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Chap. 6: Contemporary Symmetric Ciphers. Jen-Chang Liu, 2004 Adapted from Lecture slides by Lawrie Brown.
Chap. 6: Contemporary Symmetric Ciphers Jen-Chang Liu, 2004 Adapted from Lecture slides by Lawrie Brown
"I am fairly familiar with all the forms of secret writings, and am myself the author of a trifling monograph upon the subject, in which I analyze one hundred and sixty separate ciphers," said Holmes. —The Adventure of the Dancing Men, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Outline • Characteristics of advanced symmetric block cipher • Triple DES • Blowfish • RC5 • RC4 stream cipher
Feistel cipher + • Key • Key length • subkey generation • block • block length • two halves of block • no. of round • encryption algorithm • S-box • XOR + +
Key features not found in DES Variable length key : Blowfish, RC5 • Key • Key length • subkey generation • block • block length • two halves of block • no. of round • encryption algorithm • S-box • XOR Complex subkey generation process: Blowfish Variable plain/ciphertext block length: RC5 Operate on both halves each round: Blowfish, RC5 Variable no. of round: RC5 Key-dependent S-box: Blowfish Data/key-dependent rotation: RC5 Mixed operation: more than one arithmetic and Boolean operations
Outline • Characteristics of advanced symmetric block cipher • Triple DES • Blowfish • RC5 • RC4 stream cipher
Triple DES • clear a replacement for DES was needed • theoretical attacks that can break it • demonstrated exhaustive key search attacks • AES is a new cipher alternative • prior to this alternative was to use multiple encryption with DES implementations
Double-DES? • why not Double-DES? 56x2=112 bits key Q1: Is that possible for some K3 ?
Space of mapping 1. The whole space of mapping 64-bit plaintext 64-bit ciphertext mapping 2. Space of mapping defined by DES 56-key => 256 mapping 264! > 10347380000000000000000 256 < 1017 264! 256 Double-DES is likely to produce a new mapping !
Q2: meet-in-the-middle attack • DES:O(256)to attack • 2DES: O(2112)to attack? 1. Given a (P,C) 2. Encrypt P with 256 keys 3. Decrypt C with 256 keys K2 K1 X X … 000…00000 000…00000 0101…0101 000…00001 000…00001 1101…0111 0001…0110 000…00010 000…00010 … 000…00011 000…00011 0001…0110 … … Match! … 111…11111 111…11111
Triple-DES 3 E 3 • 3 DES encryption with 3 keys (56x3=168 bits) • Avoid meet-in-the-middle attack with O(256)complexity • E-D-E application of DES: PGP, S/MIME • Backward compatible with DES: K3=K2 or K1=K2
Standardized 3DES • 3DES standardized in ANSI X9.17 & ISO8732 • 2 56-bit keys Compatible with DES
Attack on 3DES • Idea: if A and C are known, then it becomes an attack on double DES 0100…101 1001…011 … 0110…100 1001…001 1100…111 1011…001 … 0100…101 1101…010 K1,1 K1,1 0110…000 a K2 K1,2 K1,2 1110…011 1. Given n known (P,C) pairs 3. Search 256 keys for K1 2. Select an arbitrary a for A 4. Search 256 keys for K2
Complexity of attack on 3DES • Brute-force key search: 2112 • Known plaintext-ciphertext attack on previous slide: • No practical attack is known for now
Outline • Characteristics of advanced symmetric block cipher • Triple DES • Blowfish • RC5 • RC4 stream cipher
Blowfish • a symmetric block cipher designed by Bruce Schneier in 1993/94 • Characteristics • 64-bit block cipher • Variable length key (32 bits to 448 bits) • Complex subkey generation • Key-dependent S-boxes • Simple operations – fast implementation • Modulo 232 addition • Bitwise XOR
Blowfish + + + + + + + + + + + + 18 subkeys Pi
Blowfish single round 256-entry S-box, 32-bit output/entry + + + Modulo 232 addition
