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Important information for MCHS faculty/staff for the upcoming school year. Includes classroom setup, bell schedules, syllabus requirements, parent contacts, and professional dress guidelines.
Faculty Focus Preplanning 2016-2017 ONCE AN INDIAN…
Faculty InformationPLEASE READ BEFORE the Faculty Meeting on Wednesday, August 24, 2016.
Information included in this presentation is extremely IMPORTANT! All faculty/staff at MCHS will be responsible for reading, understanding, and implementing/following these expectations and guidelines.
Please read each slide carefully.There will be a sign-off sheet at the faculty meeting for you to initial indicating that you have read and understand the information in this presentation.
Please get a note pad or index card at this time so you can create a “CHECK LIST”of things you need to pick-up, check, post in your classroom, request, etc.
Classroom Set-up Please do not “drag” items across your floor. Please do not “drag” items through hallways If you have concerns regarding your room, please EMAIL or see MR. THORNBURY. Do not stand on chairs or desks. Ask for assistance from maintenance for these types of tasks.
ITEMS TO POST IN YOUR CLASSROOM: By SMARTBOARD/Dry-Erase Board: (Email Ms. Morrow if you do not have these items.) System Vision, Mission, Beliefs Thinking Maps Diagrams and Vocabulary By DOOR: (Email Mr. Thornbury if you do not have these items.) Evacuation Routes Lockdown/Emergency Procedures Emergency Flashcards Classroom Rosters Indian PRIDE poster: Location up to you (Email Ms. Morrow if you do not have this item.)
Classroom Phones Every room should have a phone. If you do not have a phone or your phone is not working, please let Mr. Thornbury know ASAP. It is OK to hook-up your phone yourself. Be sure the front office extension (6200) is posted near the phone for emergency purposes.
Computers If you have a laptop, it should be ready for you to pick-up in the Media Center. If you have a desktop, it is OK to connect it yourself. If you are not confident in connecting it yourself, please do a work order through adrienne.jack@murray.k12.ga.us so Susan can connect it for you. Any “extra” technology in your classroom should be removed by technology. You will need to complete a work order to have this done. Moving/exchanging technology with anyone else is not an option unless Mrs. Linder approves and a technology relocation form is completed/signed.
Bell Schedules • We have the same regular and advisement bell schedules that we had last year . • The amended schedule for the first four days of school has been “tweaked.” Class time for the first 4 days of school will be 48 minutes. • Bell Schedules will be distributed at the first faculty meeting.
Administrator/Office Duties • There have been some slight changes in duties this year for the administrators and office staff. Before you contact or email one of us about a situation, please be sure you check the duties list. • If you have already requested assistance from an administrator on a situation, please do not make the same request to another administrator. • Responsibility/Duty list will be provided to you at the faculty meeting.
Syllabus Information A syllabus is required for all subjects taught. Syllabi are due to Mrs. Ford before Open House. Grading weights are to be part of your syllabus. Max weights are as follows: Tests (40%) Daily (10%) Homework (5%) Projects (20%) EOC (REQUIRED 20%) SRI Growth Grades (10%) Final (10%) Benchmarks (REQUIRED 5%) **Any combination of the above may be used to equal 100% of the student’s average as long as the categories do not exceed their MAX weights. You do not have to use all of the categories and can substitute things as appropriate: labs, writing across the curriculum, etc.) **Questions? See your Department Head
Parent Contacts/Communication • Please try to contact all of your parents within the first month of school. • It is required that a parent contact be made for any student whose grade falls below a 73. • Students should not be referred to the office for step-discipline prior to a parent contact being made and documented on the parent contact form. • You must keep a parent contact log in your teacher portfolio. • We encourage you to set-up Remind 101 for your classroom. This will provide an additional avenue for whole group communication and awareness for your parents. There will be a Remind 101 session during preplanning for those who need assistance.
Professional Dress • All faculty/staff should be dressed in a professional manner at all times. • Ladies: dress pants, dress capris, dress tops, dresses, skirts—all within student dress code guidelines. • Gentlemen: dress pants, collared shirts, khaki pants—ties are optional. • Shoes: dress shoes, tennis shoes, and dress sandals—no flip flops or hiking type shoes. • Blue jeans and t-shirts/sweatshirts are only acceptable on approved jean days. T-shirts/sweatshirts must be MCHS shirts. • Shorts (includes knee shorts) or sweats are not options. **PE teachers: Khaki shorts, collared shirt (or MCHS shirt) and tennis shoes would be considered appropriate attire for you. You may also wear nice sweats when it gets cold.
Cafeteria Responsibilities • All staff will eat in the cafeteria the first week of school. • Teachers within each department will then “rotate” covering the cafeteria each week. Your department leader will provide you with your rotation dates.
