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Discover the true meaning and significance of the intangible heart as defined in the Bible. Explore the components of the heart - mind, will, emotions, and conscience - and learn how to care for your heart for a fulfilling life.
Regaining Your Heart • As human beings we, of course, have a physical heart. But we’re all aware that we also have something within us we recognize as an intangible heart.
Regaining Your Heart • But what exactly is this intangible heart? • We’ve heard the word “heart” used since we were young; in everyday language, in literature, in music, and in other contexts. And most of us probably have a general definition of the heart, thinking of it as something inside us that feels emotions like love, affection, compassion, or sorrow.
Regaining Your Heart • The definition of the heart in the Bible isn’t given in one verse; it’s spread throughout many verses, and can be easy to miss. Since the Bible refers to the heart hundreds of times, it must be significant to God and to us. • So what does the Word of God say about our heart? And what is its importance to God and to us?
Regaining Your Heart • If you search online for “heart”, you’ll find details on the physical heart, with photos and diagrams explaining its function and the way it works. You’ll also find a lot of information on caring for it so you can live longer. A poor diet, lack of exercise, and other factors can have dire consequences.
Regaining Your Heart • But what about the condition of our intangible heart? If neglecting our physical heart affects our life negatively, then surely neglecting our nonphysical heart is also detrimental. But how can we care for our heart if we don’t know what it is?
Regaining Your Heart • So, let’s discuss what our heart is… not according to our common understanding, but according to the Bible. • Our “heart” in the Bible is a composition of all the components of our soul — our mind, emotions, and will — plus the most important part of our spirit … our conscience!
Heart – Soul –(mind) Matthew 9:4 “And Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, Why are you thinking evil things in your hearts?” Thinking is something of the mind, but the Lord Jesus asked the scribes why they were thinking in their hearts. This shows that our mind is part of our heart
Heart – Soul – (will) • Acts 11:23 • “Who, when he arrived and saw the grace of God, rejoiced and encouraged them all to remain with the Lord with purpose of heart.” • To purpose means: “to decide strongly to do something, to use our will”. • So this verse shows that our will is part of our heart!
Heart – Soul – (emotions) • John 16:22 • “Therefore you also now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and no one takes your joy away from you.” • We rejoice with our emotions, and here we see that our heart rejoices. As we might expect, this shows us that our emotions are part of our heart.
Heart –Spirit – (conscience) • Hebrews 10:22 • “Let us come forward to the Holy of Holies with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.” • *Many Bible teachers believe that the heart is the connection of your soul and spirit (Romans 10 salvation)
Love the lord your god from your whole heart. • The Lord tells us in Mark 12:30: • “And you shall love the Lord your God from your whole heart.” • So as we might expect, our intangible heart is our loving organ. If we didn’t have our heart, we couldn’t sense love, know love, or love in return.
The Economy of God by Witness Lee • “Our relationship with the Lord is always begun and maintained by the heart. Of course, to contact the Lord is a matter of the spirit, but this must be initiated and maintained by the heart, for our heart is the gateway of our whole being.” (p. 75)
The Economy of God by Witness Lee • “In other words, the heart becomes both the entrance and the exit of our being. Whatever enters into us must enter through the heart. Whatever comes out from us must proceed through the heart.” (p. 75)
“Regaining Your Heart” 2019 • I truly believe that the Lord spoke to me about a month ago as I began to prepare for this prophetic series for the new year, that many people were going to get their hearts back, which have been lost from discouragement, failure, woundedness, and disillusionment.
“Regaining Your Heart” 2019 • But I felt like God was clear: it might hurt a little, but healing would come! He clearly said words like: “it will be raw”, “at times uncomfortable”, “require a new level of vulnerability , sacrifice, commitment”, “at times there may be tears”, and above everything, repentance and renewed worship would be key. God showed me that we are heading for some very challenging days, but also for some very exciting days as well. But over and over again I heard in my spirit,” Todd, allow Me to prepare your heart”.
The Ultimate Fulfillment is still to come • The book of Joel was written for the people of Joel’s day, yet its greatest purpose and fulfillment is for the generation in which the Lord returns. Joel’s message is essential to help equip people to be prepared for the unique dynamics occurring in the years leading up to Jesus’ return. We must not allegorize this book; if we do, the relevance of Joel’s weighty message is lost ~Mike Bickle (IHOP)
The Ultimate Fulfillment is still to come • The role of forerunners is to sound the trumpet and gather the people to solemn assemblies to cry out for mercy, warn of coming troubles, and prophesy of the great increase of God’s glory.
The greatest move of God that will cover the earth is coming to the earth. Joel 2:12, 15, 28-32 12“Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping… 15 Blow the trumpet in Zion, consecrate a fast… 28 And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh [all nations]… 31 before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD. 32 It shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”
A Call to Repentance • 12 That is why the Lord says, “Turn to me now, while there is time. Give me your hearts .” Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning. 13 Don’t tear your clothing in your grief but tear your hearts instead.” Return to the Lord your God, for he is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He is eager to relent and not punish. (NLT)
A Call to Repentance • God was telling them, “Don’t respond to this call by doing just some outward religious acts, but let this be something that completely affects your heart. Let the Word of the Lord, yes, compel you to action, but also shake you to your very core. Everything is not okay, and you need to allow me to change your heart right now.” I often feel like the strange one in the room because I have such an overwhelming sense of urgency.
A month ago, in the middle of the night… • “My call to My people is for you to allow Me to come and do a deep work in your hearts. I desire to come to remove those things in your heart that are polluting your life and causing you not to be everything I created you to be. I desire to reignite your heart with passion for Me, and for others. It is now your decision! Will you give me your whole heart so I can change it to make you ready for the days to come which will be filled with persecution and great power?”
“Regaining Our Hearts” 2019 • Three weeks of Fasting and Prayer - Jan.7th -27th • Fasting • Prayer Daily – Daily Prayer Focus – Pray in the Spirit • Worship daily • Reduce Media Consumption • Attend Friday Prayer Meetings - January 11th ,18th, 25th 7pm • Daily Bible Reading - Jan. 7-27