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A new, international, open access, and peer-reviewed journal linking all communities involved in Space Weather and Space Climate research. Covers solar, atmospheric, and space-related topics. Published by an established publisher in physics editions.
A new, international, open access and peer-reviewed journal ! A link between all the communities involved in Space Weather and in Space Climate such as (but not limited to) space, solar, atmospheric scientists, engineers, forecasters, social scientists, economists, physicians, insurance experts… An internationally recognised publisher, already leader in several disciplines
Some historical notes… During COST 724 the need for a scientific journal on space weather became evident. At that time (2007) some discussions started with publishers … But in 2008 COST 724 ended and there was no time to start the journal. In November 2008, COST ES0803 started and took over. Jean Lilensten, Jurgen Watermann, Vida Zigman and Anna Belehaki, took the active role to contact publishers and negotiate with them. Finally we came to an agreement with EDPS, an historical publisher in Physics Editions (A&A, EPJ, ….). In the summer of 2010 when we were ready to start the Space Weather International journal, a new COST Action approved on the “Impact of solar variability on Earth’s climate” . This new community was ready to support our initiative and the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate was born!
Space weather is the physical and phenomenological state of natural space environments. The associated discipline aims, through observation, monitoring, analysis and modelling, at understanding and predicting the state of the sun, the interplanetary and planetary environments, and the solar and non-solar driven perturbations that affect them; and also at forecasting and nowcasting the possible impacts on biological and technological systems. Space Climate addresses the impact of solarvariability on climateand deals with the middle to long term aspects of Space Weather.
SWSC Aims The Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (SWSC) is an international multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary open access journal, which publishes papers on all aspects of space weather and space climate. Coverage includes, but is not limited to: - fundamental and applied scientific research including theory, observation, data analysis,modelling, and prediction - technical applications and engineering solutions - impact on humans and technology in space, in the air, at sea and on land - societal and economic implications - educational and dissemination concepts and experiences - development of user-targeted products and services - scientific, technical, political and commercial initiatives
SWSC scope: SWSC accepts manuscripts related to space weather and to space climate from a broad range of fields including solar physics, space plasma physics, aeronomy, planetology, radio science, informatics, geophysics, biology, medicine, astronautic, aeronautic and electrical engineering, meteorology, climatology, mathematics, and economics. • SWSC publishes: • regular research articles • short communications • invited reviews • technical and observational reports • strategic and educational articles • concise project reports • All manuscripts are peer reviewed. Accepted papers are published in electronic form only. • SWSC is owned and published by EDP Sciences with support from the COST office and STCE. EDP Sciences maintains an electronic open access archive of all published material.
The Editorial Board Editors-in-Chief Anna Belehaki (NOA, Athens) and Jean Lilensten (IPAG/CNRS, France) Editors Consuelo Cid (University of Alcala, Spain) Thierry Dudok de Wit (OSUC/University of Orléans, France) Alexi Glover (ESA/ESAC & Rhea System, Spain) Mike Hapgood (RAL Space, UK) Susan McKenna-Lawlor (Space Technology Ireland, Ltd.) Mauro Messerotti (INAF, Italy) Kalevi Mursula (University of Oulu, Finland) Esa Turunen (EISCAT Scientific Association, Sweden) Ronald AM Van der Linden (STCE, Belgium) Jurgen Watermann (jfwConsult, France) Vida Žigman (University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia)
The Advisory Board • Volker Bothmer, University of Goettingen, Germany • Norma Crosby, BISA, Belgium • Boris Filippov, Laboratory of Solar Activity, IZMIRAN, Russian Academy of Sciences • Walter Gonzalez, Brazilian National Space Institute, Brazil • Arnold Hanslmeier, InstitutfürGeophysikAstrophysik und Meteorologie, Austria • John Kelly, Center for Geospace Studies, SRI International, USA • Lee-Anne McKinnell, Hermanus Magnetic Observatory, South Africa • François Lefeuvre, LPCEE, ITU-URSI, France • AymanMahrous, Helwan University, Space Weather Monitoring Center, Egypt • Lee-Anne McKinnell, Hermanus Magnetic Observatory, South Africa • Thierry Onsager, NOAA Space Weather Prediction Centre, USA • AnttiPulkkinen, The Catholic University of America and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA • Phil Wilkinson, IPS Radio and Space Services, Australia Ji Wu, CSSAR Chinese Academy of Sciences, China • Bruno Zolesi, INGV, Roma 2, Italy
Papers given in the Seventh European Space Weather Week either by oral and poster presentation, are encouraged to be submitted to the first issue of the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. Deadline: 30 January 2011
Submit today !!! swsc@edpsciences.org http://www.swsc-journal.org SWSC is indexed in Crossref and therefore in all the international Digital Library referencesystems Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence-STCE www.cost.eu