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CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION 2 12345678910 Background Language is a crucial means for human communication. It is used to make an interaction with other people in society and also used to express emotion, feeling, and opinion within the language. Futhermore, the people of the world agree that the international language is English. In Indonesia, English has become one of the compulsory subjects in juniorhigh school.
3 • The objective of the teaching of English in junior high school is to make students able to develop and improve their ability to use it. There are four skills that should be mastered by the students, they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. In speaking, the students are expected to be able to speak better during learning process. 12345678910
4 • On the other hand, the researcher finds the students’ competence in speaking test at the school is still far from what the curriculum decide. The students often cannot speak fluently, clear and correct in pronunciation • In the field, the students also have a lot of problems in practicing English. It can be seen, when they communicate with others they used their own language. In speaking class, they have difficulties to understand the meaning of English words. 12345678910
Identification of the Problem 5 Based on the background of the study, the researcher identifies the following problems, they are: • The teacher uses monotonous techniques • The teacher does not have enough media or teaching aid • The teacher cannot manage time well • The lack of equipment or media that support the teaching-learning process. • The students feel difficult and shy to express their idea in speaking English. • The technique that is used by the teacher is rather inappropriate. • The student’s vocabulary mastery is still limited • The student’s grammar mastery is still low • The pronunciation of the students is still poor 12345678910
Limitation of the Problem 6 Based on the problems mentioned above, the researcher limits the problems on the degree of students’ competences in expressing their thoughts in spoken language. School based curriculum mentions that the objective of developing the speaking skill is to make students able to speak English fluently and therefore the writer will discuss: “Speaking Competence of students of MTs Yajri Payaman in the School Year 2012/1013 “. 12345678910
7 12345678910 B. Formulation of the Problem According to the limitation of the problem, the formulations of the problem in this research are: How do the students of MTs Yajri Payaman express their ideas in the form of retelling narrative text? How do the studennts of MTs Yajri Payaman retell pictures that contain recount text that the researcher show? What problems do students face in retelling pictures that contain narrative and recount texts the researcher show?
C. Purpose of the research 8 12345678910 Related to the assumption above, the researcher wants to know: • The competence of the students of MTs Yajri Payaman to express their ideas in the form of retelling narrative and recount texts • The competence of the studennts of MTs Yajri Payaman to retell pictures that contain recount texts that the researcher show • The problems students face in retelling pictures that contains narrative and recount texts the researcher show
D. Significance of the Research 9 12345678910 The researcher is sure that this research will give some knowledge, advantages, positive result and useful for: The teacher To help the teacher teaching effectively and to give contribution about the good ways of teaching in speaking especially to make the teacher able to change the students become confident and skilfull students. The students They are expected to have more attention and interest to improve their speaking competence. Moreover they are expected to be braver and more confident t speak in front of other people
CHAPTER IIREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 10 This chapter presents the discussion on the theoretical framework and conceptual framework, the discussion with the theories and previous studies related to the present study. Meanwhile, in the conceptual framework, the discussion is about the researcher theory based on the analysis of the other theories and findings.
THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK English as a Foreign Language Brown (1980: 4) gives definitions of the language that be found in dictionaries and textbooks: Language is a system of arbitrary, vocal symbols, which permit all people in a given culture, or other people who have learned the system of that culture, to communicate or to interact (Finocchiaro 1964: 8) Language is a system of a communication by sound, operating through the organs of speech and hearing, among members of a given community, and using vocal symbols possesing arbitrary conventional meanings
Speaking The Definition of Speaking Richards (2002:223), states that speaking is considered as one of the four language skills that seems intuitively the most important aspect of learning a foreign language, because students who learn a foreign language are considered successful if they can communicate effectively in the target language. As stated by Burns & Joyce (1997:344), speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing information.
Based on those definitions, we can conclude that, speaking is the expression of thinking and feeling in a language sounds, and speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and processing information.