STUDENT ATTENDANCE Checking student attendance in Infinite Campus is a REQUIREMENT for EVERY CLASS PERIOD. This is to be done at the VERY BEGINNING of each class.
Teacher Absences • Planned absences/Absences you know about at least a day in advance: (Personal, Full, Half, and Partial Days—even one class period) • Teacher must complete a preplanned absence form. • Mrs. Linder must sign the form in advance. • Personal Leave before/after a holiday and during the last month of school should only be for an extreme situation. The teacher is responsible for setting up a meeting with Mrs. Linder to discuss prior to submitting a request. • A doctor’s note may be required for absences due to illness. • Emergency/Unexpected Absences: • Call Mrs. Richardson between 6:00 – 6:45 a.m. at 706-695-1414, Ext. 6200 • Please have emergency lesson plans updated and readily available in YOUR PORTFOLIO. • Contact your department head before 7:00 a.m. (Speak with your department head about how he/she wants to be contacted: email, personal phone, message through Mrs. Richardson, etc.)
Field Trip Requests/Professional Leave • Day and In-state Overnight Trips: Forms must be completed and given to Mrs. Jack no less than 20 working days in advance. • Out of state and Out of State Overnight trips require BOE approval. Forms must be submitted 20 working days prior to the BOE meeting each month (see system website for meeting schedule). • It is the teacher’s responsibility to complete and submit, via email, the professional leave form for trips. • Forms submitted that do not meet these deadlines will not be approved.
Purchase Orders and Money Collection A purchase order requisition form must be completed for all POs.Title I requires a detailed description of what the product will be used for and who will be using the product. A receipt must be written as soon as money is collected and logged on the form. It is required that Mrs. Jack have all money counted and deposited within three days of the receipt date. (Mrs. Jack has the receipt books and forms.) All money/checks and logs MUST be turned-in to Mrs. Richardson at the end of each day. DO NOT KEEP MONEY IN YOUR CLASSROOM OR WITH YOU OVERNIGHT! (Coaches/Sponsors—follow the same procedure as last year for turning-in money you collect after office hours.)
Fund Raisers • All fundraisers must be approved by Mrs. Linder two weeks in advance. • All fundraisers must meet the state nutritional guidelines or the additional fund raiser form must be completed. • BOE policy allows TWO fundraisers per year for each organization/club where students are “soliciting funds.” Mrs. Jack has all of the fund raiser forms and can assist you in completing them correctly prior to submitting them to Mrs. Linder.
Video Approval • Any video/movie that is longer than 10 minutes requires approval from Mrs. Ford.
Advisement • We will have either Literacy Advisement, Attendance Advisement, or clubs every Thursday this year. • All teachers should prepare in advance for each advisement session. • We will be using “THE HARBOR” link at jostensrenaissance.com for our advisement sessions this year. The school code for registering is: BJC348. Please go ahead and set-up an account for yourself. • You will notice videos and handout links in “THE HARBOR.” Please go ahead and familiarize yourself with this site. • Mrs. Ford will provide you with a schedule of which videos we will view for each advisement session. • We will have Professional Learning on this prior to our first Advisement. • Please be sure you prepare in advance for each advisement session. The handouts will need to be ready prior to Thursday Advisements. • One Advisement each month will be an “Attendance Advisement.” We will stay in second period for this advisement. We will have professional learning for this prior to the first Attendance Advisement.
Teacher Portfolios • All teachers should have your green portfolios from last year. • New teachers will get your portfolio from Mrs. Ford. • REMOVE ALL OF LAST YEAR’S INFORMATION. PORTFOLIOS SHOULD BE EMPTY TO START THE YEAR. ONLY 2016-2017 INFORMATION SHOULD BE IN THE PORTFOLIO. • Portfolios should be kept on your desk at all times. • We are making some changes to the Portfolios this year. Mrs. Ford will cover this information with you during pre-planning. **Questions: Set up a meeting with Mrs. Ford.
Faculty Parking • All Faculty members must have a parking pass displayed from review mirror. • Mrs. Richardson will assign/distribute new passes during preplanning in the media center. • Faculty parking will be the same as last year—on the school side of the guard shack and in the lower (gym) parking area. • All faculty should park in an actual parking space. (Please do not park in the grass or in the small circle in front of the Fine Arts entrance.) **We understand that throughout the year there may be an extenuating circumstance where you may need to park close to your classroom. These situations need to be cleared by Mr. Thornbury.
Hall Passes • All teachers should have a BRIGHT GREEN student hall pass holder. • Students should not be allowed to leave your classroom unless it is an emergency. • Students should not be in the hallway without a completed pass. • If you need a new holder or insert, please see Mr. Thornbury
FINALLY—Be sure to review the Preplanning Schedule that was attached to the email. We are looking forward to ANOTHER GREAT YEAR!