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Economic institutions: Theory and application

Explore the impact of economic institutions on investment costs in the Brazilian infrastructure sector. Learn about the New Institutional Economics principles and their application. Understand key dimensions and measures of institutional quality. Examine how economic governance influences regulatory infrastructure. Dive into case studies and consequences. Discover the importance of rule of law and government effectiveness in shaping investment environments.

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Economic institutions: Theory and application

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  1. Economic institutions: Theory and application Washington DC November 2007 Edvaldo Santana ANEEL

  2. Index • The Problem • What are institutions? • Different dimensions institutions • The New Institutional Economics • Economic governance • Different measures of institutional quality • Application of the Brazilian Infrastructure Sector • Consequences

  3. The problem • The Brazilian economy is stable; • Very low exchange risk; • Emerging Markets Bond Index Plus (EMBI+) in the lowest level of the history; • Stimulated interest rates for investments in the electrical sector; • In other words, favorable macroeconomics conditions; • But costs for investments in the production of electrical energy still elevated; • Last bidding: US$ 72/MWh, • USA: Price in the wholesale market: US$ 45 to US$ 50/MWh; • Spain: Price in the wholesale market : US$ 50 a US$ 60/MWh;

  4. Why? • Maybe the answer is the quality of the institutions; • Maybe the problem is the regulatory infrastructure; • Maybe both come together; • The concepts of institutions and economic governance are essential to comprehend this issue; • Recent studies of World Bank help to comprehend the conceptual aspects; • That is what we will see from now;

  5. What are institutions? • “Institutions are the rules of the game in a society; are the humanly devisedconstraints that shape human interaction” (North 1990, p. 3); • Economic, political and social Interactions • Informal institutions -informal constraints:sanctions, taboos, customs, tradition and code of conduct; • Formal institutions -formal rules: constitutions, laws, property rights;

  6. Different dimensions institutions (Dixit, 2007) • Purpose of institutions • Protection of property rights; • Enforcement of voluntary contracts among individuals; • Provision of the physical and regulatory infrastructure; • The functioning of the first two categories

  7. Different dimensions institutions (Dixit, 2007) • The nature of the institutions • The formal state institutions that enact and enforce the laws: • Legislature, police, judiciary, and regulatory agencies; • Institutions of private ordering that function under umbrella of state law; • Private for-profit institutions that provide information and enforcement; • Self-enforcement within social or ethnic groups and network;

  8. The New Institutional Economics (Williamson, 2000) • Institutional environment: formal rules of the game: include: • Executive; • Legislative; • Judicial; • The definition and enforcement of property rights and of contract laws are important features;

  9. The New Institutional Economics (Williamson, 2000) • Institutions of Governance: play of the game • The governance of contractual relations becomes the focus of analysis; • A governance structure reshapes incentives; • Transactions costs economics; • Markets; • Vertical integration; • Hybrids;

  10. Economic governance • “Process that support economic activity and economic transactions by protecting property rights, enforcing contracts, and taking collective action to provide appropriate organizational infrastructure” (Dixit, 2007, p.1); • Process: • Formal institutions or • Informal institutions;

  11. Economic governance • “Study of good order and workable arrangements” (Williamson, 2005, p.3); • Includes: • Institutions that underpin economic transactions; • Protecting property rights; • Enforcing contracts; • Infrastructure of rules, regulation

  12. Different measures of institutional quality (World Bank) • Voice and accountability; • Political instability and violence; • Government effectiveness; • Regulatory quality; • Rule of law; • Control of corruption;

  13. Application of the Brazilian Infrastructure Sector • Rule of Law and government effectiveness • Governmental attempts to change regulatory policy • Increase in telephone rates in June 2003, in accordance with the concession contracts • Federal Court in Fortaleza imposed the IPCA rather than the IGP-DI (Contract); • Superior Justice Tribunal sustained ANATEL´s decision to use the IGP-DI; • Institutional constraints and safeguards - Court • The president of ANATEL was forced out of office; • Autonomy? • Attempt to change the entire set of rules underlying the regulatory system

  14. Application of the Brazilian Infrastructure Sector • Rule of Law • Law of ANEEL was modified more than 70 times between 1997 and 2006; • Changes were proposed by the National Congress • Federal Government; • Pressure of groups of interests; • General Law of Telecommunications had only two changes; • Changes in the concession contracts; • Questioned the Law’s quality

  15. Application of the Brazilian Infrastructure Sector • Regulatory quality and Rule of Law • Questionings of the tariff readjustments: • CPI of CELG; CPI of CELPE; CPI of ENERSUL; • Many questionings of Brazilian Court Audit (TCU) related to concepts and regulations; • Conflict of attributions : Government versus ANEEL • Many regulators? • Regulator in the last instance? • Regulatory collapse; • Regulatory vacuum; • Questioned the regulation’s quality;

  16. Application of the Brazilian Infrastructure Sector • Regulatory quality and Rule of Law • Environment versus economic governance: • Release of ambient licenses; • Actions of the Public Ministry; • Conflicts of attributions: Government  Public Ministry  ANEEL; • Many enterprises do not conclude or do not start; • Changes in the concession contracts; • Higher costs of transaction; • Higher investors’ requirements; • Questioned the regulation’s quality;

  17. Application of the Brazilian Infrastructure Sector • Consequences: • Vulnerability of the regulatory infrastructure; • Risk to increase the unreliability of the investors; • Higher costs of transaction; • Electrical system expands in a non optimum way; • Thermoelectric due to hydroelectric; • Actual macroeconomics advantages are not well explored • More expensive investments; • Release of ambient licenses; • Actions of the Public Ministry;

  18. Thank you for your attention! Site: www.aneel.gov.br Phone: (+55) 61 2192-8604 Fax: (+55) 61 2192-8615 E-mail: institucional@aneel.gov.br

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