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Celebrate the love of Christ and proclaim His sacred name through this triumphant hymn. Follow the path of our victorious Savior as the world adores His name and find healing peace under the shadow of His throne. Let the praises of creation rise before His throne as we lift high the Cross.
Lift High the Cross Lift High the Cross, the love of Christ pro-claim, Till all the world a-dore His sa-cred name. 1. Come Chris-tians, follow where our Sav-ior trod, Our King vic-to-rious, Christ, the Son of God. slide 1/5 (CCLI Lic 447284)
Lift High the Cross Lift High the Cross, the love of Christ pro-claim, Till all the world a-dore His sa-cred name. 2. Led on their way, by this tri-um-phant sign, The hosts of God in con-qu’ring ranks com-bine. slide 2/5 (CCLI Lic 447284)
Lift High the Cross Lift High the Cross, the love of Christ pro-claim, Till all the world a-dore His sa-cred name. 3. O Lord, once lift-ed on this glo-rious Tree, As Thou has prom-ised, draw men un-to Thee. slide 3/5 (CCLI Lic 447284)
Lift High the Cross Lift High the Cross, the love of Christ pro-claim, Till all the world a-dore His sa-cred name. 4. Set up Thy throne, that earth’s de-spair may cease Be-neath the sha-dow of its heal-ing peace. slide 4/5 (CCLI Lic 447284)
Lift High the Cross Lift High the Cross, the love of Christ pro-claim, Till all the world a-dore His sa-cred name. 5. For Thy blest Cross which doth for all a-tone, Cre-a-tion’s prais-es rise be-fore Thy throne. Lift High the Cross, the love of Christ pro-claim, Till all the world a-dore His sa-cred name. slide 5/5 (CCLI Lic 447284)