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Tom Peters' Master Presentation: Innovation, Value-Added Strategy, Leadership

Unlock the insights in Tom Peters' dynamic Master Presentation that delves deep into innovation, value-added strategies, leadership in turbulent times, and more. Available for download with bonus content!

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Tom Peters' Master Presentation: Innovation, Value-Added Strategy, Leadership

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  1. Welcome to Tom Peters “PowerPoint World”! Beyond the set of slides here, you will find at tompeters.com the last eight years of presentations, a basketful of “Special Presentations,” and, above all, Tom’s constantly updatedMaster Presentation—from which most of the slides in this presentation are drawn. There are about 3,500 slides in the 7-part “Master Presentation.” The first five “chapters” constitute the main argument: Part I is context. Part II is devoted entirely to innovation—the sine qua non, as perhaps never before, of survival. In earlier incarnations of the “master,” “innovation” “stuff” was scattered throughout the presentation—now it is front and center and a stand-alone. Part III is a variation on the innovation theme—but it is organized to examine the imperative (for most everyone in the developed-emerging world) of an ultra high value-added strategy. A “value-added ladder” (the “ladder” configuration lifted with gratitude from Joe Pine and Jim Gilmore’s Experience Economy) lays out a specific logic for necessarily leaving commodity-like goods and services in the dust. Part IV argues that in this age of “micro-marketing” there are two macro-markets of astounding size that are dramatically under-attended by all but a few; namely women and boomers-geezers. Part V underpins the overall argument with the necessary bedrock—Talent, with brief consideration of Education & Healthcare. Part VI examines Leadership for turbulent times from several angles. Part VII is a collection of a dozen Lists—such as Tom’s “Irreducible 209,” 209 “things I’ve learned along the way.” Enjoy! Download! “Steal”—that’s the whole point!

  2. NOTE:To appreciate this presentation [and ensure that it is not a mess], you need Microsoft fonts:“Showcard Gothic,”“Ravie,”“Chiller”and“Verdana”


  4. NOTE: To appreciate this presentation, you need Microsoft fonts:“Showcard Gothic,”“Ravie,”“Chiller” and “Verdana”Master/Excellence. Always./part THREE (of 7)up, up, up,up …the value added ladder(solutions-experiences-dreams-lovemarks)19 October 2007

  5. “Don’t own nothin’ if you can help it. If you can, rent your shoes.”—Forrest Gump

  6. “Organizations will still be critically important in the world, but as ‘organizers,’ not ‘employers’!”— Charles Handy

  7. “ ‘Disintermediation’ is overrated. Those who fear disintermediation-outsourcing should in fact be afraid of irrelevance; ‘outsourcing’ is just another way of saying that …you’ve become irrelevant to your customers.”—John Battelle/Point/AdvertisingAge/07.05

  8. “Deutsche Bank Moves Half of Its Back-office Jobs to India”/ headline/FT/0327(500 of 900 Research)

  9. “[Former Fed Vice-chairman Alan] Blinder … remains an implacable opponent of tariffs and trade barriers. But now he is saying loudly that a new industrial revolution—communication technology that allows services to be delivered from afar—will put as many as 40 million Americanjobs at risk of being shipped out of the country in the next decade or two.”*—Wall Street Journal /0328 *Blinder: 40 million = “only the tip of a very big iceberg.”

  10. Chicago:HRMAC

  11. Sarah:“ Mom, what do you do?”Mom:“I’m ‘overhead.’”

  12. “support function” / “cost center”/ “overhead”or

  13. Are you …“Rock Stars of the Age of Talent”

  14. Department Headto …Managing Partner, IS[HR, R&D, etc.]Inc.

  15. Answer:PSF

  16. “Typically in a mortgage company or financial services company, ‘risk management’ is an overhead, not a revenue center. We’ve become more than that.We pay for ourselves, and we actually make money for the company.”—Frank Eichorn, Director of Credit Risk Data Management Group, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (Source: sas.com) (Who Owns the Data? Using Internal Customer Relationship Management to Improve Business and IT Integration —Frank Eichorn)

  17. Mantra:“Eichorn it!”

  18. Every job done in W.C.W. [White Collar World] is also done “outside” …for profit!

  19. Core Mechanism:“Game-changing Solutions”PSF(Professional Service Firm “model”/The Organizing Principle)+Brand You(“Distinct” or “Extinct”/The Talent) +Wow! Projects (“Different” vs “Better”/TheWork)

