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PRS-Analysis & PTDR Vol 2

This document provides an overview of the PRS analysis groups' deliverables for the Physics TDR. It includes information on first run plans, full analyses from raw data to Physics/Detector PRS driven, and the physics of 10 and 30 fb-1.

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PRS-Analysis & PTDR Vol 2

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  1. PRS-Analysis & PTDR Vol 2 Albert De Roeck CPT AR 20/6 Vol II Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  2. Analysis PRS Groups • Deliverables: PTDR & Tools • Vol 2.1 First run plans Physics up to 1 fb-1 •  Vol 2.2 Full analyses: from raw data • to Physics /Detector PRS driven • Vol 2.3 The physics of the 10 and 30 fb- • and asymptotic 300 fb-1 •  Submit April 2006 • (depending on Cosmic Challenge time schedule) New group: Generator Tools Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  3. 1. Standard Model Precision measurements of Standard Model processes and parameters Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  4. Standard Model Group J. Mnich • General: • good progress since spring this year as DSTs became available • started to work on early measurements and first 1 fb-1 physics • (topics for Vol. II.1) • - Comparisons of FAMOS with detailed simulation/reconstruction • Most topics reasonably well covered by active people except • QCD & jet physics (action being taken to improve on this) • Also still room for specific topics such as • tt+ (top quark charge) • Top decays into  particles • W/Z production & derivation of PDFs, ZZ final states in TGC • Problems: • MC production: some analyses not yet started because of missing • signal MC e.g. ttbar  J/Psi +X, spin correlation in ttbar, ... • - Data access of large SM samples (FNAL...) still not smooth Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  5. Top Mass J. d‘Hondt et al. • top mass • Optimized selelection • Top mass fits • simple fit on this spectrum • (the full sample) • ideogram technique • (event-by-event) After our LR selection event NOT weighted with its purity good bad Mass differences M reduced by factor 3 with new method Affects systematics uncertainty~20% of M Full systematics under study mt(GeV) ~1.6 fb-1 all these numbers are correlated, hence differences are significant Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  6. FCNC: tZq Decay A. Kyriakis, A.Giammanc Leads to a limit of 410-3 in 10 fb-1 (20 times better than LEP) Improvements in progress (ttbar rejection) FAMOS analysis for high luminosity reach ongoing Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  7. Direct Photons Probe of the gluon structure at lower x and higher Q2 than before Analysis under way! This is first days physics!! S. Chatterji, H. Heath Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  8. Inclusive b-production New: First study on inclusive b-production started (b) V. Andreev • Event selection established • Then: • Muon PT w.r.t. the B tagged jet • to extract b events fraction • Fit procedure • Increase statistics • Electrons Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  9. Di-Boson production and TGCs K. Mackay et al, A. Oh, V. Brigljevic e.g. status W analysis signal MC Background: Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  10. Forward physics and Diffraction Diffractive W Exclusive Higgs production •  CMS+TOTEM prepare a LOI on diffraction, due for the LHCC of Nov 06 • Forward detectors used: region 5<|| <7 calo+ tracker and TOTEM roman pots • Physics topics • - Hard (& soft) diffraction, QCD and EWSB (Higgs), New Physics • - Low-x dynamics and proton structure • - Two-photon physics: QCD and New Physics • - Special exotics (centauro’s, DCC’s in the forward region) • - Cosmic Rays… • Example: di-jets in Double Pomeron Exchange ( < 0.1, H1 structure function) • LHC pt> 10 GeV pt> 100 GeV pt > 500 GeV • 1.2 106pb 0.9 pb 5 10-4 pb • Tevatron 1.3 105 pb Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  11. 2. Higgs Physics  What is the origin of Electro-weak Symmetry Breaking?  