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Explore how calculators and computers enhance math learning. Teach pupils effective calculator use, incorporate calculators for problem-solving, and integrate technology for number patterns exploration and fact consolidation. Emphasize a Calculator-Aware Curriculum, practical math activities, and precise language use for confidence in mathematical discussions. Enhance learning for specific needs like emotional and behavioral difficulties, autism, dyspraxia, dyslexia, dyscalculia, gifted children, and EAL learners.
Chapter 13ICT and the use of calculators in teaching and learning mathematics
Chapter Summary • This chapter illustrates how calculators and computers can be effective tools for learning mathematics • The chapter argues that pupils should use calculators at all stages of learning mathematics. • The chapter offers questions to support readers in finding appropriate software to support the learning of mathematics.
Teaching pupils to use calculators • Teach children how to use the calculator effectively so they can decide when it is appropriate to use a calculator and when mental methods would be quicker and more efficient. • Use calculators when the focus is on solving a problem rather than the process of calculation. • Use the calculator as a tool to support children in exploring number patterns. • Use calculators to consolidate children’s learning of number facts and calculation strategies.
A Calculator Aware Curriculum • Children should always have a calculator available and the choice to use it should be the child’s not the teacher’s. • There should be a teacher emphasis on practical investigational and cross curricular mathematics. • Children should engage in mathematical activities which involve a range of apparatus. • Teachers should support learners in developing confidence in talking about numbers using precise mathematical language. • Mental methods should be emphasised and sharing children’s mental methods encouraged.
The appropriate use of computers • To what extent does the resource provide an image or a representation of the mathematical idea you wish to teach? • To what extent does the resource encourage learners to describe what they are doing?’ • To what extent is the resource able to offer a range of representations of the same mathematical idea?
Specific learning needs • Children with emotional and behavioural difficulties • Children with autism • Children with dyspraxia • Children with dyslexia • Children with dyscalculia • Children who are gifted and talented • Children with English as an Additional Language