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Acts of the Apostles. or “ Acts of the Holy Spirit ”. Review. Who is the author of the Acts of the Apostles? Luke What other book in the Bible did he write? Gospel of Luke Who was his main audience? Gentiles Which Apostle was Luke associated with? Paul.
Acts of the Apostles or “Acts of the Holy Spirit”
Review • Who is the author of the Acts of the Apostles? • Luke • What other book in the Bible did he write? • Gospel of Luke • Who was his main audience? • Gentiles • Which Apostle was Luke associated with? • Paul
Acts: General Info • What are the two main themes in Act? • the restoration of the Kingdom of David (Israel) • The empowerment of this Kingdom through the Holy Spirit. • Who are the two main characters of Acts? • Peter & Paul • Why could Acts be subtitled the “Acts of the Holy Spirit”? • The numerous times the Apostles are described acting at the prompting or in the power of the Holy Spirit • Why do some scholars argue for Acts being written before 70 AD or even before 63 AD? • There is no mention of the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple • There is no mention of the Peter and Paul being martyred
Pentecost • What did the Jewish feast of Pentecost celebrate? • The gift of the Law to Moses at Sinai. The Law is what formed them as a people and a nation. • Why is Pentecost important to the growth of the Church in its infancy? • The growth of the Church required the power of the Holy Spirit • What is the Great Commission? • Jesus commissioning the Apostles to evangelize the entire world. • Describe the phenomena of the Holy Spirit coming down upon the Apostles? • Tongues of fire, mighty wind, and speaking in languages they did not know.
Pentecost cont. • Peter says Pentecost is the fulfillment of the prophet Joel? Explain. • What was happening to them was the beginning of the Holy Spirit being given to everyone, not just important leaders of the Jews. • What are the four elements of the Kerygma • Jesus is the Son of God and Messiah • Jesus died on the Cross for our sins • Jesus rose from the dead proving He is God and has conquered sin and death • Believe in Jesus, repent and be baptized • Describe how the Apostles were different after they received the Holy Spirit? • Emboldened
Why did Jesus want the 12 Apostles to symbolize the 12 Tribes of Israel? • Jesus was creating the New Israel by establishing the Church • Give several examples of Peter using his authority that he received from Jesus? • Decided to fill Judas’ office • Preached to the entire crowd at Pentecost • Spoke for the Apostles before the Sanhedrin • Decided to have deacons • Announced God’s punishment on Ananias and Sapphira • First to baptize Gentiles • Had final word at Council of Jerusalem • Why did Ananias and Sapphira die? • Lying to God when they lied to Peter?
Common Life • Why were deacons chosen? What was their role? How did this help the Apostles? • They were chosen to serve the poor widows and their children. Their work freed the Apostles to continue to preach and teach. • How is the “common life” of the first Christians different than Socialism (no private property)? • They had freedom to keep all or some of their property, or sell some or all of their property. It was voluntary.
Christian Idenity • What religion did the first Christians consider themselves? • They considered themselves Jews that had the fullness of God’s revelation. • For what reason were Jewish Christians persecuted by their fellow Jews? • They were seen as heretics and blasphemers who were infecting the faith God had revealed to the forefathers. • Why didn’t the Romans persecute the Christians at first? • They were simply seen as a sect within Judaism. Jews at this time were given exemption from having to worship the Roman Emperor
St. Paul • What role did Paul have in the execution of Stephen? • He gave his approval by accepting the crowd’s cloaks. • What did Paul do after the death of Stephen? • Went to the Sanhedrin to get authority to persecute the Christians in other cities? • How was Paul converted to Christianity? • He met Jesus on the way to Damascus • Why did he become such a zealous Christian after zealously persecution the Church? • He was always zealous for God. Now he knew Jesus was God?
Paul cont. • Why is Saint Paul an Apostle? • He was specifically chosen by Jesus to preach the Gospel • What is his specific mission given to him by Jesus? • Preach to the Gentiles • Why is Saint Paul so important to Christianity? • Greatest theologian of the Apostles & tireless evangelist to the Gentiles? • Why would Jesus choose the Paul, a zealous Pharisee and student of Gamaliel? • To have an Apostle who would understand fully how Jesus fulfills the Law of Moses. Also look at above answer.
What is Necessary for Salvation • What was the dispute between Christians of Jewish background and Christians of Gentile background? • Do Gentile Christians have to be circumcised to be saved? • Why would Jewish Christian argue to keep the Mosaic Law even after Jesus had risen from the dead? • God’s revelation had been given to Abraham and his descendants over 1600 years. This revelation created them as a people and prepared the way for Jesus. It did not make sense to many Jewish Christians that so much Tradition would all be thrown out. • God gave Peter a vision with unclean animals in a sheet. What was God’s purpose in giving Peter that vision? • To prepare him to bring Gentiles into the Church, Gentiles who were previously seen as unclean.
Salvation ? Cont. • Why did Peter know God wanted Cornelius and his household baptized? • As he was preaching the Holy Spirit came upon them like it had on the Apostles at Pentecost • Why did God choose Peter to be the first to baptize Gentiles? • To prepare him to make the decision at the Council of Jerusalem that circumcision is not necessary to be saved. • What was Peter’s role in the decision at the Council of Jerusalem? • He had the final word that ended debate and was the decision of the Council. • According to the letter from the Council, who made the decision that Gentiles did not need to be circumcised to be saved? • The Holy Spirit and us (the Apostles). They see their decision as the Holy Spirit’s decision. They understand their Magisterial authority to teach infallibly.
Paul’s Theology • According to Paul circumcision doesn’t save Jews because both Jews and Gentile are under the power of : • sin. • According to Paul, Abraham was made righteous by faith not • circumcision . • For Paul the “flesh” describes: • Human nature damaged by original sin • Our inheritance from Adam is: • Sin and Death
Paul’s Theology • Our inheritance from Jesus is: • Forgiveness of Sins and Eternal Life • According to Paul how are we made righteous? • Through the Grace of Jesus received with Baptism • What made the Old Testament rituals like circumcision obsolete? • They did not forgive sins or perfect anyone so they can have eternal life
Death of Peter & Paul • How were Paul and Peter both martyred? • Paul was beheaded/ Peter was crucified upside down • Why did Nero kill them? • He began to blame the Christians for the burning of Rome • Who established the Church in Rome? • Peter
Fall of Jerusalem • Why were there several Jewish uprising in the 1st century? • It was expected that the Messiah would come and re-establish the Kingdom of David by defeating the Romans and drive them out of Israel. • In what year was Jerusalem and the Temple destroyed by the Romans? • 70 AD • Why did the Romans destroy Jerusalem and the Temple? • A Jewish revolt in 66 AD drove out the Romans. • How did the loss of the Temple and Jerusalem affect the Jewish people? • The city and central place of worship were gone. They had to find a new way to protect their identity and remain a people