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The Silent Scream: The Holocaust and Its Horrors

Explore the atrocities of the Holocaust and the reasons behind the persecution of Jews. Learn about the Final Solution and the horrors of concentration camps. Discover the stories of survivors and the impact this dark chapter in history had on the world.

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The Silent Scream: The Holocaust and Its Horrors

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  1. Ringer #4 The Silent Scream First they came for the Jewsand I did not speak outbecause I was not a Jew.Then they came for the Communistsand I did not speak outbecause I was not a Communist.Then they came for the trade unionistsand I did not speak outbecause I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for meand there was no one leftto speak out for me. Pastor Martin Niemöller Question: - What is the message? Explain

  2. The Holocaust Unit 4 Section 3

  3. Why the Jews? • Hitler blamed Jews for Germany’s defeat in WWI and the subsequent economics problems. • Many Germans, also looking for scapegoat, supported him. • Nuremburg Laws stripped Jews of civil rights and property.

  4. Hitler’s philosophy is supported by many.

  5. Kristallnacht • “Crystal Night” (Broken glass) – November 9,1938 • Gangs of Nazi stormtroopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues. • 20,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps.

  6. Jewish Refugees – 1933 - 1939 • German foreign minister, “We want to get rid of all our Jews, but no country will receive them.” • 40,000 fled to France. • 500/week to Britain. • 60,000, fled to U.S. • Feared competition for jobs • Feared enemy agents

  7. The Final Solution • Unable to rid Germany of Jews through forced emigration, Nazis adopted “Final Solution” (genocide) • Jews, Soviets, Poles, Gypsies, Disabled, Mentally Retarded, Homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses. • Labor camps or extermination camps.

  8. Auschwitz

  9. Horrors of the Holocaust • Murder squads rounded up Jews, stripped, and shot them. • Others were rounded up in ghettos and left to starve or die from disease. • Concentration camps – hunger, humiliation, and work. Goal was death.

  10. Firing Squads Rounding up the Jews

  11. Horrors of the Holocaust, cont. • Extermination camps – 5 camps in Poland. • Prisoners were led to the “showers,” given soap, and poisoned with cyanide gas. • Horrific medical experiments, shooting, hanging, or poisonous injections. • 6,000 per day.

  12. Piles of Jewish shoes Women on the way to gas chamber Bodies discovered by US soldiers Crematoriums Women and children awaiting transport to concentration camps.

  13. Survivors • 6 million Jews died. • Many survived by being hid by sympathizers or helped to neutral countries. • Survivors were plagued with horrific images forever.

  14. Survivors of Buchenwald

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