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This article discusses the importance of standardization in ICT R&D and its impact on the internal market, competition, global solutions, and research collaboration. It highlights the standardization efforts in various broadband technologies, mobile technologies, broadband satellite, digital TV, and other audiovisual technologies. The resulting landscape showcases increased competition, higher mobile penetration rates, and advancements in audiovisual technologies.
ICT R&D and standards: From experience to prospects Bernard BARANI EC INFSO D Directorate “Network and Communication Technologies” STANDARDS AND INTEROPERABILITY IN ICT ETP’s ETSI, 23-24 October 2006 - Sophia Antipolis - France
The Importance of Standardisation • From a policy perspective • Support Internal Market and deployment of pan EU systems/services; • Open standards facilitate competition and consumer protection; • Promote global solutions, and support emergence of EU positions on global issues; • From a research perspective • a powerful consensus making instrument; • an instrument to catalyse exploitation of research results; • an efficient co-operation platform with other regions of the world; • A natural link to research for those issue that are system oriented From the inception of the Framework Programme in the 80’s, ICT R&D has been systematically encouraged to generate standardisation spinn offs, especially in the telecom, broadcasting, and audio visual domains, mainly through ETSI, DVB and MPEG groups.
EU R&D: Broadband Technologies OFDM on copper pair, ADSL, then VDSL:RACE, ACTS ADSL deployment success worldwide, EU companies at the forefront; BRAN, HiperLan, HiperMAN:RACE, ACTS WiFi and WiMax deployments/prospects; Fiber to the Cabinet/curb/…/Home:from RACE to IST FP6 prospects for FTTH are now becoming real, European deployment initiatives and clarification of regulatory regime 3G/UMTS:RACE, ACTS EU success at standardisation level; Y2005: significant take off of UMTS world-wide, exceeding EV-DO. Strong position of EU industry leveraging the “GSM expertise” B3G/4G:ACTS, IST FP5, IST FP6 issue still developing, EU FP actions support partnership with Asia (CJK, mITF, FuTURE, NGMC) Broadband Satellite:ACTS, IST FP5, IST FP6 High expectations, high investments, still niche markets. Availability of DVB-RCS and DVB S2 standard DTV-HDTV:from RACE to IST FP5 world-wide success of DVB standard; promising prospects for EU led technology like MPEG4 for HDTV; MHP gaining momentum. Strong EU industrial leaders. Mobile TV, DVB-H:from ACTS to IST FP6 promising technology developed in the EU, need to progress on the regulatory/spectrum front. PLC: IST FP6 consolidated EU expertise, even if PLC at the access level may be less prominent UWB: IST FP5, FP6 better positioning of EU industry and regulatory regime being clarified
Resulting landscape Competition bearing fruits. 15% (of EU population) penetration. Incumbents: less than 50% of the access share. Costs of LLU and shared access have dropped by more than 30% between 2002 and 2005. Access rates in the DSL range, FTTx plans. Uneven situation across MS.
EU R&D: Mobile Technologies 1980-1992: GSM R&D 1984-1987: COST 207 contributions to GSM Radio; 1987: GSM Directive requesting MS to reserve frequency band in the 900 MHz range 1988: ETSI creation and Special Mobile Group (SMG) 1989-1996: COST 231, definition of multi-band radio handsets 1990-1994: RACE phase II, launch of exploratory 3G EU projects on TDMA CDMA options 1992: First Commercial GSM network opens 1992: ITU WARC “FPLMTS” allocation 1994: Industrial RACE “UMTS Vision” 1994-1998: ACTS, launch of a consistent series (40M+) on 3G ACTS Contribution to CAMEL under SMG, through Intelligent Network R&D 1997: Creation of UMTS Forum out of the ACTS UMTS Task Force 1998: ETSI UMTS standard from FRAMES project, Rel 99 from RAINBOW project 1999: EU Council UMTS Decision, not retaining licensing harmonisation across EU 1998-2002: IST launch, 120 ME investments in early Beyond 3G R&D 2000: ITU allocation of IMT 2000 Extension bands 2001: WWRF creation, out of an IST initiative; 2002: 1st EU CEPT mandate to harmonise extension bands 2002: ITU WP8F 4G “Vision document” based on IST work: interop, SW radio, multi layer radios, all IP 2002-2006: Launch of IST FP6, 300 M€+ dedicated to SB3G 2003: WRC 2003 opens an agenda item under WRC 07 to explore 4G allocations 2004: Launch of the Wireless World Initiative, IST sponsored 2005: Launch of the eMobility ETP 2G 3G B3G
Resulting landscape Mobile: a continuous success. All Member States at least at 80% penetration (Poland a little lower), and growth rates still above 6%, some MS above 10%. Increased competition, 79 operators, 214 MVNO’s. Take off of 3G: 79 licenses 59 commercial networks (09-05). Video very popular. Source: EC, 11th implementation report
Trials: Australia: Sydney Austria: Graz Canada: Toronto China: Czech Republic: Brno Denmark: Lyngby Finland: Helsinki France: Metz, Paris (2) Germany: Berlin (BMCO, ), Erlangen, North German States Italy: Turin Netherlands: The Hague Portugal: Lisbon Spain: Barcelona, Madrid Switzerland: Bern Taiwan: Taipei United Kingdom: Cambridge, Oxford (Arqiva, O2) ........ Deployments: Nationwide deployments expected in 2006: Italy USA Finland EU Taking steps to catalyse deployment, EMBC Spin Off: Mobile TV and DVB-H Deployment Prospects ~ 40 DVB-H pilot trials in the world, ~25 in Europe More information: http://www.dvb-h-online.org
