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JUNIOR YEAR UCTECH CLASS OF 2015. AP Session info and course information. Refresher REQUIREMENTS. So this means…. . English III Math Math Analysis, Algebra II w/ Trig, or AP Calculus I/AB Fitness/Health Technical Concentration Physics Social Studies US History II. Spanish
JUNIOR YEAR UCTECH CLASS OF 2015 AP Session info and course information
So this means…. • English III • Math • Math Analysis, Algebra II w/ Trig, or AP Calculus I/AB • Fitness/Health • Technical Concentration • Physics • Social Studies • US History II • Spanish • Spanish III, Spanish IV, AP Spanish or Drop Spanish (not recommended) • If you do drop Spanish… here are some of your Options
Why Take an AP Class? • Earn College Credit and Placement • Most four-year colleges in the United States and colleges in more than 60 other countries give students credit, advanced placement or both on the basis of AP Exam scores. By entering college with AP credits, you'll have the time to move into upper level courses, pursue a double-major or study abroad. • (www.collegeboard.org)
How are AP exams scored • AP scores are determined after we establish score boundaries—the difference between a 2 on the exam and a 3, for example. We do this by defining how many composite score points equal each different AP score. This process is known as score setting and it takes place immediately after the reading. • AP Exam scores are reported on a 5-point scale as follows: 5 Extremely well qualified* 4 Well qualified* 3 Qualified* 2 Possibly qualified** 1 No recommendation** * Qualified to receive college credit or advanced placement ** No recommendation to receive college credit or advanced placement
AP CLASS CHOICES • Monday, February 4th (B) Period 5: AP Chemistry Pre Req: 85 or above in Biology and Chemistry, or recommendation from Biology teacher. • Wednesday, February 6th (B) Period 5: AP Statistics Pre Req: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in Math Analysis or Advanced Mathematics with 80 or above average in mathematics • Wednesday, February 6th (B) Period 6: AP Biology Pre Req: 85 or above in Biology and Chemistry, or recommendation from Biology teacher.
AP class choices continued • Friday, February 8th (B) Period 5: AP Calculus I – AB (Magnet students only Pre reqs: 85 or above, on tests and quizzes, in Math Analysis or recommendation from Math Analysis teacher. • Tuesday, February 12th (B) Period 6: AP Economics Pre reqs85 or above in Combined Algebra or concurrent enrollment in a level 3 math course. • Tuesday, February 12th (B) Period 5: AP Spanish Language Pre reqs85 or higher average in Spanish IV, or recommendation from Spanish IV teacher.
More collegeboard info • AP Class info on college board • http://apstudent.collegeboard.org/exploreap
Last minute info for you • Students will not be able to enroll in these courses unless they have attended an information session. Students may bring their bag lunches only to the sessions or change their lunch period to attend these sessions. Just a reminder that all students who wish to take an AP course next school year, must attend the AP Information Sessionfor that course, receive a contract for each AP course, and return the signed contracts to Ms. Schneider You only will bring me back the signed contract AFTER we go through course selection for next year.
I don’t want to take Spanish or and AP class what are my options? • District Electives • Introduction to Humanities • Linguistics • Robotics • Communications Media • Film & Genre • Business Commuications