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Time Outs and Conferences—Part 1. Our Mission. Review the rules for time outs and conferences over the next 2 weeks Show our knowledge of the rules by answering the quiz questions correctly. Introduction . We’re going to cover 4 topics in the next 2 weeks Team Time Outs Conferences
Our Mission • Review the rules for time outs and conferences over the next 2 weeks • Show our knowledge of the rules by answering the quiz questions correctly
Introduction • We’re going to cover 4 topics in the next 2 weeks • Team Time Outs • Conferences • Officials Time Outs • Injury Time outs
Team Time Outs • Accrual and Carry Over • Each team gets 3 team timeouts per half. (3-5-1) • They do not carry over from the 1st to the 2nd half, but they do carry over from the 2nd half to overtime. • Teams accrue 1 additional team time out per overtime period. (Overtime 3-5-1) Team timeouts also carry over from overtime period to the next overtime period.
Who Can Call A Team Time Out? • Any player can request a time out, but the request has to be made when the ball is dead. (3-5-2) • A substitute can step onto the field and ask an official for a time out, per 2-30-15. • The head coach or designated head coach (if the head coach is ejected) can also call a time out. (3-5-2a)
When Can A Team Time Out Be Called? • Timeouts may be requested at any time while the ball is dead; however • If a penalty decision is pending, a timeout can not be granted to either team until the captain makes his choice regarding the penalty. (1-4-1, 3-5-2a, 10-1-1) • The captain does not have to make the choice of where he wants to spot the ball until the timeout is over, as long as he is able to spot the ball (the 7 circumstances where he can spot the ball are listed in 4-3-6). This is per 1.4.1. • If a captain has a choice whether to snap or free kick, per 1.4.1 he can make that choice after a time out. • Teams can call consecutive time outs if they have them. (3-5-4)
How Long (3-5-3) • Time outs last one minute. • Neither team “owns” the time out—if team A calls a time out, and is then ready to go at 30 seconds, the referee must ensure that team B is ready to go before shortening the time out. • Once the ready for play is signaled, the 25 second count applies as for any other down.
What Happens If A Team Tries To Call A Time Out & They Don’t Have One? • There is no foul for requesting a time out you don’t have. Simply deny the request.
Involuntary Team Time Outs • Time outs will be charged to a team without the team asking if: • a. A coach-referee conference does not result in the ruling being changed (3-5-2c). • b. An equipment time out delays the 25 second count. (3-5-2b) (Note: what we really do is give him time to fix it, in accordance with 1-5-5, or tell them to get off the field and get a replacement in.)
Conferences • What are the procedures for a conference? • During a charged team time out there are two types of authorized conferences permitted per 2-6: • a. One or more team members and one or more coaches directly in front of the team box within 5 yards of the sideline; or • b. One coach on the field to confer with no more than 11 players at his team’s huddle between the inbounds markers (hashmarks) • Notice the “or” in 2-6. This is backed up by 3-5-8: Only one type of conference may be used by a team during any one time out. Holding an unauthorized conference is unsportsmanlike conduct. (9-8-1f)
Attendants • Whenever there is a charged team time out, 3 attendants, none of whom can be a coach, can also enter the field to attend to their team. (9-8-2)
Conferences vs. Dead Ball Periods • Let’s differentiate between what we just talked about (players and coaches restrictions during conferences) and the lack of restrictions on players when there are no conferences. • By 9-8-1f Note, a player or players can go near their sidelines to communicate with coaches as long as: • Coaching box restrictions are observed; • The players stay on the field; and • The game is not delayed.
When Do We Have Conferences Other Than During Team Time Outs? • An official’s time out for (3-5-8): • Heat or humidity breaks • During a TV/radio time out. (The PIAA approves of these per 1-7-15 and 3-5-7l). • Intermission between 1st/2nd periods • Intermission between 3rd/4th periods • Following a try, successful field goal, or safety and prior to the succeeding free kick (so not in overtime) • If we have one of these situations, the teams have their choice of taking one of the 2 conference types noted above. They also have the right to have 3 attendants enter the field to take care of the players.
