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2011 HackU UCSD

HackU Technical kickoff talk at UCSD in San Diego, CA (2011)

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2011 HackU UCSD

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What the Hack ?! Welcome to Hack U 2011 @rmsguhan Subram

  2. Hello San Diego Hack U @ UCSD – April 5 – 8, 2011 2

  3. Hack ?? 3

  4. “Exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities” -Glossary of hacker slang 4

  5. It can be a lot of fun to play with code and create new experiences   5

  6. Hacking is a good thing Cracking is Evil !! 6

  7. Hack Day ! 7

  8. An invitation to innovate is a great motivator 8

  9. 24 hours of un- interrupted, un-managed coding unleashed … 9

  10. … surprising things can happen ! 10

  11. Hack day Open hack Day University hack day

  12. We talk !

  13. You Hack !

  14. You present!

  15. Your hack &You win!

  16. There will be food !

  17. Are there any rules ?

  18. Max of 4 per team

  19. 24 hours of hacking (prior work is ok, but not during the demo )

  20. !registered == !demoing http://developer.yahoo.com/hacku/register/

  21. Any technology software or hardware hack working demos preferable

  22. Remember its all about innovation, fun &creativity

  23. Great, but where do I start ??

  24. “A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules ” - Agent Cobb, “Inception” 2010

  25. Choose something that bothers you, something you would like changed … 26

  26. … that one thing that you wished someone invented 27

  27. … your research might need a radical insight .. 28

  28. … think for the good of mankind. 29

  29. Build fast

  30. product

  31. prototype

  32. Fake it till you make it

  33. Divide and conquer

  34. If all else fails, do something to bring out a laugh

  35. Some hack winners

  36. HackDemocracy: yahoo.summerhilldesign.com

  37. InsiderTrades: insidertrades.org

  38. Rural area twitter

  39. Demo strategy

  40. Elevator pitch “you have 3 minutes”

  41. Rehearse if you have time

  42. What if you win ??

  43. iPads, iPods, Gift cards, trophies, yahoo swag bags Bragging Rights !!

  44. You make it, its yours !

  45. We are not responsible for the awesomeness and/or mayhem you create.   You own your intellectual property

  46. Lets talk tech

  47. Today Introduction to YQL&YUI Jonathan LeBlanc @jcleblanc

  48. Tomorrow Using Javascript Well Guest Lecture by Douglas Crockford

  49. API Brain Jam @ 12:00 pm April 6th2011

  50. Full Schedule http://developer.yahoo.com/hacku/ucsd.html Register http://developer.yahoo.com/hacku/register

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