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Explore grant opportunities in the field of medicine and biotechnology in the USA, EU, and Ukraine. Find information about grant-making agencies and programs supporting research in various areas.
Grant Opportunities – USA, EU, UkraineКраткий обзор возможностейдля получения грантовв области медицины и биотехнологий (США, EC, Украина) Мельник-Мельников Петр Киев
www.grants.gov 26 grant-making agencies
US Grants • Civil Researchand Development Fund - CRDF Global (http://www.crdfglobal.org/capabilities/grants-and-research-competitions) • Ukrainian CRDF site https://www.facebook.com/CRDFGlobalUkraine/
NSF ( National Science Foundation) • Biological Sciences (molecular, cellular, and organismal biology, environmental science) - http://www.nsf.gov/awards/about.jsp
NSF, USAID (2) - Partnership for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER): • http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/PEER/PGA_147214 • Next deadline for PEER expected to be announced in Fall 2017 • The PEER program partners scientists from developing countries with NSFfunded scientists at US institutions • The goals of the program include building scientific capacity, empowering • researchers to use science and technology to address local and global • development challenges, and to build scientific networks to address global • challenges • Interests include: • Feed the Future (agricultural development, fisheries, plant genomics) • Environmental Contaminants • Global Health (infectious diseases, biomedical engineering, natural/human • system interactions) • Climate change impacts (water sustainability, hydrology, ocean • acidification, climate process and modeling, environmental engineering) • Other Development topics (disaster mitigation, biodiversity, water, • renewable energy)
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Foreign institutions can apply for grants NIH can make grants directly to foreign institutions There are some NIH programs designed specifically to foster international collaboration NIH visitor program - The Visiting Program is open to foreign national scientists, typically those at the early stages of their careers. There are two primary categories of Visiting Program participants: Visiting Fellows, who receive awards for research training, and Visiting Scientists, who receive Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) appointments to conduct research. Each participant works closely with a senior NIH investigator who serves as supervisor or sponsor during the period of award or appointment open to scientists at all career levels • https://www.ors.od.nih.gov/pes/dis/VisitingScientists/Pages/AboutNIHVisitingProgram.aspx • FOGARTY INTERNATIONAL CENTER: international component of the NIH • The many Fogarty programs provide funding for research and training in a varietyof global health topicshttps://www.fic.nih.gov/Funding/Pages/Fogarty-Funding-Opps.aspx • Programs: http://www.fic.nih.gov/Programs/Pages/default.aspx • Research & Research Training Programshttp://www.fic.nih.gov/Programs/Pages/chronic-lifespan.aspx • Chronic, Non-Communicable Diseases and Disorders Research Training Programs in Low and Middle Income Countries • https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-17-097.html • Application Due Date : March 14, 2018, March 14, 2019 • Program supports collaborative research between US institutions and international institutions
NIH (2) Global Infectious Disease Research Training Program • http://www.fic.nih.gov/Programs/Pages/infectious-disease.aspx • Letter of intent due: June 27 2017,June 26, 2018 • Supports research by US/Foreign institution collaboration and by foreigninstitutions Fogarty HIV Research Training Program • http://www.fic.nih.gov/Programs/Pages/hiv-aids-research-training.aspx • Letter of intent due: July 23 2017, 2018 • Supports US/foreign institution collaboration and foreign institutions
NIH Institutes • NIH Database - https://projectreporter.nih.gov/reporter.cfm • National Cancer Institute • http://cancer.gov/ • International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research: http://www.inctr.org • National Eye Institute • http://www.nei.nih.gov/ • Foreign institutions (but not foreign individuals) are eligible for some NEI grants • National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute • http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/ • National Human Genome Research Institute • http://www.genome.gov/ • National Institute on Aging • http://www.nia.nih.gov/
NIH Institutes (2) • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism • http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/ • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases • http://www.niaid.nih.gov/Pages/default.aspx • •Awards grants to foreign institutions • National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases • http://www.niams.nih.gov/ • National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering • http://www.nibib.nih.gov/ • Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development • http://www.nichd.nih.gov/ • Supports domestic and international research and training programs • National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders • http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/Pages/default.aspx