When Can’t Teams Have Conferences? • Following a touchdown • Following an unsuccessful field goal • Any time in overtime other than a charged time out or between overtime periods
Overtime • In overtime, at the 3 minute intermission between the 4th period and the first overtime period, the teams are sent to their benches, so they can only have 1 type of conference. Overtime 3-1. • After we have additional overtime periods, there is a 2 minute intermission, and again the teams will be sent to their benches.
Coach-referee conference (3-5-11) • A player can request and be granted a time-out for the purpose of the coach and the Referee reviewing a decision which may have resulted from the misapplication or misinterpretation of a rule, provided • The request is made prior to the ball becoming live following the play to be reviewed • The period has not officially ended. • Note that the manual on page 81 states that the Referee must ensure that neither coach has requested a coach-referee conference (End of period procedure I.C)
Procedure for Coach-Referee Conference ( Manual page 21) • 1. The request must be timely (see above). • 2. If the request is timely, the team that requests the conference is charged a time out (this is important!). • 3. The Referee, and the official on that team’s sideline, confer with the coach directly in front of the team box in the field of play. • 4. 2 possible outcomes: • a. The rule was correctly applied • b. The rule was not correctly applied
Correctly Applied Ruling • The time-out remains charged to that team. • If they have no time-outs remaining, that team is charged with a delay of game foul. (3-6-2c) • By implication and by 3.5.2A, the length of the time-out is the same as for any other time out—1 minute.
Incorrectly Applied Ruling • The correction is made immediately. • The time-out becomes an official’s time out, so the requesting team is not charged with a time-out. • The Referee will review and explain the situation with the opposing coach. • By 3.5.2A, the time-out is over once the Referee has made his ruling and explained it to the opposing coach.
SITUATION #1 (3.5.2A): • The captain of A requests a time-out and informs the referee that his coach wishes to have a conference concerning the previous play. During the conference: (a) the captain or all A players go near the sideline to confer with their coaches, or (b) the coach of B goes on the field to his team's huddle to confer. • RULING: Permissible in both (a) and (b). The time-out, when granted, is charged to A, thus legalizing the conferences. If the official has erred and a correction is made, the conference in both (a) and (b) is terminated. In that case, the time-out is not charged to A, but is an official's time-out. If the coach is in error, the time-out remains charged to A. (2-6; 3-5-2c)
SITUATION #2 (3.5.4): • Near the end of the second period, A requests and is granted a charged time-out. After both teams are ready to play, A comes to the line of scrimmage in an unusual formation. The captain of B immediately requests a time-out which is granted. At the end of this time-out period, when A comes to the line of scrimmage again, A1 notices B has adjusted its defense. A1 then requests a second charged time-out during the same dead-ball period. • RULING: If A has time-outs remaining, the referee will grant the request for the charged time-out. Successive time-outs by the same team, or by one team followed by the other team, are permissible.
SITUATION #3 (3.5.7): • During a charged time-out, an official's time-out for heat/humidity, a TV/radio time-out, or the intermission between the first and second or the third and fourth periods, or following a try: (a) team members of A confer with their head coach in front of the team box near the sideline; or (b) the coach of B goes to the huddle of B and talks to an assistant via a headset he brought to the huddle; or (c) the coach of B goes on the field and uses the time to berate and loudly question the referee regarding a previous play; or (d) the coach wishes to discuss the previous play with the referee; or (e) the head coach of A goes to the team huddle on the field for 30 seconds and then comes out and another coach takes his place for the rest of the time-out.
SITUATION #3 (3.5.7): • RULING: It is a legal conference in (a) and (b). In (b), the players may not use the headsets. In (c) and (e), a 15-yard penalty is charged to the coach for unsportsmanlike conduct. In (d), this conference must be held at the sideline in front of the team box regardless of which coach-player conference procedure is used. (2-6-2, 9-8-1c, 9-8-1i)
SITUATION #4 (3.5.11B): • Following a fourth-down incomplete forward pass late in the fourth period, a time-out is properly requested for a coach-referee conference regarding possible misapplication of a rule. (a) The coach of B questions a pass interference call on B1 during a second forward pass by A1; or (b) the coach of A questions why no pass interference by the defense was called and why the covering official signaled that the pass was not catchable. In either case the referee determines the coach was correct and the rules had been misapplied.
