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FDTD Propagation Models. Urban Canyon FDTD Model (UCFDTD). A propagation model for urban high rise environments that does not use ray-based methods Uses the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method to solve Maxwell’s equation directly
Urban Canyon FDTD Model (UCFDTD) • A propagation model for urban high rise environments that does not use ray-based methods • Uses the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method to solve Maxwell’s equation directly • Assumes tall buildings and low antenna heights, as well as flat ground • In principle, it includes all possible reflection, transmission, and diffraction effects within the limitation of the tall building assumptions • Can be used to model wideband systems and propagation of transient pulses
Urban Canyon FDTD Algorithm • The building footprints are projected onto a rectangular grid consisting of evenly spaced points in the xy plane • Time is divided into evenly spaced steps • At each time step, electromagnetic fields at each grid point is determined by solving Maxwell’s equation using a finite difference method • A finite duration pulse is excited at the transmitter, and the electric fields as a function of time are recorded at the receivers • Ground reflection effects are added analytically
UCFDTD Example:Path Loss with and without Ground Reflection Without Ground Reflection With Ground Reflection
Summary of Urban Canyon FDTD • Easier to set up and run • Maximum reflections: N/A • Maximum transmissions: N/A • Maximum diffractions: N/A • Environments: Urban high rise • Waveforms: Narrowband or Wideband • Terrain: Flat • Indoor: N/A • Objects: N/A • Range: Usually less than 2 km, depends on frequency and computer memory • Included in the standard Wireless InSite distribution
Summary of Urban Canyon FDTD (2) • Antenna heights: Lower than most buildings • Antenna types: Isotropic only • FDTD: Standard Yee algorithm with correction factors due to ground reflection and 3-D spreading of the wave. • Output available: Electric field vs. time (point receivers only), power delay profile vs. time (point receivers only), path loss, excess path loss, received power • Minimum frequency: N/A • Maximum frequency: Depends on computer memory. The higher the frequency, the greater the amount of memory and computation time needed
MWFDTD Model for Propagation Over Terrain • Illustration of the basic idea behind the MWFDTD (Moving Window FDTD) method
MWFDTD Irregular Terrain Simulations • MWFDTD is a propagation model that applies full wave 2-D Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method for lossy dielectric media • New GPU FDTD acceleration provides substantial performance improvement • Requires a CUDA-capable GPU • Uses pulsed excitation of the transmitting antenna • Obtain narrowband results by application of Fourier Transform • Apply FDTD mesh only to portion of propagation path which contains significant pulse energy • Move FDTD mesh along the propagation path with the pulse-Moving Window FDTD (MWFDTD) • Change terrain in mesh at leading/trailing edges as the mesh window moves
Summary of MWFDTD • Easier to set up and run • Maximum reflections: N/A • Maximum transmissions: N/A • Maximum diffractions: N/A • Environments: Irregular terrain with optional urban and foliage features • Terrain: All • Foliage: All, at frequencies < 1 GHz • Indoor: N/A • Objects: N/A • Included in the standard Wireless InSite distribution
Summary of MWFDTD (2) • Range: Depends on computer memory, frequency, and run time, usually less than 100 km • Antenna heights: All • Antenna types: All • FDTD algorithm: 2nd order and higher order algorithms with correction factors due to 3-D spreading of the wave. • Output available: Electric field vs. time (point receivers only), power delay profile vs. time (point receivers only), path loss, excess path loss, received power • Minimum frequency: N/A • Maximum frequency: Depends on computer memory
Summary of MWFDTD (3) Atmospheric effects Standard atmospheric refraction Ducting Attenuation due to rain Does not take into account absorption by the atmosphere
MWFDTD Example: Surface Wave over a Mixed Path Path Loss Freshwater Concrete Asphalt Asphalt Metal Concrete Asphalt