If Higgs field at least one new scalar particle should exist: The Higgs One of the main missions of CMS: discover the Higgs for mH< 1 TeV H HZZ Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  12. A few key results since last review • Publications • A. Nikitenko, R. Kinnunen. S. Lehti, F. Moortgat, M. Spira, “Measurement of the H/A->tt cross section and possible constraint on tan(b)” CMS Note 2004/027, hep-ph/0503075. • D. Dominici, G. Dewhirst, S. Gennai, L. Fano, A. Nikitenko, “Search for radion decays into Higgs boson pairs”, CMS Note 2005/007 • R. Kinnunen, S. Lehti, A. Nikitenko and P. Salmi, “On the discovery potential of the lightest MSSM Higgs Boson at LHC”, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 31 (2005) 71-88. • Very successful participation and collaboration with theorists in Les Houches 2005 meeting 2-20 May • H->WW group. A.-S. Giolo, G. Davatz, M. Zanetti, A. Nikitenko • Higgs with b quarks group, A. Kalinowski, S. Lehti, A. Nikitenko • VBF Higgs group, A. Nikitenko + M. Takahashi • tth group, S. Gascon • V. Drollinger (b fragmentation), A. Drozdetski (H->ZZ->4m) A. Nikitenko Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  13. General flow of progress • HiggsAnalysis subsystem in ORCA is enlarged to 10 packages corresponding to individual channels • Most of the datasets for PTDR have been requested • First usage of ME+PS with ALPGEN2 for mass production: Z+2(3)j as bkg. to VBF Higgs. In collab. with M. Mangano and F. Piccinini • Experimental and theor. systematics, generator uncertainties issues are being addressed for “hottest” channels • Higgs boson cross sections and Brs to be used for PTDR are fixed together with scale and pdf uncertainties (with M. Spira, A. Djouadi, S. Heinemeyer) • All important analyses well covered except • Heavy Higgses e.g. Zll or  ll jetjet Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  14. General flow of progress • Intensive use of LO ME generators for PTDR (ALPGEN, MadGraph,CompHEP); no MC@NLO datasets for PTDR but intensive generator level studies, comparison with PYTHIA and HERWIG to be prepared for “post PTDR production” • Good collaboration with det. PRS (esp. with JetMET) • Most advanced channels • SM H->ZZ(*)->2e2m D. Futyan, D. Giordano • SM H->WW(*)->2l, A.-S. Giolo, G. Davatz, M. Zanetti • MSSM H+ in tt~ M. Hashemi • MSSM H+ in gb->tH+, R. Kinnunen • MSSM A/H->mm, G. Masetti • MSSM A/H->tt->ll, S. Lehti • Request still a few small number of missing datasets • Prepare first PTDR analyses for approval on September CMS week Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  15. Higgs Example: H->ZZ(*)->2e2m D. Futyan and D. Giordano Before offline selection mH=130 GeV mH=200 GeV cross section measurement accuracy s = s0 ± Dstat ± Dsyst ± Dlum ± DB Systematics and background being evaluated After offline selection Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  16. Examples of Ongoing Studies Exploring Zll+X using as a benchmark for A ggbbA, A Background fitted outside the region G. Masetti S. Lehti Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  17. 3. Beyond the SM New physics expected around the TeV scale  Stabelize Higgs mass, Hierarchy problem, Unification of gauge couplings, CDM,… Supersymmetry Extra dimensions +… Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  18. SUSY/BSM Update SUSY/BSM update • Considerable progress since last AR • Better coverage of physics topics • Many signal samples have been produced • Will need larger + improved (NLO) SM bkgd samples • …and improved data access • Many new results forthcoming • All based on OSCAR/ORCA and FAMOS • CMS Notes and approved analyses • CMS Note 2004/024, 2005-002, CMS AN 2004/003, 2005/003 • CMS IN 2004-037, 2004-056, 2005-XXX (UED) • Span many search areas: • SUSY, Z’, ED, Little Higgs, Technicolour, … • Still some weakly covered in GMSB, RPV, Little Higgs, Technicolour • See SUSY/BSM group web page for topics + groups involved more information/updates @SUSYBSM web and http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/cms/PRS/susybsm/ L. Pape, M. Spiropulu Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  19. New SUSY Results • Only few highlights are listed here • See also the topics on the web • Inclusive