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Spiritual Marksmanship

Spiritual Marksmanship. “Folks who make up God as they go…” “America is headed for 310 million people with 310 million religions ” All major religious trends on decline except for 2… “My faith has carried me…just my own little voice ”. “More Americans Tailoring

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Spiritual Marksmanship

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  1. Spiritual Marksmanship

  2. “Folks who make up God as they go…” “America is headed for 310 million people with 310 million religions” All major religious trends on decline except for 2… “My faith has carried me…just my own little voice” “More Americans Tailoring Religion to Fit Their Needs” USAToday Sept. 14, 2011

  3. Spiritual Marksmanship A Study of Authority

  4. Spiritual Marksmanship A Study of Authority

  5. Moral Are You Painting the Target After You Shoot? Doctrinal “Church of Your Choice” Social “I’m Looking for a Church that Best Suits MY Needs”

  6. Who Draws the Target Boundaries in Religion? Spiritual Marksmanship

  7. GOD Draws the Boundaries in Religion • Sin is lawlessness (1 John 3:4)“miss the mark” • Lawlessness is condemned (Matt. 7:21-23) • God expects us tohit the mark: • True love obeys (John 14:15) • Abide in My word (John 15:7,14) • Do not go beyond doctrine of Christ (2 John 9-11) • No other gospel (Gal. 1:8-9) • Do not add to nor take away (Rev 22:18-19) • Speak as oracles of God (1 Pet. 4:11) • Not think beyond what is written (1 Cor. 4:6) Lawful Unlawful Law-less

  8. Blessing of God’s Target We find blessing (Deut. 28:1f) We find success (Josh. 1:8) We find good (Deut. 10:13) We find life (Matt. 7:13-14) We find fellowship (2 John 9) We find assurance (1 John 2:3) We find heaven (Matt. 7:21) Spiritual Marksmanship

  9. Sin No Authority Blessing Success Life Love Authority From Heaven Fellowship Heaven Assurance No Authority Curse Death Rejection Punishment From Men

  10. "By what authority are you doing these things?" Mark 11:15-19; 27-33

  11. Only Two Kinds of Targets(Mark 11:15-19; 27-33) From Heaven From Men

  12. Does it Really Matter? • Ask Nadab & Abihu (Lev. 10:1-3) • Ask Uzzah (2 Sam. 6:2-7) • Ask Achan (Josh. 6-7) • Ask King Saul (1 Sam 15) • Ask Ananias & Sapphira (Acts 5) • Ask Matt Emmons….

  13. “Matt Emmons loses gold medal after aiming at wrong target” “One shot wanders and it's goodbye to the gold”

  14. Man (Pro. 21:2) Denominations (1 Cor. 1:10-13) Human Creeds (Gal. 1:6-9) Feelings & Opinions (Pro. 14:12) Worldly Values (1 John 2:15-17) Human Traditions (Matt. 15:6-9) Identifying Man’s Target “It Produces Results” “Common Sense” “It Will Upset ‘Prominent’ Members” “Doesn’t say not to” “Too Hard” “But We’ve Always Done it that Way” “Family Exemption”

  15. “Our bylaws specifically state that the will of God cannot be overturned without a two-thirds majority vote”

  16. Father (Gen. 1:1) Jesus (Matt. 28:18-20) Holy Spirit (John. 16:13; 14:26) Apostles & Prophets (Eph. 2:20) New Testament (Eph. 3:1-5) Commands (John 14:15) Apost. Example (Matt. 28:20) Necess. Inference (Heb. 7:14) Identifying God’s Target

  17. God’s Target Man’s Target 1500 Denomin. One church Eph. 4:4;1:22f Identity of the Church Church of your choice One mind 1 Cor. 1:10f Be one John 17:20f Dif. roads to same place Church of Christ’s choice Acts 2:47 Human creeds One Head Eph. 5:23 Councils societies One creed: NT Acts 17:11 No church at all Autonomy Acts 20:28

  18. Man’s Target Social The WORK of the Church Community life centers Entertainment

  19. Rick Boyes ….says church going is declining because traditional services aren’t adapting to the times. “Most people don’t have a God problem. Most people have a church problem.”

  20. Man’s Target Social The WORK of the Church Community life centers Entertainment Kitchens ‘fellowship’ halls Support human institutions/societies Non-church movement

  21. Boring Church On Ropes: “First the vogue was for local churches to drop their denominational affiliation from their name…Then came the fad of dropping the word church. The Community Assembly of God Church became first ‘Community Church’ and then ‘The Community Family Worship Center.’

