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Optimum Proton Beam Energy Considerations for Kaon Physics Experiments

This article discusses the sensitivity of various experiments on kaon physics, probing new physics beyond the 10 TeV scale using proton beams. It highlights proton sources, kaon yield considerations, and optimum energy requirements. Recommendations for proton beam energies are provided.

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Optimum Proton Beam Energy Considerations for Kaon Physics Experiments

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  1. Optimum proton beam energy considerations R. Tschirhart Fermilab November 10th , 2009

  2. Sensitivity of Kaon Physics Today • CERN NA62: 100 x 10-12 measurement sensitivity of K+ge+n • Fermilab KTeV: 20 x 10-12 measurement sensitivity of KLgmmee • Fermilab KTeV: 20 x 10-12 search sensitivity for KLgpme, ppme • BNL E949: 20 x 10-12 measurement sensitivity of K+gp+nn • BNL E871: 2 x 10-12 measurement sensitivity of KLge+e- • BNL E871: 1 x 10-12 search sensitivity for KLgme Probing new physics above a 10 TeV scale with 20-50 kW of protons. Next goal: 1000-event pnnexperiments...10-14 sensitivty. November 10th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab

  3. Proton Sources Considered • High energy proton synchrotrons: Fermilab Tevatron, CERN SPS. • BNL AGS and JPARC MR machine. • The IC1 8 GeV proton source concept. • The IC2 2.x GeV proton source concept. November 10th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab

  4. Definitions matter… November 10th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab

  5. IC2 is high power, but what about kaon yields?? Mokhov & Gudima November 10th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab

  6. IC2 Kaon Yields at Constant Beam Power for Stopping K+ and TOF-based KL experiments GeV ICD-2 Report November 10th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab

  7. KOPIO and ICD-2 kaon momentum spectra comparison KOPIO Proposal November 10th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab

  8. ICD-2 Sensitivity to KLgp0nn ICD-2 Report November 10th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab

  9. IC-2 Sensitivity to K+gp+nn ICD-2 Report November 10th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab

  10. Optimum Energy for stopped and slow kaon experiments… • 4-8 GeV. 1000 event plausibility begins around 2.6 GeV. • For pure K0 experiments: 2.6-3.0 GeV • What’s the cost? IC2 is a $1B class facility (DOE TPC accounting) Raising the IC2 beam energy by 500 MeV increases the TPC by about 8%. Recommend 2.6 GeV with upgrade option to 2.9 GeV. November 10th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab

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