SS  analysis approved • Reach m1/2 > 500 GeV with 10 fb-1 • Continuing to extend analysis to larger m0 • Common test points have been defined • Cover various signatures, • Primarily for exclusive analyses • Low mass (LM) early discovery • High mass (HM) ultimate reach • Currently concentrate on LM points 21H 21Z Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  20. New SUSY Results • Final states with di-leptons (LM1) • 02  ~l l l l 01 from cascades • Required e± clean-up • Now e-e and - eff. mass • Start combining with jets  reconstruct all masses • 02 ±1 to trileptons (LM9) • Direct 3-body 02  l l 01 • Will also study cascades Opposite sign-same flavour dilepton edge for various benchmark points Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  21. New SUSY Results • Final states with di-taus (LM2) • s are soft: small (M-M01) • Use hadronic  decays • Important for Dark Matter studies • Final states with Z0  ll(LM4) • Efficient rejection of bkgd, signal easy to see • Significance for 02  Z001 is 22 for 10 fb-1 • GMSB with heavy stable stau • Previous analysis with TOF from muon DT being redone • New: measure dE/dx with ECAL (FAMOS) Signal event (opposite sign tau’s) Signal event (same sign tau’s) lm2 bkg (opposite sign tau’s) lm2 bkg (same sign tau’s) M() Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  22. Z’ Resonances and Extra Dimensions • High mass resonances into ee • Saturation in ECAL • Example: reach in RS model • Approved analysis • Also RS graviton to  • Reach ~4 TeV for c=0.1 at 30 fb-1 • High mass resonances into  • Example: reach for Z’ models • Also performed analysis of angular distributions (on peak only) • Approved analyses Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  23. Z’ Resonances and Extra Dimensions • Other final  final states • Example: reach for ADD models for effective Planck scale ( ploted results from virtual exchange) • But many other searches for high mass resonances are ongoing • See topics on web page • Search for UED • Parton level study completed • Now started full sim analysis Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  24. Other BSM Channels • Little Higgs • T  t Z0, W  leptonically or hadronically • But small number of events • Technicolour • T W Z  3l  • Reach depends on T mass • TT • Clear T peak • Need to reconstruct T T Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  25. 4. Heavy Ions The quark-gluon plasma and more… Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  26. Heavy Ions Analyses • Two analyses selected for Physics TDR • Quarkonium cross section (Bedjidian, Kodolova) • High statistics “fast” simulation almost complete. Preliminary “mass spectra” using full detector acceptance, updated efficiency and resolutions available • Full simulation background estimate simulation in progress, first results expected this week • Jets rates and jet modification (C.Roland, + students: Lopez-Mateos, Platt) • Tuning of a new generator complete • Careful centrality-dependent multiplicity and hard-collision generation • Correct accounting of all produced particles • All previous HI software issues are resolved • Pilot jobs of 2k Central and 10k min. bias PbPb events have been generated and successfully reconstructed • These samples are used for PTDR Vol 1 performance studies • Currently the generators are fine tuned for large scale production to study physics performance Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  27. Reconstruction efficiency of muon pairs for different origin Full simulation, including trigger efficiency % % Muon pair from K 2 3 4 1 U 1 2 3 4 Muon pair efficiency % % 2 1 Muon pair from p U 3 4 2 1 4 3 Muon pair from B purity Point 1: Both muons have 3 GeV<p<5 GeV Point 2: Both muons have 5 GeV<p<10 GeV Point 3: Both muons have 10 GeV<p<15 GeV Point 4: Both muons have 10 GeV<p<15 GeV Both muons are in ||<0.7 Efficiency and purity for the  Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  28. Acceptance= 1.3% S/B= 0.45 ~120000 J/ /month Acceptance= 27% S/B= 0.09 ~20000  /month Quarkonium mass plots in Pb+Pb, “fast simulation” ORCA/OSCAR  resolution ~ 85 MeV Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  29. Jet Simulation • The goal is to study parton energy loss in nuclear matter • Channels under investigation: • Charged particle spectra vs. collisions centrality • Jet spectra • Fragmentation functions and Jet profiles • Example Studies have been completed on generator level • Will be repeated on the full detector simulation once it is completed • While the simulation is running (~2 month) the analysis will be further optimized to increase sensitivity 1) 2) 3) Tuning of a new generator complete (Lokhtin, Snigirev, Petrushanko) Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  30. 