  20. Series/Reinventing WorkThe Project 50: Fifty Ways To Transform Every “Task” Into A Project That MattersThe Professional Service Firm 50: Fifty Ways To Transform Your “Department” Into A Professional Service Firm Whose Trademarks Are Passion And InnovationThe Brand You 50: Fifty Ways To Transform Yourself From An “Employee” Into A Brand That Shouts Distinction, Commitment And Passion

  21. Are you the …“Principal Engine of Value Added”*E.g.: Your R&D budget as robust as the New Products team?

  22. Agriculture Age (farmers)Industrial Age (factory workers)Information Age (knowledge workers)Conceptual Age*(creators)*Murakami Teruyasu: “Age of Creation Intensification”Source: Dan Pink, A Whole New Mind

  23. The“PSF35”: Thirty-Five Professional Service Firm Marks of Excellence

  24. The PSF35: The Work & The Legacy1.CRYSTAL CLEAR POINT OF VIEW (E very Practice Group: “If you can’t explain your position in eight words or less, you don’t have a position”—Seth Godin)2. DRAMATIC DIFFERENCE (“We are the only ones who do what we do”—Jerry Garcia)3. Stretch Is Routine (“Never bite off less than you can chew”—anon.)4. Eye-Appetite for Game-changer Projects (Excellence at Assembling “Best Team”—Fast) 5. “Playful” Clients (Adventurous folks who unfailingly Aim to Change the World)6. Small “Uneconomic” Clients with Big Aims 7. Life Is Too Short to Work with Jerks (Fire lousy clients)8. OBSESSED WITH LEGACY (Practice Group and Individual: “Dent the Universe”—Steve Jobs)9. Fire-on-the-spot Anyone Who Says, “Law/Architecture/Consulting/ I-banking/ Accounting/PR/Etc. has become a ‘commodity’ ” 10. Consistent with #9 above … DO NOT SHY AWAY FROM THE WORD (IDEA) “RADICAL”

  25. Richard Sennett: “Craftsmanship,” “a sustaining life narrative”Source: Stefan Stern on Management, FT, 0710.07

  26. Pointed Point of View!

  27. R.POV8**Remarkable Point Of View/8 Words or less/“If you can’t state your position in eight words or less you don’t have a position.”—SG

  28. “If you can’t write your movie idea on the back of a business card, you ain’t got a movie.”—Samuel Goldwyn

  29. The PSF35: The Client Experience11. Always team with client: “full partners in achieving memorable results”(Wanted: “Chimeras of Moonstruck Minds”!)12. We will seek assistance Anywhere to assemble the Best-in- Planet Team for the Project13. Client Team Members routinely declare that working with us was “the Peak Experience of my Career”14. The job’s not done until implementation is “100.00% complete” (Those who don’t “get it” must go)15.IMPLEMENTATION IS NOTCOMPLETE UNTIL THE CLIENT HAS EXPERIENCED “CULTURE CHANGE”16.IMPLEMENTATION IS NOTCOMPLETE UNTIL SIGNIFICANT “TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER HAS TAKEN PLACE-ROOT(“Teach a man to fish …”)17.The Final Exam: DID WE MAKE A DRAMATIC, LASTING, GAME-CHANGING DIFFERENCE?

  30. “The business of selling is not just about matching viable solutions to the customers that require them. It’s equally about managing the change process the customer will need to go through to implement the solution and achieve the value promised bythe solution.”*(*E.g.: CRM failure rate/Gartner: 70%)—Jeff Thull, The Prime Solution: Close the Value Gap, Increase Margins, and Win the Complex Sale

  31. UniCredit Group/ UniCredito Italiano* **—3rd party measurement—Customer-initiated measurement—Primary $$$$ incentives—“Factories”—Primary Corporate Initiative—Etc*#13**TP/#1

  32. The PSF35: The People & The Leadership18. TALENT FANATICS (“Best-Coolest place to work”) (PERIOD)19. EYE FOR THE PECULIAR (Hiring: Go beyond “same old, same old”) 20. Early Opportunities (vs. “Wait your turn”) 21. Up or Out (Based on “Legacy”/Mentoring as much as “Billings”/“Rainmaking”)22. Slide the Old Aside/Make Room for Youth (Find oldsters new roles?)23. TALENT IS OBSESSED WITH RENEWAL FROM DAY #1 TO DAY #“R” [R = Retirement]24. Office/Practice Leaders Evaluated Primarily on Mentoring-Team Building Skills 25. A “PROPRIETARY” TALENT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS (GE) 26. Team Leadership Skills Valued Early27. Partner with B.I.W. [Best In World] Outsiders as Needed and to Infuse Different Views