SITUATION #4 (3.5.11B): • RULING: In (a), the penalty marker is picked up. In (b), a penalty marker is dropped and the interference is penalized. Misapplication of a rule may result in picking up a flag or dropping a marker to indicate a foul did occur and gives the appropriate signal.
SITUATION #5 (4.3.6): • Prior to the ready-for-play on a try, A's captain requests the ball be placed on the right side inbounds line. A then deploys in a spread formation. (a) A1 does not like the defensive coverage and requests a time-out; or (b) a dead-ball foul occurs. The captain of A then asks the referee to move the ball to a position midway between the uprights.
SITUATION #5 (4.3.6): • RULING: The request is denied in (a) and honored in (b). The captain may, in seven situations, ask that the ball be placed at a certain point between the inbounds line. However, once spotted the ball may not be moved because of a second request. If a dead-ball foul occurs, or a foul occurs during the down and the penalty is accepted, the captain again will be given an opportunity to pick a spot for the replay. The request for placement of the ball is permissible for a try or kickoff, after a safety, fair catch, awarded fair catch, touchback, or the start of each series, using the 10-Yard Line Overtime Procedure. (8-3-1)
SITUATION #6 (1.4.1): • Team A's captain requests a time-out prior to: (a) making a penalty decision; or (b) deciding whether A will snap or free kick following a fair catch; or (c) designating where the ball is to be spotted on the 3-yard line for a try. • RULING: Not allowed in (a), but permissible in (b) and (c). (2-30-5; 6-5-4; 10-1-1) • COMMENT: In the case of considering an awarded fair catch, the captain would have to make his decision on the penalty prior to requesting a time-out. After accepting the penalty via an awarded catch, a time-out can be taken to consider whether to snap or free kick.
SITUATION #7 (9.8.1A): • During the intermission between the third and fourth periods, A players come to the area in front of their team box to confer with their coaches. During the conference, the head coach talks via his headset to another coach in the press box and thereafter he: (a) discusses this conversation with his team; or (b) hands A1 his headset so that A1 may speak directly with the coach in the press box.
SITUATION #7 (9.8.1A): • RULING: Legal procedure in (a), but illegal in (b). In (b), the player may not directly use the communication device in this manner. A player is not allowed to personally use such a device at the sideline or in the team huddle. However, a substitute in the team box could use the headset in this manner without penalty. (1-6-2i; 2-6; 9-8-1e)
SITUATION #8 (9.8.1B): • During the course of the game, quarterback A1 runs to the vicinity of his team-box area for the purpose of receiving instructions from his coach. No time-out is requested, there is no delay in declaring the ball ready for play, and the coach does not leave the team-box or coaches area. • Ruling: This type of communication is legal. (9-8-1f Note)
SITUATION #9 (9.8.1C): • During a charged time-out: (a) A1 goes to the sideline to talk to his head coach. Thereafter, A2, A3 and A4 go to the sideline, but other team members remain between the inbounds lines; or (b) while A1 is near the sideline talking to one coach, another coach of A goes between the inbounds lines to the huddle on the field. • RULING: Legal in (a), but an unauthorized conference in (b). In (b), only one type conference can be used during a given time-out. (2-6-2)
SITUATION #10 (9.8.1D): • During a charged time-out or a time-out for heat/humidity: (a) the coach of A confers with A1 near the sideline and in front of his team box, or (b) the coach of A goes onto the field to the team huddle. The conference continues for 30 seconds. In (a), A1 then returns to the huddle and A2 comes to the sideline to confer with the coach for the remainder of the charged time-out. In (b), the coach returns to the sideline and then A1 comes to the sideline for more instructions.
SITUATION #10 (9.8.1D): • RULING: In (a), this is a legal conference. In (b), it is an unauthorized conference as only one type of conference may be used during a single charged time-out or other time when a conference may be held. (2-6-2)
Our Mission • Review the rules for time outs and conferences over the next 2 weeks • Show our knowledge of the rules by answering the quiz questions correctly
Our Mission • Continue our review the rules for time outs and conferences from last week • Show our knowledge of the rules by answering the quiz questions correctly
Injury Time Outs • Procedures • Types • Special situations: blood rule, unconscious player rule
3-5-10a: If an official discovers an apparently injured player: • What is the definition? • There is none in the rule book. • What do we have to go on? • When in doubt statement in the officials manual (page 84)—If a player is apparently injured or not, when in doubt, he is injured. • Apparently: Obviously, plainly, or seemingly. Seemingly: Having the appearance of reality, apparent but not necessarily actual. • Bottom line: if you think he might be injured, he’s apparently injured.
