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Saint-Joseph University of Beirut Beirut-Lebanon. Environmental Challenges and Precariat : A Global Concern P r . Leonel Matar leonel.matar@usj.edu.lb. It is undeniable today that the problems that threaten our society are becoming global.
Saint-Joseph University of BeirutBeirut-Lebanon Environmental Challenges and Precariat : A Global Concern Pr. Leonel Matar leonel.matar@usj.edu.lb
It is undeniable today that the problems that threaten our society are becoming global. • Globalization puts more pressure on our planet and our welfare.
All countries, rich and poor, face environmental challenges, sustainable development concerns and the emergence of a precariat, calling for socially responsible practices from businesses and States.
Can Globalization rise to the challenge and stand up to the economic, human, social, environmental and ethical threats in today’s world ?
Environmental and social variables are considered today as important elements for a peaceful society all over the world.
The rampant consumerism • The excessive industrialization • The westernized economic model
All these elements, which are applied by developed and emerging countries today and which will be embraced by developing countries tomorrow, are likely to shake the fate of the world and endanger an already fragile social peace.
The environnemental issue • The deterioration of the environment and the depletion of natural resources constitute today global issues. • The world population has more than tripled since 1950 and is set to increase by 40% by 2050.
World Population • 1950 2.5 Billion • 1975 4.0 Billion • 2000 6.0 Billion • 2009 6.8 Billion • 2015 7.4 Billion • 2018 7.6 Billion
History has shown that as people become richer: - they use more energy - they consume more products - they waste more ▼ More pressure on the environment
WORLD GDP 1960: $ 1.367 Billion 2000: $ 32.001 Billion 2005: $ 45.232 Billion 2010: $ 63.049 Billion 2015: $ 73.434 Billion 2016: $ 75.845 Billion 2017: $ 78.576 Billion (Estimation)
Environmental challenge and Energy shortage ▼ Consequences ▼ Economic Social Health PROBLEMS
Three Hard Truths 1- Surging Energy Demand 2- Struggle for more supplies 3- Increasing stress on our environment
What will happen to our World ? ▼ Catastrophic scenario or pragmatic and realistic solutions?
People and groups, fearing loss of their lifestyles and prosperity, come together to press governments and businesses to give sustainable development a higher priority.
Technology combined with innovation will be a good opportunity for our world to deal with this issue.
Governments alone are not able to overcome these problems. ▼ The participation of the private sector is highly needed.
Multinationals, corporations and SMEs are spread all over the world: • Big consumers of natural resources • International outsourcing • Always hungry for raw materials • Detain economic and social power • Leading technology
The cost of a 50 % reduction in global emissions by 2050 is estimated at $ 45 trillions ▼ The challenge of financing ?
Sustainable Development will be a developmenttaking into consideration many criteria other than the environmental problems
Satisfy more customers needs Increase profits Create values Foster competitive advantage Solve and avoid environmental problems Focus on long term success
It is obvious today that companies and multinationals will be brought to take more responsibility at different levels and in areas that were once monopolized by the states.
Multinationals are the true creators of wealth. • The growing power of companies allowed them to take into account the concerns of the societies and communities in which they operate.
Sustainable Development, today and tomorrow • It is obvious today that the world in general and the economy in particular can no longer function according to a logic that has not changed since the industrial revolution, namely, unrestrained use of energy resources. • The unhealthy addiction of the South and the North to economic growth as a dogma is a serious matter.
Human Development Index : Since 1990, UNDP publishes HDI which is becoming increasingly known and publicized; it takes into account the economic, social, educational and environmental aspects of development.
Index of Economic Well-being • The index of economic well-being is constructed by taking the average of 4 synthetic indicators: • Effective per capita consumption flows • The income distribution • The net accumulation of productive resources • The degree of security or economic insecurity
Precariatis not a homogeneous condition across the world The main groups which compose the precariat class
Temporary jobs with a weak and fragile situation, lowincomes. In mostcounrties, the number of workers in temporary jobs and unstablestatusesisrising. This situation cannotpromote social stability
Part-time employmentbecomes a feature of the world tertiaryeconomy, unlikeindustrialsocieties. Part-time jobs conceal the extent of employment and unemployment.
The growingarmy in call centres, a sinistersymbol of globalisation. All over the world, recentgraduates, currentstudents and pre-studentswork for littlepay.
Internships are considered as a potentialpath to precariat. Intern programmes launched by manygovernmentsis a phenomenon to conceal the growingyouthunemployment rate
There is a "high-end" precariousness which reaches the middle class and the graduates
The Consequences of Precariousness Precariatis not just a matter of insecure, or part-time or fixed-term jobs. It is a statusthatoffers no sense of career, no sense of secureidentity and future. Many of us fearfallinginto the precariat or fear for ourfriends and family.
Precariatcaneasily lead to social tensions in poor and rich countries. Precaritymay lead to populism and extremism
Whyprecariousnessisgrowing ? • Our global marketeconomy, based on competition and individualism, is the main reason. • Competition (and flexibility) is good for us as consumers
Competition in all areas and at all levels • But, competition asks for more sacrifice from workers and employees. • More stress, more insecurity and psychologicalproblems.
Technology and the precariousness Technologythreatens millions of jobs across the world Technologytodayis“blindto the color of your collar.” It doesn’t matter whether you’re a factory worker, a financial advisor or a professional flute-player: automation is coming for you. Jerry Kaplan
The big challenge is how to manage the transition. Flexibility of course but the best strategy is to diversify our portofolio of competencies, thus our careers.
The Precariat Precariatis a condition thatcouldhappen to most of us Precariatdoes not includeonlyvictims, manyreasons are behindentering in a pecarious situation. Differentvarieties of precariat.
And the future ? • Capitalism remains the only economic system capable of creating wealth and boosting innovation BUT ▼ • Capitalism needs to be softened, humanized and moralized
The role of the State withGlobalization ? The more global a State becomes, the more it loses power. The more global a company becomes, the more it gains power
The State is more necessary than ever • Globalization complicates and redefines the role of the State • The reinvention of the role of the State and that of the businesses
The reinventionis a politicalact. • The solutions to environmental, social and economic issues depend on the will of the States and private firms to include human and moral dimensions in their policies.
At a time of globalization, our dependence on growth for happiness should only trigger the implementation of a new approach to design our future. Many economists dispute the fact that economic growth alone is the source of improving the destiny of human beings.
In the XXI century, the introduction of social and environmental indicators in the economic analysis becomes a necessity and a moral obligation.