Context for Future Research • Reducing churn, Capex, Opex and opening new “Networked” business opportunities • From Single technologies as business, social and growth enablers to integrated complex systems as enablers; • Converged systems and offers have become integral part of the evolution strategies put forward by ICT players and are getting increased recognition from the markets; • Convergence has been recognised as an important trend and policy enabler under the i2010 ICT Policy Framework proposed by the EC. It cuts across the 3 pillars (Information space, Innovation, Inclusion); • In other regions of the world, this trend has also been recognised as a driver for R&D policies (839 initiative of Korea, u_Japan…) • Cross cutting issues become more systematic; • Impact on the siloed networks, and on the siloed standards
Pervasive Networking: a sample of R&D Technological Drivers • Proliferation of connected devices, from passive RFID to active sensors; • Edge networking, context awareness, event filtering, event management through distributed middleware; • Service architectures, from syntactic description and static programmed services to semantic modelling and dynamic service discovery; • Networked distributed computing platforms, Grid computing • Content explosion, long tail, Web 2.0. From content search protection and delivery to (user ctrld) content management; • Trust in the Net • Wireless, from “last mile” to last meter: multiplicity of topologies, ad-hoc, meshed..Cognitive radio, spectrum. • Internet limitations • Broadband, broadband, broadband... + Regional Initiatives: GENI, u_Korea, u_Japan, 863..
Products 센싱형 Tag Passive Tag 센싱형 센싱형 Tag with battery 센싱형 센싱형 Tag Tag Tag Tag Identifying product code A Converged System Perspective 1st Step: Passive RFID Tags 2nd Step : Active Tags 3rd Step : Sensor Tags 4th Step : Sensor Network 2 단계 : 이력 관리 Ad-Hoc Network Sensing Tag 센싱형 Tag Longer range Sensing & Control WSN WSN E2E Broadband & Secure Internet Infrastructure Pervasive Wireless Wider Area Net Home Nets Content Centric Peer communities Multiplicity of Environments Sensor
Implications and Challenges • Consumer “control” • Access to advertising budgets with value models valuing the addressed customer base; • Telco models vs Internet models; • Cellular models vs Fixed-mobile convergence models; • Access to spectrum, broadcast vs mobile vs satcom; • Access to content owners; • Open models vs closed models Making the various models possible whilst ensuring level playing competition and customer protection are at the heart of the EC technological and regulatory actions. Standards have a role to play in making possible a variety of converged business models These are possible topics for X Platform issues
Technological pace: the various dimensions of standards Shorter cycles – up to ~1 a year Dynamic evolution of services Regular updates of targets required Services Short cycles – up to ~2 years Moore’s Law, Hardware changes, new peripherals and innovative form factors Terminals Terminals Medium cycles – ~7 years for IP based functions (e.g. for mobility) Introduction of IPv6 will last longer Source: WWRF Networks Long cycles – up to ~ a decade Investigation and test of new radio technology Regulation and allocation of spectrum Development of new generation radio products Policies Different innovation cycles – and of market entry barriers - may imply different approaches to standardisation, from ex ante to ex post.
Implications and Challenges • Convergence and diversity of players brings about different approaches to standard related issues : • Classical FRAND IPR model, with patent royalties considered as the fair remuneration of research. Model getting increasingly complex, due to emergence of myriad of players and possible “instability”; • Emergence of new models, e.g OSS model or royalty free models; • consumer interests (open standards), vs Differentiations (close business models?); • Time to market and economic efficiency (standards e.g. “de facto”, not necessarily open) • Importance of Software, from system standard to interface standard Is the classical model of collaborative R&D feeding industrial consensus and standards still appropriate? How can converged platforms with varying srd models be sustainable? How to best couple R&D with standardisation?Can the Platforms help?
The Changing environment - From a mainly Internal market driven perspective (EU wide harmonisation) à la GSM with single std approach - Towards a market driven pro competitive environment where several standards may co-exist. - Whist there is a tendency to oppose these approaches, they are not necessarily exclusive: ….It is often asked whether, on balance, standardization acts more to constrain innovation or to enable innovation. From our perspective these two activities are inextricably linked. Standardization does constrain activities but in doing so creates an infrastructure for subsequent innovation. Well-designed standards should be able to reduce undesirable outcomes. Moreover, standardization is not just about producing norms for given technologies in given markets. Standardization helps to credibility, focus and critical mass in markets for new technologies….(Manchester Business School, report for DTI). - Deployment of pan EU widely adopted standards remains an option, e.g. mobile TV on-going debate; • In this case, a co-ordinated approach of industry towards the regulator is key (see creation of EMBC). • Role for Platforms?