Apparently Injured Player Procedure 3-5-10a • After an official sees an apparently injured player, the referee charges himself with a time out. There are 2 likely situations: • 1. The player thinks or knows he is injured. • 2. The player thinks he’s fine. • The player must be replaced for at least one down, unless half-time or an overtime intermission occurs. Note: we have an overtime intermission prior to each OT period.
The player thinks (or knows) he is injured. Page 80 of the manual. • Step 1—call time out, summon trainer and coach. This is an official’s time out, per 3-5-7e. Per 9-8-2, there are no limits on the number of attendants who can come onto the field to help the player. • Step 2—determine whether he is unconscious. If he is unconscious, we’ll cover that later. • Step 3—be ready to assist the coach/trainer in getting additional medical help (for example, having an assistant coach call the press box, getting teams off the field to allow the ambulance to come on, etc.)
The player thinks (or knows) he is injured. (Continued) • Step 4—Keep players away from the injured player. Send them to their benches if you believe it will take some time. • Step 5—Control the field so the medical staff can work. Ensure that the on field medical staff can see other medical staff (ambulance crew, etc.) • Step 6—Don’t let anyone hurry the medical staff on the time taken to perform their services. • Step 7—Make sure the coaches and trainers are taking care of the injured player, not coaching the other players.
Player thinks he is fine. 3-5-10a: • Step 1—call time out (an official’s time out). • Step 2—send the player off for at least one down, unless the half time or an overtime intermission occurs. (Definition of a down: per 2-7-1, a down starts with a legal snap or free kick, and ends when the ball next becomes dead.) • Rules implications: he can not be saved by a time out, since that does not meet the definition of a down. • If the player participates, he is charged with a live-ball foul for illegal participation, 15 yards, previous spot. (9-6-4b)
Instance When You Are Most Likely To Have A Player Thinking He is Fine—Blood Rule • 3-5-10c • If an official discovers a player who is: • Apparently bleeding • Has an open wound • Has an excessive amount of blood on his uniform, • The player is considered an injured player.
Communicable Disease Procedures • In the front of the rule book (page 8, if there were page numbers): • The bleeding must be stopped; and • The open wound covered; and • If there was excessive blood on the uniform, the uniform must be changed • Before the athlete may participate.
Unconscious Player Rule 3-5-10e • If an apparently unconscious player is determined: • When in doubt on page 84 of the manual says when in doubt, the player is unconscious. • We go through the injured player procedures already discussed, but now we have to tell the coach that the player may not participate without written authorization from a physician (MD/DO).
Guidelines--3.5.10 SITUATION D: • What guidelines should the officials follow in determining if a player is apparently unconscious? • RULING: Some obvious guides would be that the player is unable to receive information and/or unable to respond to questions or the player's responses are inappropriate. The observation of the player will normally be made by more than one official, and in some cases may involve the entire crew. If the officials determine a player appears to be unconscious, he must leave and may not return to the game without the written authorization of a physician (MD/DO).
SITUATION #11 (3.5.10A): • An official stops the clock when he notices quarterback A1 has a bloody nose. A1 is directed to go to his team box. The coach of A then requests a time-out and A1's bleeding is stopped during the time-out. A1 re-enters with other teammates following the time-out. • RULING: A1 must remain in the team box for at least one down. A time-out called after the official has stopped the clock for an injured player does not allow the injured player to remain in the game.
SITUATION #12 (3.5.10B): • Immediately following a down, A1 realizes he has a bleeding scratch on his arm and requests a time-out. The time-out is granted and A goes to the sideline for a conference. During the time-out, the blood is cleaned off A1's arm and the scratch covered with a wrap or bandage. A1 returns with his teammates and participates in the next down. • RULING: Legal procedure. Since an official was not involved in discovery of the bleeding and did not stop the clock or delay the ready-for-play because of A1's bleeding, A1 does not come under the provisions of the injured-player rule.