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research • http://www.nidcr.nih.gov/ • Collaborates on research, research training, and health promotion internationally • Maintains relations with international/foreign health agencies, coordinates research • activities on an international scale • National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases • http://www2.niddk.nih.gov/ • National Institute on Drug Abuse • http://www.drugabuse.gov/ • International Collaboration on Drug Abuse and Addiction Research: • http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-040.html • National Institute on Environmental Health Science • http://www.niehs.nih.gov/ • National Institute of General Medical Sciences • http://www.nigms.nih.gov/ • National Institute of Mental Health • http://www.nimh.nih.gov/index.shtml • National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities • http://www.nimhd.nih.gov/ • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke • http://www.ninds.nih.gov/ • Office of International Activities: • http://www.ninds.nih.gov/funding/areas/office_of_international_activities/ • National Institute of Nursing Research • http://www.ninr.nih.gov/
GRANTS & AWARDS FROM NON-GOVERNMENTALORGANIZATIONS (PRIVATE & CHARITABLEORGANIZATIONS) • HUMAN FRONTIER SCIENCE PROGRAM • • http://www.hfsp.org/funding/research-grants • • Letters of intent due in March • • Provides research grants for teams of scientists from different countries who seek tocombine their expertise to answer questions that could not be answered by individuallaboratories • • Looking for international teams that bring together scientists from different fields • • Looking for collaboration that brings together scientists preferable from differentdisciplines (chemistry, physics, computer science, engineering) to focus on problems inthe life sciences. Note, HFSPO funds only basic research. Applied applications, including medical research typically funded by national medical research bodies, will be deemed ineligible. • • Principle applicant for grant has to be from one of the member countries(http://www.hfsp.org/funding/eligible-countries) but collaborating scientists could befrom CIS countries
INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR GENETIC ENGINEERING ANDBIOTECHNOLOGY • • http://www.icgeb.org/research-grants.html • • Applications due in April of each year • • Scientists from the Kyrgyzstan, Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Russia can submit project proposals • • ICGEB supports research proposals in many fields of basic science, human healthcare,industrial and agricultural biotechnology, and environmental bioremediation • • Grants are awarded to promising scientific research projects aiming to achieve a clearresult within the maximum period of three years (36 months), at a contribution level notover Euro 25,000 per year
THE MOLECULAR FOUNDRY • • http://foundry.lbl.gov/ • • Deadline: September 30, 2017 • • Normally calls for proposals happen bi-annuallyhttp://foundry.lbl.gov/users/proposal_guide.html • Provides support for international researchers in the field of nanoscience • • Four main research themes: combinatorial nanoscience, nanointerfaces, multimodal insitu nanoimaging, single digit nanofabrication • • the Foundry provides researchers with the tools to enhance the development andunderstanding of the synthesis, characterization and theory of nanoscale materials
ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION • • http://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/ • Potential source for grants if proposals fit with the current issues the foundation isfocusing on5 issue areas the foundation is currently focusing on(https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/our-work/topics/advance-health/): 1. Basic Safeguards – secure food, water, housing, and infrastructure 2. Global Health - Accessible, affordable and equitable health services and systems 3. Climate & Environment - Sustainable growth and resilience to climate change 4. Urbanization - Solutions for fast-growing cities 5. Social & Economic Security - Stronger safety nets, reinvigorated citizenship, reimaginedpolicy frameworks
OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATIONS (The George Soros Foundation) • Grants • https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/grants • supports international collaboration among civil society and nongovernmentalorganizations to share experiences, expertise, and knowledge to advanceprinciples of open society internationally • Supports initiatives such as "Building a Common European Future forEnvironmental Sustainability" • Mental Health Initiative • http://www.soros.org/grants/mental-health-initiative • Provides grants to organizations in Central and Eastern Europe and the formerSoviet Union, or to organizations based in other countries that focus theiractivities in this regiongrants for projects that focus on the reform of national health, social welfare,education, and employment policies in regard to those with mental healthproblems