Standards, R&D and International Co-operation • IST FP6: a significant effort has been devoted to co-operation with third countries; • In standard related areas, Asia and South America have received particular attention (e.g IST call 6); • Several approaches to standards co-operation: ex ante (std not yet existing), ex post (existing standard); • Varying levels of results and experiences; • A solid approach to International co-operation and standards is required for IST FP7. • ETP contribution in this field would be very desirable.
A Typical example: China in IST FP6 The Bulk of this R&D or co-operation activity is directly or indirectly related to standards, with significant participation of industry
FP7-ICT Status • ICT, the most important budget share under the “Co-operation” Programme: <9.050 to 9120 Bn€ > (TBD) • 21-23 November 2006 – IST Event Helsinki see: ec.europa.eu/information_society/istevent/2006 • 4 – 5 Decembre: End of legislative process (FP, SP, RfP) • 15 December: Workhsop “Future Internet, perspectives in FP7” - Brussels • (Dec) January 2007 - Publication of Call 1 • 1 February 2007 – European ICT Proposers Day Cologne (europa.eu.int/information_society) • April 2007 – Deadline for submission Call 1 • Call 2, 4 months later
ICT Work Programme 2007-08 DRAFT Challenges End-to-end systems for Socio-economic goals Flagships DIGITAL LIBRARIES AND CONTENT TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE AND PERSONALISED HEALTHCARE ICT FOR MOBILITY, ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY ICT for independent living and inclusion ETPs PERVASIVE AND TRUSTED NETWORK AND SERVICE INFRASTRUCTURES Future and Emerging Technologies COGNITIVE SYSTEMS, INTERACTION, ROBOTICS Technology roadblocks ~2billion Euros/2 years COMPONENTS, SYSTEMS, ENGINEERING Bulk of « Classical » ETSI standardisation activities
Technology Platforms Platforms directly related to « Challenge 1 » • Materialising EU industry commitment • Putting in place large scale partnerships, including SME’s and academia • Taking a system and end to end approach • Demonstrating economic and competitiveness impact • Defining the EU long term Strategic Research Agenda’s • Acting as vector of strategic co-operation with third countries • Implementing research and downstream deployment issues (regs, stds..) www.nessi-initiative.org www.emobility.eu.org Large Scale EU Partnerships joining the future www.nem-initiative.org www.isi-initiative.eu.org/
Challenge 3 Platforms www.eniac.eu www.artemis-office.org www.photonics21.de www.smart-systems-integration.org Challenge 2 Platform EUROP, Robotics
Draft 2007-2008 Budget Distribution(v ISTC 18_10_06) Total: 2020 Million Euros
Conclusions • Strong interactions between ICT R&D and standards has proved to be an efficient way to valorise research results; • Changing environment through convergence and complexity: different approaches to stds will co-exist; • Very competitive environment and sector getting mature, implies that pan EU deployment of standardised systems and technologies should be approached on a case by case basis • In this context, strong industrial consensus and orientations towards regulators are key; • With partnership in the order of 200-400 Members, European Technology Platforms are well placed to initiate the discussion on standards already at R&D level
Convergence, a View from Asia Industrial Partnership evolution Business Model Evolution Target model Total Solution Provider Mid-term Multimedia Service Aggregator Knowledge Consulting Biz S/W Solution Biz New Growth Engine As-Is Computing Power Biz Contents Biz Communication service Provider Cultural Complex Biz Communication / Broadband Biz
And its R&D Implications New Biz R&D Focus 1 Ubiquitous contents webto create and share personal experiences Contents Global contents aggregation & delivery platformfor One Source Multi Use 2 Mobile USNto collect local information in real time 3 Cultural Complex Cultural complex to provide entertainment, wellbeing, education,… 4 Next generation medical solutionsfor early and remote diagnosis/prescription 5 Knowledge Consulting Service Intelligent internet to provide valuable knowledgefor customers 6 Intelligence technology for cyber communityfor customers’ social networking 7 8 Multi-modal IC chip and S/Wplatform Software Solution Intelligent network robot solutionsto make communication and control possible 9 Convenient interfacebased on five senses 10 Computing platformto provide distributed computing power 11 Computing Power Open service platformbased on user-managed network ASP 12
Interoperability-Standards-Policy Recommendations of the ICT Task Force: • “Industry recommends that any policy effort relating to technical interoperability should encourage broad stakeholder cooperation and voluntary market-oriented solutions to achieve the goal of interoperability rather than legislate the specific means to achieve it. In support of industry-led efforts, the EU and the Member States should maintain a policy priority for interoperability along other key objectives such as innovation and security, support industry-led standardisation and promote the widespread adoption of standards in products and service implementations. Policy measures should allow for temporal and business considerations in a competitive marketplace and may include, as appropriate, active dialogue with industry on challenges in formation of value networks and other potential barriers to implementation of interoperability as well as maintaining an agenda of priority identification, target-setting and monitored progress of interoperability in respect of an evolving priority list of functional digital enablers of ICT innovation and uptake.” ).