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Competing in an eWorld

Learn how to align IT and business strategies in an eWorld through effective knowledge management. Explore the role of Web-based IT in strategic transformation and the importance of integrating technology with management practices.

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Competing in an eWorld

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  1. Competing in an eWorld Jim Thomas School of Information Sciences and Technology Penn State University

  2. Learning Sensemaking Information Processing Business Strategy IT Strategy @lignment Organization Infrastructure IT Infrastructure Knowledge Mgmt Today’s goal • Develop a “cognitive map” for dealingwith the role of Web-based IT in strategic transformation

  3. Basic Premise I • Technologists involved in providing the fundamental knowledge assets of the organization need to be part of the management “end game” • The “end game”: To be successful, technology and business management must align strategies and infrastructure

  4. Can’t afford islands of automation (technology or organizational-based barriers to information sharing); • It requires a knowledge management strategy; Capture Store Query Distribute Analyze Act Learn • Knowledge sources must be bridged and incorporated into the overall strategic fabric of the University Basic Premise II

  5. A complex management initiative Successful strategic management of IT is like solving a complex puzzle with many pieces (unconnected and often missing)

  6. Other Smartphone Hand Held Devices Interactive Pager Internet Appliances Notebook Desktop Shift in computing…..

  7. Slowly, access and security issues unresolved Quickly, opportunities for improved services, efficient gov’t Should we proceed slowly or quickly? Public Institutional Gov’t IT workers Customers Source: Council for Excellence in Government, 2001

  8. Government IT officials Public More convenient services More cost-effective gov’t Greater public access Gov’t more accountable What are the “higher-order” benefits? Source: Council for Excellence in Government, 2001

  9. Strategy(s) Infrastructure Useability Changing Landscape Security Expectations Legal and Regulatory Environment Accessibility Architecture Governance What are some of the key pieces? We can touch on some of the individual pieces of the puzzle…

  10. Key is in your ability to assemble the pieces… .. through a strategic roadmap for managing any successful initiative

  11. Business Strategy IT Strategy Scope Scope Competency Partnership Competency Partnership Structure Architecture Processes Skills Processes Skills Org. Infrastructure IT Infrastructure @lignment model Environment

  12. . . . Know ledge Man age ment, n. (L., linkus thinkorum; ME., linking the thinking), 1. The technologies, tools, processes and behaviors that make it easier to share ideas and expertise, to communicate, and to collaborate. “Knowledge Management” 2. Crafting the organization’s ability to identify and deploy know-how and experience (knowledge) so it can be used by people other than those involved in its creation. (See: core competency, learning organization, knowledge community, centers of excellence, knowledge creating company, information ecology/environment, sensemaking)

  13. Capture Store Query Distribute Analyze Act Learn Information Value Chain How are you going to get out of the “Green Zone”?

  14. Information Processing Capture Distribute Access Store Manipulate Capture Store Query Distribute Analyze Act Learn Elements of knowledge management

  15. Sensemaking Decide Enabling decision making Improve Making things better Reflect “View from the balcony” Analyze Capture Store Query Distribute Act Learn Elements of knowledge management

  16. Learning Internalization Using articulated knowledge to extend own tacit knowledge Analyze Capture Store Query Distribute Act Learn Elements of knowledge management Re-inventionTesting the assumptions of the organization -- innovating

  17. Learning Strategic @lignment Sensemaking Information Processing Production Knowledge management pyramid

  18. Knowledge communities Sources of knowledge (e.g., expertise, experience) in a firm around a particular objective: Process Program Core Resource Partnership Subject/Role

  19. Business Strategy IT Strategy Org. Infrastructure IT Infrastructure Bringing it together – Communities creating @lignment

  20. Key points for the new Web manager Integrating IT into any business is a very complex problemWeb technology is an important piece of the success puzzle; but it is a partner with other management variables – Think @lignment Think knowledge management as the planning framework for @lignmentIt is not just pushing around data! It’s enabling sensemaking and learning. This is value creationYou’re building strategic distinction and key competencies with the Web Articulate and empower knowledge communitiesThey will exist outside the formal organization chart but they drive our ability to @lign and realize IT investment IT integration and KM will mean a workplace culture shiftFrom structures to training to decision making processes, the old rules are/will change.

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