  22. “Words that so much as connote religious activities are considered too negative for the unchurched, so we have congregations that go by names such as ‘The Center for Family Love.’”…. But the sign outside is just the beginning. Inside these doors, many church leaders are morphing into chatty spiritual guides. Hymns are out and so are sermons…and scripture readings. Thousands of churches are…adding drama and humor.

  23. “Some churches are doing everything they can to eliminate anything that might make them seem like churches,” said Veith. Harold Camping says, “It’s time to form fellowships with no pastors ….No longer are you to be under the spiritual rulership of the church… This message should be clear. We must remove ourselves from the church”

  24. This concept might appeal to millions of consumers. Sunday morning? Sleep in. No more boring rituals and sermons. No frustrating committee meetings. No guilt-inducing programs to help the poor…. Yet there is a sad reason that many people yearn for a perfect church, a non-offensive church or a mass-media church… Many don’t want to sit in real pews with real people….But if someone does create a non-church church…there will be just one thing wrong with it: it will have nothing to do with Christ…

  25. God’s Target Man’s Target Social Flock among you Acts 20:28 The WORK of the Church Community life centers Worship/Edification Act 2:42; He. 10:24-25; Eph. 4:12,16 Entertainment Evangelism 1Thes. 1:8; 1Ti. 3:15 Kitchens ‘fellowship’ halls Benevolence needy saints Acts 4:34-35; 6:1f Spiritual 2Co. 10:14 Support human institutions/societies Each part working Eph. 4:16; Tit. 2:1f Non-church movement

  26. Man’s Target Social gospel Work of the Church: EVANGELISM A “hook” Plays, sports, money, food

  27. “Churches a Growing Area for Construction Industry” Arkansas Business, Aug. 5, 2002 Martha Leonard $32.2 million Immanuel Baptist Church Little Rock 160 foot steeple, 19 acres, 200,000 square foot

  28. “Facilities such as a complete athletic center with exercise rooms, indoor walking track and handball courts are included in the plans, as are classrooms a daycare center, a book store, a small chapel, a courtyard patio, an arts and crafts area and a 5,000 SF commercial grade kitchen”

  29. “It’s almost a city unto itself... It’s a full-service family life center - whatever you want to do at your church you can do it here”

  30. God’s Target Man’s Target Convert souls w/gospel Social gospel Work of the Church: EVANGELISM Power to salvation Rom. 1:16 A hook Plays, sports money, food Living 2-edged sword Heb. 4:12-13 Non-offensive gospel Preach the gospel Mark 16:15-16 In season & out 2 Tim. 4:2f Church supported miss. societies & colleges Not silent 2 Ki. 7:3-9

  31. Neighbor Invite Grandmother Husband Daughter Daughter Daughter Husband Others Husband Children Sister Father Mother Son Others Children Son Children Others Others Others Others From Just One Invitation

  32. God’s Target Man’s Target Needy Saints “All that believed” Acts 2:44f “Them that believed Acts 4:32f “The disciples” Acts 6:1 “Relief unto the brethren” Acts 11:29 “Unto the saints” Rom. 15:25 “For the poor saints” Rom. 15:26 “Accepted of the saints” Rom. 15:31 “Collection for the saints” 1 Cor. 16:1 “Ministering to the saints” 2 Cor. 9:1 “Need of the saints” 2 Cor. 9:12 Benevolent aid to world Work of the Church: BENEVOLENCE Benevolent Societies Hospitals Orphan’s Homes Shelters Not burden church 1 Tim. 5:16 Food Pantry Indiv. Respon. Jas. 1:27

  33. Two Kinds of Worship Spirit and Truth

  34. God’s Target Man’s Target Melody Heart Eph. 5:19 Singing Play Sing Col. 3:16 One another Eph. 5:19 Instrumental Music Understand 1 Cor. 14:15 Choir Rock Bands To the Lord Col. 3:16 Teach Admonish Col. 3:16 Entertainment

  35. Two Types of Music

  36. God’s Target Man’s Target Hear Rom. 10:17 Faith Only Salvation Believe Heb. 11:6 Once Saved Always Saved Repent Luke 13:3 Sinner’s Prayer Confess Rom. 10:9-10 Direct Oper. Holy Spirit Baptism Acts 2:38 Faithful Rev. 2:10 Infant Baptism

  37. Sin No Authority Blessing Success Life Love Authority From Heaven Fellowship Heaven Assurance No Authority Curse Death Rejection Punishment From Men

  38. By what authority:Do you live your life?Do you worship God?Does this church operate? From Heaven? From Men? or

  39. By what authority have you been saved? From Heaven? From Men? or “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved”(Mark 16:16)

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