5. Generator Tools Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  31. New Group: MC Generator Tools Deliverables: • Interfacing generators and generator tools with CMS software • Documentation • Example jobs • Cross section tables for processes (generator manual) • Including GENSER (LCG AA project generator library) • Replacing CMKIN  “CMKIN++” • Introducing HepMC as MC event structure • LHAPDF for the proton structure function + uncertainties • Generator tuning subproject (P. Bartalini) • In particular tuning/study of the systematics of the underlying event. F. Moortgat, S. Slabospitsky Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  32. Event Generators New generator group web page http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/cms/PRS/gentools/ Web pages for the different generators used in CMS S. Slabospitsky et al. in preparation Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  33. Generator Tools • CMKIN++ : the C++ successor of CMKIN (Cuevas, Naves) • prototype CMKINInterface in COBRA • using GENSER (LCG) generator libraries • several output formats implemented (a.o. POOL) • optimizing interface with new EDM • Transition HEPEVT to HepMC: (Weng, Stavrianakou) • HepMCInterface in COBRA • HepMC output implemented in CMKIN++ • reading of HepMC input implemented in OSCAR • reading of HepMC input in FAMOS ongoing • HepMC interface in EDM being implemented • Collaboration with LCG Generator Project : • common forum for LHC Physics Generator related issues • GENSER (LCG generator library): interface with CMKIN tested; • full deployment waiting for SCRAMv1 • collaboration for development of generator level production framework Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  34. Generator Tools • C++ generators : • providing feedback from the experimental community to the authors • of the next generation Monte Carlo generators that are now being • developed, e.g. PYTHIA8 • Interfaces between various generator tools: • validation of SUSY Les Houches Accord & feedback • requests for new tools needed by the PRS-Analysis groups • requests for more compatibility between tools • e.g. Les Houches workshop 2005 • Tuning of multiple interactions and underl. event: (Bartalini et al) • study/tuning of the systematics of the underlying event • proposal being discussed • modifications to CMKIN to ensure consistent parameter use • testing of new PYTHIA6.3 UE model Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  35. Generator Tools Dedicated generation of complex final state samples:  Consistency/coherence; usable by many analysis groups • multi-jet final states (W/Z+ N jets, Njets, … N<=6) using state-of-the-art ALPGEN and ME/PS matching with PYTHIA (Cucciarelli, Ambroglini) • new ALPGEN2.0 has been • interfaced to CMKIN • generation of samples is ongoing • (CPU-time consuming) W+Njets, N=0,1,2,3,4,5,6+ Z+Njets, N=0,1,2,3,4,5,6+ Njets, N=4,5,6+ tt+Njets, N=0,1,2+ bb+Njets, N=0,1,2,3,4,5,6+ WW,WZ,ZZ+Njets, N=0,1,2,3,4+ Z/W bb + Njets, N=0,1,2,3,4+ Z+Mc+Njets, M=2, N=0,1,2 bbbb +Njets, N=0,1,2,3,4+ Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  36. The Physics TDR Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  37. Vol 2.1: Startup and first physics Startup scenarios and physics with up to 1 fb-1 with the startup detector Proposed outline of Vol 2.1 • The Startup Landscape * The LHC startup * The startup detector • The Cosmic Challenge * Description of detector components * Commissioning, operation and results • From Pilot Run to Physics Startup * Startup calibration, Allignment and