nutrition security especially for the marginalized groups and regions OUTPUT 2.2.Skills development for employability and entrepreneurship enhanced for all. OUTPUT 3.2: Improved institutional and community capacity to deliver pro-poor, sustainable natural resource management initiatives. OUTPUT 1.3: Inclusive and evidence-based policy and regulatory frameworks in key priority sectors supported OUTPUT 2.3 : Enhancement of policies and regulatory frameworks governing decent jobs OUTPUT 3.3: National and county level capacity enhanced to adapt climate smart economic pathways for improved livelihoods for all

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