Health & Medicine • BRIGHTFOCUS FOUNDATION • • http://www.brightfocus.org/ • • grants for research regarding Alzheimer's Disease, Macular Degeneration, and Glaucoma • • Grants range from $100,000 ($50,000 for two years) for Macular Degeneration andGlaucoma research to $400,000 over three years for Alzheimer's research • The BroadMedical research Program at CROHN’S &COLITIS FOUNDATION • http://www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org/science-and-professionals/broad/ • • Proposals accepted and viewed year-round • • Funds research regarding Inflammatory Bowl Disease – refers to two chronic • inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis • • looking for innovative projects, projects in early stages, projects to improve diagnosis, • therapy or prevention, and projects that will lead to long-term funding by more traditionalgranting agencies
NATIONAL BLOOD FOUNDATION • http://www.aabb.org/research/nbf/Pages/grants.aspx • • Annual grant cycles – deadline for proposals for 2018 grant cycle is 30 December 2017 • Project funding up to $75,000 • • Focus on transfusion medicine, including aspects of immunology, hematology, tissue andtransplantation medicine, cellular therapies, emerging infectious disease,immunohematology, donor health, and technology • THRASHER RESEARCH FUND • https://www.thrasherresearch.org/SitePages/which-grant.aspx# • Concept papers accepted on a rolling basis • Awards for children’s medical research • grant amount is based on the project - duration of project can be up to 3 years - average • grant is $300,000 (in total, not annually) • No citizenship/residency requirements
WELCOME TRUST(UK) • https://wellcome.ac.uk/funding/scheme-finder • The Welcome Trust offers research funds to scientists in low or middle income countriesin the fields of public health and tropical medicine: • Master’s Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine: support forpostgraduate research and training relevant to health • Training Fellowship in Public Health and Tropical Medicine: support forresearchers at an early stage in their research careers to gain research experienceand training relevant to health • Intermediate Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine: support formid-career researchers to establish independent research programs • Senior Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine: support foroutstanding researchers to establish themselves as leading investigators at anacademic institution in a low or middle income country location
INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES • ISID Small Grants: http://www.isid.org/grants/grants_small.shtml • Deadline for submission April 1 and October 1 • Grants of up to $6000 are awarded • Grants for researchers in developing countries to support and foster the • professional development of young individuals • Areas of interest include, but are not limited to investigations of theepidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis or treatment of infectious diseases, theepidemiology and control of hospital-acquired infections, and modeling of costeffective interventions • • ISID Scientific Exchange Fellowships: • http://www.isid.org/grants/grants_fellowships.shtml • Annual deadline March 1 • Funding of up to $7,500 for up to 3 months • to promote collaboration among researchers in different countries by enabling • infectious disease researchers in the formative stage of their career to extend their • research experience in institutions outside of their regionSSI (Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases)/ISID Fellowship: • http://www.isid.org/grants/grants_ssi_fellowships.shtml • Deadline April 1 • financial stipend of up to 36,000 Swiss Franks per year • purpose of this Fellowship Program is to support infectious disease physiciansand scientists from developing and middle income countries throughmultidisciplinary clinical and laboratory training at select biomedical institutionsin Switzerland
FOUNDATIONS FOR SPECIFIC DISEASES • AUTISM SPEAKS • http://www.autismspeaks.org/science/grants-program • • support many different types of projects to advance all phases of autism research, eachfrom basic to clinical to treatment • • A large number of different grants and fellowships avaliable • CYSTIC FIBROSIS FOUNDATION • http://www.cff.org/research/ForResearchers/FundingOpportunities/ResearchGrants/#Research_Grants • • Research Grants for research related to cystic fibrosis – research may be carried out at thesubcellular, cellular, animal, or patient level • • CIS scientists would be eligible to apply for: • CFF Research Grant Award with letter of intent – next opportunity to submit aletter of intent application is April 2017 • CFF Pilot and Feasibility Award with Letter of Intent – next opportunity tosubmit a letter of intent application is April 2017 • CFFT Clinical Research Award with letter of intent – next opportunity to submit aletter of intent application is December 2017
MELANOMA INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION • http://www.melanomaintl.org/about/innovative_research.html • Deadline: no grants at the moment • Grants for innovative research in melanoma • Awards up to $40,000 • Open to all scientists, without regard for nationality or institutional or departmentaffiliation THE MICHAEL J. FOX FOUNDATION FOR PARKINSON’S RESEARCH • https://www.michaeljfox.org/research/apply-for-grant.html • fund research proposals for translational and clinical research, in addition to high-risk/high-reward discovery work • A number of different grant opportunities – many accept deadlines anytime
MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION • http://www.mdausa.org/research/guidelines.html • supports research aimed at developing treatments for the muscular dystrophies andrelated diseases of the neuromuscular system • Letters of intent due June 15, December 15 • Independent investigators only • “Proposals from applicants outside the United States will be considered for projects ofhighest priority to MDA and when, in addition to the applicant's having met therequirements noted above the applicant's country of residence may not have adequatesources of financial support for biomedical research.” • Funding amount depends on type of grant NATIONAL BRAIN TUMOR SOCIETY • Grant opportunities for academic researchers • http://braintumor.org/advance-research/research-funding-opportunities/ • Website says grants open to both the domestic and international research community -no grants at the moment
PARKINSON’S DISEASE FOUNDATION • International Research Grants Program (IRGP):http://www.pdf.org/results_funded • maximum of $75,000 over two years • IRGP aims at promoting innovative research to advance knowledge of Parkinson’sDisease • Open to all international scientists, regardless or citizenship/nationality • Letters of intent due in mid-November UNITED MITOCHONDRIAL DISEASE FOUNDATION • http://www.umdf.org/researchgrants/ • Mitochondrial disease results from failures of the mitochondria which are responsible forcreating over 90% of the energy needed by the body • Grant cycles begin in July • Fund basic and clinical research • they’re open to applications from foreign scientists
NATO – Science for Peace and Security Programme (SPS) • Research priorities are linked to NATO’s strategic objectives and focus on projects in direct support to NATO’s operations, as well as one projects enhancing the defence against terrorism and addressing other threats to security. As such, projects include explosives detection; physical protection from chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear agents; emergency preparedness; cyber defence; and environmental security. • Originally founded as the NATO Science Programme in the 1950s, the SPS Programme now offers grants for collaboration projects, workshops and training involving scientists from NATO member states and partner countries. • http://www.nato.int/cps/en/SID-96FD1490-001044F9/natolive/topics_85373.htm?
EU and International grant organizations • NORDIC ENVIRONMENT FINANCE CORPORATION (NEFCO) • http://www.nefco.org/en • Provides funding for environmental projects in Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia,Lithuania, & Belarus • Projects must: have a relevant environmental effect, have a Nordic company or institutionas a business partner, be based on long-term cooperation through investments inenterprises
SWISS NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION • http://www.snf.ch/en/funding/projects/projects-in-all-disciplines/Pages/default.aspx#Requirements • Funding opportunities for collaboration between Swiss scientists and Eastern Europeanscientists • There are a number of different types of grants/partnerships/projects, but CIS scientistsshould be eligible for some of them
Travel grants & exchange programs (USA) • Fullbright Ukraine http://www.fulbright.org.ua/ • Edmund S Muskie Exchange Program http://exchanges.state.gov/non-us/program/edmund-s-muskie-graduate-fellowship-program • The Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program provides fellowships for Master’s degree-level study to emerging leaders from Eurasia (including Ukraine) for study in the United States in various fields. • IREX ( International Research & Exchange Board ) - https://www.irex.org/about-us#irex-europe
Travel grants & exchange programs (EU) • DAAD - https://www.daad.de/en/ - German Academic Exchange Service • Tempus - the European Union's Program for the University Studies – is an external program of the EU that supports modernisation of higher education systems in the EU partner countries and neighbouring states. Today, this program is open for countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Western Balkans, North Africa and the Middle Easthttp://www.tempus.org.ua/uk/tempus.html
Travel grants & exchange programs (EU) • Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) http://ec.europa.eu/education/tools/llp_en • Comenius for schools • Erasmus for higher education • Leonardo da Vinci for vocational education and training • Grundtvig for adult education • The programme also included the "Jean Monnet" actions, designed to stimulate teaching, reflection, and debate on European integration. • ERASMUS MUNDUS • Erasmus Mundus aims to enhance quality in higher education through scholarships and academic cooperation between Europe and the rest of the world
Marie Curie Fellowships • http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/ • Marie Curie Fellowships are European research grants available to researchers regardless of their nationality or field of research. In addition to generous research funding scientists have the possibility to gain experience abroad and in the private sector, and to complete their training with competences or disciplines useful for their careers.