Reconstruction * Trigger commissioning * Basic startup measurements • Physics reach with 1 fb-1 * Standard Model * Physics Beyond the Standard Model * The Early Higgs Boson Search P. Janot Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  38. Vol2.2 Full analyses • ECAL/egamma • Hgg Photon id; ultimate ECAL resolution • HZZ(*) Electron reco: golden, silver, bronze… • Muons • HZZ(*)4m Muon id: golden, silver, bronze • HWW(*)mm High-stats dimuons; jet veto • Z’mm High-PT muons • HCAL/JetMET • SUSY (0.5 TeV) Jets, missing Et; at the Tevatron limit • qqH Forward jets; triggering • Z’jet-jet High-pt jets; dijet mass • Tracker/btau • ttH B tagging; top reconstruction… • A/Htau-tau Tau tagging; trigger; backgrounds/eff • BS J/yf Vertexing; low-pt tracking • Heavy Ions • Quarkonia • Jet quenching effects  CMS physics object driven (photons, electrons, muons, etc..)  Imitate “real life” to the greatest possible extend (allignement/calibration) P. Sphicas Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  39. Vol2.3: Physics Reach Physics reach with 30 fb-1 (10/100/300 fb-1) ADR Outline of vol2.3 • Standard model chapters • Physics of Strong Interactions: QCD, B-physics and diffraction • Physics of Top Quarks • Electroweak Physics • Higgs chapters • Standard Model Higgs Bosons • MSSM Higgs Bosons • Search for Higgs bosons in non-SUSY models • SUSYBSM chapters • Supersymmetry • Extra Dimensions and New Vector Boson High Mass States • Selection of other BSM signatures Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  40. Vol-II Progress • PTDR Vol2 layout committed to CVS repository • Timeline (basically take PTDR Vol1 and add 4 months) • Version of the layout ready 15/6 presentation to CMS during the June CMS week • First draft to the collaboration 21 October (Friday) • Present to the collaboration during November CPT week • Final Draft for March 2006 CMS meeting (cosmic challenge?) • Submit in April 2006 • Addendum to the PTDR for Heavy Ion program • Submit end of 2006 Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  41. Ongoing Projects for the PTDR • Common significance/confidence limits • Brainstorm meeting led proposal/being circulated (use “LEP” CL technique) • Systematic uncertainties • On PDFs: use CTEQ6 error band prescription • Common numbers from detectors (Energy scales, …) being prepared • B-fragmen., Initial/final state radiation, Higher orders, EW constants… • Since December 2004, discussion among the physics groups to align requests from the working groups (signal, background) to give these datasets wider use and publicity • MC production master in place • LHC startup scenario specification • CMS agreed upon interpretation being worked out Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  42. Some Observations • FAMOS used more widely in the last few months • But it needs to be completed (e.g with pile-up, further tuning..) • PRS-analysis: take responsibilities/compare results full versus fast • Reported Problems with the data file access using grid tools • Has improved since FNAL meeting but still a problem • We need to think of a replica strategy • Production team does a great job, but sometimes production capacity gets saturated/long waits for “validating” new production chains • Delays in getting samples to users • Legalizing existing private samples/being investigated • Most analysis for Vol 2 will be done with the present software • Maintenance/support must be guaranteed until at least TDR is out • More work on Vol2.1 needed: • Starting in earnest now • PRS-analysis contributors should also contribute to PRS detector or SW (e.g. analysis software). • Works to some level must still be improved Albert De Roeck (CERN)

  43. Summary • The Physics TDR is well under way • Plenty of activity in the PRS-analysis groups/significant progress since last AR/ So far on track for the PTDR • Good training, uncovering of probs for the real thing starting in 2007 • Still a lot of work to be done within the next 10 months SUSY events (LM4 point: leptons, missing ET) SUSY events (LM1 point: jets missing ET) Micro-Black Hole Albert De Roeck (CERN)

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