  33. The PSF35: The Firm & The Brand28. EAT-SLEEP-BREATHE-OOZE INTEGRITY (“My life is my message”—Gandhi) 29. Excellence+ in EXECUTION… 100.00% of the Time30. “Drop everything”/“Swarm” to Support a Harried-On The Verge Team31. SPEND ON R&D LIKE A TECH FIRM. 32. A PROPRIETARY METHODOLOGY (FBR, McKinsey, Chiat Day, IDEO, old EDS) 33. BRAND MANIACS(Organize Around a Point of View Worth BROADCASTING) 34. PASSION! ENTHUSIASM! 35.EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS.

  34. “P.S.F.”: SummaryH.V.A. Projects (100%)Pioneer ClientsWOW Work (see below)Hot “Talent” (see below)“Adventurous” “culture”Proprietary Point of View (Methodology)W.W.P.F./Work Worth Paying For (100%)/Outside Clients (25%+) When: Now!

  35. (1) Translate ALL departmental activities into discrete W.W.P.F. “Products.”(2) 100% go on the Web.(3)Non-awesome are outsourced (75%??).(4)Remaining “Centers of Excellence” are retained & leveraged to the hilt!

  36. BMW’s Designworks/USA: >50% from outside work

  37. Static/ImitativeIntegrity.Quality.Continuous Improvement.Superior Service (Exceeds Expectations.)Completely Satisfactory Transaction.Smooth Evolution.Market Share.Dynamic/DifferentDramatic Difference!Disruptive!Insanely Great! (Quality++++)Life-(Industry-)changing Experience!Game-changing!WOW!Surprise!Delight!Breathtaking!Punctuated Equilibrium!Market Creation!

  38. G.M. = The Recruitment and Development of Top Talent. [Period!]V.C. = Bets on “Talent.” Bets on Projects. [Period!]

  39. Dept. Head I = Sports G.M.Dept. Head II = V.C.

  40. EXCELLENCE =Flawless EXECUTION+ Continuous IMPROVEMENT+ Brilliantly Trained PEOPLE+Gamechanging QUESTS + WEIRD Rosters +GASPWORTHY Results

  41. EXCELLENCE =Flawless EXECUTION+ Continuous IMPROVEMENT+ Brilliantly Trained PEOPLE+Gamechanging QUESTS + WEIRD Rosters +GASPWORTHY Results

  42. Psf.Bedrock.

  43. PSF/Professional Service Firm/BeliefsProfession: Calling/Passion to make a difference/Excellence (always)point of view: know exactly what we stand for/ “Dramatic Difference”Client: enduring, test-the-limits relationship/Trusted advisorSolution: Rock His-her World/ “wow”/ implemented “Culture change”/ >>>>>> “satisfaction”

  44. “Purchasing Officer” Thrust #1:Cost (at All Costs*) Minimization Professional?Or/to:FullPartner-Leader in Lifetime Value-added Maximization?(*Lopez: “Arguably ‘Villain #1’ in GM tragedy”/Anon VSE-Spain)

  45. Fleet ManagerRolling Stock CostMinimization Officervs/orChief of Fleet Lifetime Value MaximizationStrategic Supply-chain ExecutiveCustomer Experience Director (via drivers)

  46. 2m38s

  47. HCare CIO: “Technology Executive”(workin’ in a hospital)Or/to:Full-scale, Accountable(life or death)Member-Partner of XYZ Hospital’s Senior Healing-Services Team(who happens to be a techie)

  48. PSF Transformation: Credit Department/TrekWasIsCredit DeptFinancial ServicesHammer on dealers untilMake dealers successful so theythey payCAN payAR sold to 3rd partyTrek is the commercial financialcommercial co.Company23 employees12 employeesOversee peak AR of $70MOversee peak AR of $160MIdentify risky dealersIdentify opportunitiesCost CenterProfit CenterNo productsProducts: Consulting, MC/Visa,Stored value of gift cards, Gift cardperipherals, Online paymentsSource: John Burke/0330.06

  49. Photographer: Louise Roach

  50. Big Idea:“Corporation” as Mega-“PSF”(Professional Service Firm*)* “Virtual” Collection of Entrepreneurially-minded Professionals (“Talent”/“Roster”) Creating/Applying Intellectual Capital (“Work Product”)

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