Horizon 2020 (EU) • The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation • http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/index_en.cfm?pg=h2020 • Horizon 2020 is the financial instrument implementing theEU 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe's global competitiveness. Running from 2014 to 2020 with an €80 billion budget, the EU’s new programme for research and innovation is part of the drive to create new growth and jobs in Europe. • ERA-WIDE • COSME http://ec.europa.eu/growth/smes/cosme/
H2020 3rd Health Programmehttp://ec.europa.eu/chafea/documents/health/hp-factsheets/project-grants/factsheets-hp-pg_en.pdf • The programme has 4 overarching objectives. It seeks to: • 1.Promote health, prevent diseases and foster supportive environments for healthy lifestyles taking into account the 'health in all policies' principle, • 2.Protect Union citizens from serious cross-border health threats, • 3.Contribute to innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems, • 4.Facilitate access to better and safer healthcare for Union citizens. • The total budget for the programme is € 449.4 millionhttps://ec.europa.eu/health/sites/health/files/programme/docs/factsheet_healthprogramme2014_2020_en.pdf
1. Promote health, prevent diseases and foster supportive environments for healthy lifestyles • Risk factors such as use of tobacco and passive smoking, harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy • dietary habits and physical inactivity • Drugs-related health damage, including information and prevention • HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and hepatitis • Chronic diseases including cancer, age-related diseases and neurodegenerative diseases • Tobacco legislation • Health information and knowledge system to contribute to evidence-based decision-making
2. Protect Union citizens from serious cross-border health threats • Additional capacities of scientific expertise for risk assessment • Capacity-building against health threats in Member States, including, where appropriate, • cooperation with neighbouring countries • Implementation of Union legislation on communicable diseases and other health threats, • including those caused by biological and chemical incidents, environment and climate change • Health information and knowledge system to contribute to evidence-based decision-making
3. Contribute to innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems • Health Technology Assessment • Innovation and e-health • Health workforce forecasting and planning • Setting up a mechanism for pooling expertise at Union level • European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing • Implementation of Union legislation in the field of medical devices, medicinal products and cross-border healthcare • Health information and knowledge system including support to the Scientific Committees set up in accordance with Commission Decision 2008/721/EC
4. Facilitate access to better and safer healthcare for Union citizens • European Reference Networks • Rare diseases • Patient safety and quality of healthcare • Measures to prevent antimicrobial resistance and control healthcare-associated infections • Implementation of Union legislation in the fields of tissues and cells, blood, organs • Health information and knowledge system to contribute to evidence-based decision-making
CHAFEA • The Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) is the successor of the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) to manage the technical and financialimplementation of the Public Health Programme and also the Consumers Programme and the Better Training for Safer Food initiative • Funding (usually, up to 60% from EU – maximum 80% in case of exceptional utility) in the field of health http://ec.europa.eu/chafea/health/
Grants for US Start-ups (SBIR/STTR) • The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program is a highly competitive program that encourages domestic small businesses to engage in Federal Research/Research and Development (R/R&D) that has the potential for commercialization. Through a competitive awards-based program, SBIR enables small businesses to explore their technological potential and provides the incentive to profit from its commercialization. By including qualified small businesses in the nation's R&D arena, high-tech innovation is stimulated and the United States gains entrepreneurial spirit as it meets its specific research and development needs. • http://www.sbir.gov/about/about-sbir
STTR • Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) is another program that expands funding opportunities in the federal innovation research and development (R&D) arena. Central to the program is expansion of the public/private sector partnership to include the joint venture opportunities for small businesses and nonprofit research institutions. The unique feature of the STTR program is the requirement for the small business to formally collaborate with a research institution in Phase I and Phase II. STTR's most important role is to bridge the gap between performance of basic science and commercialization of resulting innovations. • http://www.sbir.gov/about/about-sttr
Ukraine • The State Fund for Fundamental Researchhttp://www.education.gov.ua/2010-07-16-08-20-35/154-2010-10-19-10-35-57.html?lang=uk • ДФФД) оголошує проведення конкурсу Ф76 Конкурс проводиться за наступними науковими пріоритетними напрямами: • - Нові біологічно активні речовини для медицини; • Кінцевий термін подання запитів на конкурс – 30 квітня 2017 року.
STCU –Targeted Research & Development Initiatives(TRDI) Program in the following priority areas: 1. New information technologies for Human-Computer commutation facilitation, energy saving, supercomputing and grid-technologies; 2.Secure and ecologically rational technologies of power supply; 3.Up-to-date functional and construction materials, methods of obtaining, processing and combining. 4. Molecular and cellular biotechnologies, biosensor and new methods of illnesses diagnosing http://www.stcu.int/search/search.php?zoom_query=TRDI&btnG=Search