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Kay Kirk & Marie Lovell

Transforming Care Partnerships Leadership Programme; Workshop 2:Developing your leadership role. Kay Kirk & Marie Lovell. Welcome and reintroductions Reminder of housekeeping and overview of the workshop programme for today. Welcome and introductions.

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Kay Kirk & Marie Lovell

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Transforming Care Partnerships Leadership Programme; Workshop 2:Developing your leadership role Kay Kirk & Marie Lovell

  2. Welcome and reintroductions Reminder of housekeeping and overview of the workshop programme for today Welcome and introductions 10-10.10 Jim

  3. Setting the scene: TCP Leadership Programme overview

  4. How will we work together? sensory needs Groundrules respect timekeeping personal perspective sticking to the topic temperature differing views staying in touch confidentiality not talking too much hearing everyone noise room interrupting personal information

  5. Appreciative Inquiry: TCP programmeLearning and development framework • Discover…the best of what is • Dream…about what might be • Design…what should be • Deliver…what will be

  6. Who is this all about? - Proxies 11- 11.30; Marie

  7. • Children, young people or adults with a learning disability and/or autism (people) who have a mental health condition such as severe anxiety, depression, or a psychotic illness, and those with personality disorders, which may result in them displaying behaviour that challenges. • People with an (often severe) learning disability and/or autism who display self-injurious or aggressive behaviour, not related to severe mental ill health. • People who do risky things which may put themselves or others at risk and which could lead to contact with the police (things like fire-setting, abusive or aggressive or sexually inappropriate behaviour). • People with lower level support needs and who may not be known to health and social care services, from disadvantaged backgrounds who do things which may get the police involved. • People who have been in hospital settings for a very long period of time, having not been discharged when NHS campuses or long-stay hospitals were closed.

  8. Break 11.30 – 11.45

  9. “Process mapping” 11.45- 12.20 - Marie

  10. Stakeholder analysis 12.20 – 12.40; Marie

  11. Stakeholder mapping Concern Importance (or power) Low High Low High Interest

  12. Leading and Influencing others 1 1.15 – 2.15; Karen

  13. Leading and Influencing others 2 1.15 – 2.15; Karen

  14. Leading and Influencing others 3 1.15 – 2.15; Carlie

  15. Leading and Influencing others 4

  16. What is it specifically that you are trying to achieve? 2.15 – 2.45; Marie

  17. “ Systems leadership is a way of working that shares the burden of leadership to achieve large-scale change across communities. It goes beyond organisational boundaries and extends across staff at all levels, professions and sectors. It involves people using services, and carers in the design of those services…coming together on the basis if a shared ambition and working together towards solutions.” Source: Richard Vize, The Revolution will be Improvised, www.localleadership.gov.uk Exploring your TCP systemWhat does this mean for leadership?

  18. Make your own network 0-gram of your TCP, move, edit, delete or add shapes Social Care providers Social Care providers CCGs Social Care providers CCGs Social Care providers CCGs CCGs CCGs Children’s services Children’s services Children’s services Allied mainstream services Allied mainstream services Allied mainstream services Self advocacy / peer groups Self advocacy / peer groups Self advocacy / peer groups Self advocacy / peer groups Mental health foundation trust Mental health foundation trust Mental health foundation trust Mental health foundation trust Local authority Local authority Local authority Local authority Local authority

  19. Commitment to action: Inter-sessionLeadership Impact Project (LIP) brief

  20. 3.45 – 4.15 Commitment to Action

  21. Review your local TCP plan Completing your LIP planner Workshop evaluation online survey The next workshop Key contacts Next steps…

  22. karen.carter@skillsforcare.org.uk marie.lovell@skillsforcare.org.uk carlie.goldsmith@skillsforcare.org.uk Stay connected…

  23. Useful links and resources • Skills for care resources inc. core skills framework http://www.skillsforcare.org.uk/Topics/Learning-disability/Learning-disability.aspx • SFC National minimum data set for social care http://www.skillsforcare.org.uk/NMDS-SC-intelligence/NMDS-SC/Discover-NMDS-SC.aspx • Stephen’s story http://www.skillsforcare.org.uk/Topics/Learning-disability/Positive-behavioural-support/Positive-behaviour-support.aspx • First follower in leadership (dancing man on hill) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW8amMCVAJQ • Emotional vs rational decisions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJ3kIiLM3_Y • Guide to PBS training; http://www.skillsforcare.org.uk/Documents/Topics/PBS/Mini-guide-to-Positive-behavioural-support-training.pdf

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