Factors that Influence Speaking Skill As quoted by Fauziati (2002) Haris states that speaking is a complex skill requiring the simultaneous use of a number of different abilities, which often develop at different rates. Five components are generally recognized in analyzing the speaking process, they are: Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Comprehension
Types of Speaking Skill Brown (2004:141) says that there are five possible types of speaking, they are: 1. Imitative Drills in which the learner simply repeats a word or phase or possibly a sentence. 2. Intensive Extended monologue includes speeches, oral presentations and story telling.
3. Responsive Short replies to teacher or learner are question or comments, such as series of answer to yes/no question. 4. Interactive It can take the two forms of transactional language, which has the purpose of exchanging specific information or interpersonal exchanges. 5. Extensive Extended monologue includes speeches, oral presentations and story telling.
Problems in Speaking Ur (1996) explains that there are some problems in getting learners to talk in the classroom, they are : 1.Inhibition 2.Nothing to say 3.Low or uneven participation 4. Mother-tongue use
English Teaching as Foreign language Teaching may be defined as “showing or helping to learn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand (Brown, 1987). Further, Brown (1987:7) explains that teaching cannot be defined apart from learning.
English Learning as Foreign Language Brown (1980: 7) says that a search in contemporary dictionaries reveals thath learning is “acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction. According to Kimble and Garmezy in Brown (1980 7), learning is relatively permanent change in behavioral tendency and is the resultof reinforced practice.
Teaching of English in Indonesia Teaching of English in Indonesia is different with teaching of English in English speaking countries. Therefore they can speak fluently and the task of the teacher is just to develop their language skill. Meanwhile, in Indonesia most of the students begin to learn English at school. This condition makes some of students feel difficult to speak English and the task of the teacher is to make them understand about English and can use it.
Coverage of teaching of English in Mts The English teaching learning process in Islamic junior high school or MTs is rather different than in a public junior high school because the time for English lesson is lesser in MTs than in public junior high school. This is because there are many Islamic lessons that have to be taught but the time is limited. Because of this condition, the students of MTs have to study English more in other places or out of the classroom.
Developing speaking skills There some activities which can suppot the students to improve their speaking skill. They are: Joining an English extracurricular organization Holding an English debate contest Watching English video The teacher trains the students to say simple sentences in English
CHAPTER IIIRESEARCH METHOD Design of the Study Inthis research the researcher chooses the qualitative research, especially case study. Case study is the study of particularity and complexity of a single case, coming to understand its activity within important circumstances. (Robert E. Stake, 1995). The purpose of a case study is to provide a more thorough analysis of a situation or "case" which will reveal interesting information to the readers. Besides that, it is an intense, in-depth investigation of one participant. This participant is called a “case” and can be one person, one animal, or one group.
Research Setting This research will be held in Yajri Islamic Junior High school or MTs Yajri Payaman which is located at Jalan Kalibening No.64 Payaman Secang Magelang Central Java. This school has students about 300 students that are divided into girls and boys. Besides that, there are twenty teachers and four of them are English teachers.
The Subject of the Research The subject of this research is the eight graders of MTsYajriPayaman in the school year 2012/2013. The total number of the students in grade VIII are 110 students that are divided into 4 class. They are A, B, C and D. The A and B are girl classes and the C and D are boy classes. The researcher choose the students of class B and D that consist of 55 students but the researcher just take 25 students for the effectiveness of the research. The 25 students are chosen randomly and have different ability in English and most of them have low motivation in learning English, especially in speaking.
The Technique of Collecting Data 1. Ellicitation 2. In depth interview 3. Recording 4. Documentation
Technique of the Data Analysis Data collection: The data is collected by using the techniques that have been explained above. The data collection process needs several time to do. Data Reduction: The process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that appear in written-up field notes or transcription. Data Display : The data display is an organized, compressed assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing and action. Conclusion/drawing/verifying: It is used to decide what things mean is noting regularities, patterns, explanations, possible configuration, causal flows, and propositions