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Management of Radioactive Waste from WWR-S Research Reactor Decommissioning

Learn about IFIN-HH's decommissioning phases, waste treatment plant, and disposal criteria for managing radioactive waste. Discover their achievements, problematic waste, and ongoing research activities.

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Management of Radioactive Waste from WWR-S Research Reactor Decommissioning

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  1. IFIN-HH Horia Hulubei National Institute of R&D for Physics and Nuclear Engineering Reactor Decommissioning Department Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management Symposium 2017 Sydney, Australia 29 October - 03 November, 2017 Management of the Radioactive Waste arising from the Decommissioning of the WWR-S Research Reactor from IFIN-HH, Magurele, Romania Cristian A. DRAGOLICI, Adrian ZORLIU and Felicia DRAGOLICI

  2. IFIN-HH Location of the WWR-S Reactor Magurele is a small city at 10km far away from the center of Bucharest. National Institute of R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering “Horia Hulubei” (IFIN-HH) Magurele Reactor Decommissioning Department IFIN-HH

  3. IFIN-HH The WWR-S Reactor • Commissioned in July 1957; • Permanent shutdown in December 1997; • Russian tank type research reactor; • Thermal power of 2 Mw and a 2×1013 n/cm2s neutron flux; • Distilled water as coolant, moderator, reflector and radiation protection; • Fuel assembly type EK-10 (10% 235U enrichment) replaced with C-36 (36% 235U enrichment); • Total functioning hours 113,467 including 2,000 at 3.0-3.5 MW power; • Total thermal energy produced was 9,510 Mw/d.

  4. IFIN-HH Preparing for decommissioning • Romanian Government decision No 4018/2002 states permanent shut down for decommissioning; • Decommissioning method: immediate dismantling; • Radiological characterization: 2002-2004; • Equipment removal and clean-up: 2004-2010; • Back shipping of HEU C-36 SNF: 2004-2009 • Back shipping of LEU EK-10 SNF: 2010-2012 • Decommissioning start date: 2010; • Decommissioning end date: 2020;

  5. IFIN-HH Decommissioning phases • Total duration of the decommissioning activities: 11 years; • All the decommissioning activities splitted in 3 phases: • Duration of Phase 1: 3 years (2010-2012); • Duration of Phase 2: 1 year and 10 month (2013-2014); • Duration of Phase 3: 6 years and 2 month (2015-2020). • Current status of decommissioning activities: third year of Phase 3.

  6. IFIN-HH Waste segregation, recent achievments

  7. IFIN-HH Radioactive Waste Treatment Plant & National Repository for Low and Intermediate Level Waste Radioactive Waste Treatment Plant NRWR for LLW and ILW

  8. IFIN-HH General requirements for package disposal • Geometry and dimensions: • Drum 220L Diameter: max. 645mm h = max. 930mm • Drum 420L Diameter: max. 820mm h = max. 1150mm • Weight: • Type A package for transport 220L CDR-A-X: max. weight 700kg • Type A package for transport 420L CA-420-X: max. weight 1200kg

  9. IFIN-HH NRWR at Baita, Bihor County 600Km Entrance in the NRWR, Baita, Bihor county. Disposition of disposal galleries of the repository. The access gallery of the repository.

  10. IFIN-HH Package disposal in galeries at NRWR Baita Standard barrels between wood frames in a full gallery.

  11. IFIN-HH WAC criteria for disposal • Gamma equivalent dose rate: - in each point of the surface of the package must not exceed 2mSv/h - at 1m distantce from the package must not exceed 0,1mSv/h. • Surface contamination: Unfixed contamination on each 300cm2 external surface, at the beginning of the transport must not exceed: - 37 Bq for natural or depleted uranium and thorium; - 3.7 Bq for beta and gamma emitters; - 0.37 Bq for alpha emitters. • Homogeneity: Solidified liquids and solid radioactive wastes will be distributed, as much as possible, in a homogeneous way, in order that the radionuclide concentration in a part of the package to not affect the mentioned radiological properties in an unacceptable manner.

  12. IFIN-HH WAC criteria for disposal Radionuclide content and activity for the package • Maximum admissible activity/package is according to the licensee for National Radioactive Waste Repository Baita-Bihor no. DNDR 12/2013: Table 1 Note • In the case of a radionuclide mixture, between those listed in tables 1&2, is necessary that the sum of the reports between each radionuclide activity and the maximum admissible activity for the specific radionuclide to be less than 1. Table 2 (*) Total activity for C-14 allowed to be disposed at NRWR Baita Bihor is 5 × 1011Bq. (**) Exceeding of the above limits can be in exceptionally cases approved by CNCAN on the case by case evaluation basis.

  13. IFIN-HH Problematic waste in temporary storage Graphite waste temporary stored in SNFS facility. Aluminium waste temporary stored in SNFS facility.

  14. IFIN-HH The basis for research • Around 7,590kg of activated and contaminated aluminium temporary stored in the old Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage; • Around 4,700kg of graphite temporary stored in the old Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage; • Low activity of the stored aluminium and graphite; • A treatment technology has to be set up in order to allow the aluminium and graphite to be incorporated in a cement matrix; • After cementation the package should satisfy the WAC for disposal in the National Radioactive Waste Repository in Baita, Bihor county.

  15. IFIN-HH Research Activities Two research projects were developed with the main topics: • Aluminium • CEA/IFA Cooperation project C2-01 “Stabilization / solidification of wastes containing aluminium” (2012-2014); • CEA/IFA Cooperation project C5-01 “Investigation of magnesium phosphate cement-based materials for the conditioning of low-level or intermediate level radioactive waste containing metallic aluminium” (2016-2018); • GraphiteJoyned in 2016 • PN 16 42 03 01 “Studies and research on conditioning of radioactive graphite (Part I)”. IAEA International Project on Irradiated Graphite Processing Approaches (GRAPA).

  16. IFIN-HH Main results obtained for aluminium Experimental results H2 production Most promising binder: magnesium phosphate binder MgO + KH2PO4 + 5 H2O MgKPO4.6H2O No galvanic corrosion with MKP binder at early age Conclusions: • Magnesium phosphate cement: most promising binder of the screening tests; • Main concern with this kind of binder: control of the reactivity (rapid and exothermic acid-base reaction); • Further studies are needed.

  17. IFIN-HH Main results obtained for graphite Conclusions: • The studied samples show a good behaviour of the graphite embedded in cement paste; • It seems that mechanical properties are enhanced with the concentration of the graphite in the mixture; • Permeability is also reduced by growing the percentage of the graphite in the grout and the presence of the additive; Bending & compression tests results X ray diffraction for Sample No 1 • For the samples through which the water had passed, the Darcy (K) permeability coefficient was calculated according to the works of Hydrotechnical Concrete for Land Improvement Works by Lazar Nicolescu and the Handbook for the use of the permeability facility. • For the samples through which the water did not passed, the water penetration depth (A) was measured according to the standard SR EN 12390-8.

  18. IFIN-HH Radiological characterization • Dose rate measurements; • Dose rate calculation using Microshield software. • Samples of graphite were taken from the thermal column. Locations of sampling points are given in the left figure. • The graphite samples were measured by gamma spectrometry. Measurement results are given in the following Table: Gamma spectrometry analysis results

  19. IFIN-HH Temporary storage in SNFS basins 5 disks stored in the SNFS 1 cylinder stored in a special concrete container

  20. IFIN-HH Temporary storage Temporary storage in basin no 2 of the former Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage

  21. IFIN-HH Conclusions • Optimization of radioactive waste management has as immediate consequence more room in the reactor hall for package storage; • Good experimental results of the conditioning technology for aluminium and graphite; • After aproval of the conditioning technology, the whole amount of problematic waste (aluminium and graphite) can be complete removed from temporary storage to final disposal = problem solved.

  22. IFIN-HH National Institute of R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering “Horia Hulubei” (IFIN-HH)30 Reactorului Street, P. O. BOX MG-6, Bucharest - Magurele, ROMANIAhttp://www.nipne.ro Thank you for your attention! Cristian A. Dragolici E-mail:adrag@nipne.ro

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