Subkey and S-box generation • uses a 32 to 448 bit key • 1 word = 32 bits, 1 to 14 words • to generate • 18 32-bit subkeys stored in P-array • four 256 entry S-boxes, 1 word in each entry 1<= j <= 14 K1, K2, K3, K4, …, Kj P1, P2, P3, P4, …, P18 S1,0, S1,1, S1,2, S1,3, …, S1,255 S2,0, S2,1, S2,2, S2,3, …, S2,255 Totally 1024 words S3,0, S3,1, S3,2, S3,3, …, S3,255 S4,0, S4,1, S4,2, S4,3, …, S4,255
Subkey and S-box generation 1. initialize P-array and then 4 S-boxes usingp 2. XOR P-array with K-array (reuse as needed) 用p的小數點依序填入 P 和 S 陣列 … P2 = 85A308D3 S4,255 = 3AC372E6 P1 = 243F6A88 P1, P2, P3, P4, … P14, P15, P16, P17, P18 + + + + + + + + + K1, K2, K3, K4, …, K14 ,K1, K2, K3, K4 (Suppose input key is 14 words)
Subkey and S-box generation 3. loop repeatedly encrypting data using current P & S and replace successive pairs of P then S values P1, P2 = EP,S [0] 用現在P,S值當參數的 Blowfish, 加密 0 更新 P1, P2 P3, P4 = EP,S [P1 || P2] … S1,0, S1,1 = EP,S [P17 || P18] … S4,254, S4,255 = EP,S [S4,252 || S4,253] Totally 521 executions of Blowfish encryption => not suitable for frequent key changes
Blowfish Encryption + and do not commute + + + + + + + + +
Discussion • key dependent S-boxes and subkeys, generated using cipher itself, makes analysis very difficult • changing both halves in each round increases security (c.f. Feistel cipher) • brute-force key search is not practical (maximally 448 bits)
Discussion (cont.) • fast
Outline • Characteristics of advanced symmetric block cipher • Triple DES • Blowfish • RC5 • RC4 stream cipher
RC5 • designed by Ronald Rivest (of RSA fame) • used in RSA Data Security, Inc.’s products • can vary key size / data size / no rounds • very clean and simple design • easy implementation on various CPUs • yet still regarded as secure
RC5 Ciphers • RC5 is a family of ciphers RC5-w/r/b • w = word size in bits (16/32/64), block data=2w • r = number of rounds (0..255) • b = number of bytes in key (0..255) • nominal version is RC5-32/12/16 • i.e. 32-bit words so encrypts 64-bit data blocks • using 12 rounds • with 16 bytes (128-bit) secret key
Simple operations: subkey w w • Addition: modulo 2w • Bitwise XOR • Circular shift (rotation): • x <<< y, x is left rotate y bits + + (nonlinear and data dependent !!!) A Substitution-permutation round: • Substitution depends on both • words • 2. Permutation depends on both • words • 3. Substitution depends on key + +
RC5 Key Expansion • RC5 uses t=2r+2 subkey words (w-bits) (決定subkeys 大小和個數)
RC5 subkey initialization e = 2.718281828459… • Pw=Odd[(e-2)2w] = B7E1 (16 bits) B7E15163 (32 bits) f= 1.618033988749… • Qw=Odd[(f -1)2w] = 9E37 (16 bits) 9E3779B9 (32 bits) /* initialize subkey array */ S[0] = Pw for i=1 to t-1 do S[i] = S[i-1] + Qw
RC5 Decryption + + + + + + + +
RC5 Modes • RFC2040 defines 4 modes used by RC5 • RC5 Block Cipher, is ECB mode • RC5-CBC, is CBC (cipher block chaining) mode • RC5-CBC-PAD, is CBC with padding by bytes with value being the number of padding bytes • RC5-CTS, a variant of CBC which is the same size as the original message, uses ciphertext stealing to keep size same as original Plaintext message may not be a multiple of the block size
RC5 ciphertext stealing mode Ciphertext chaining Not transmitted
Summary: Block Cipher Characteristics • features seen in modern block ciphers are: • variable key length / block size / no rounds • mixed operators, data/key dependent rotation • key dependent S-boxes • more complex key scheduling • operation of full data in each round • varying non-linear functions
Outline • Characteristics of advanced symmetric block cipher • Triple DES • Blowfish • RC5 • RC4 stream cipher
Stream cipher diagram + + Recall: One-time pad in Chap. 2
Stream Cipher Properties • some design considerations are: • A pseudorandom number generator produces a deterministic stream that eventually repeats • The period should be long • Keystream should approximate a true random stream • Ex. Approximately equal number of 1s and 0s • The key needs to be sufficiently long • Ex. 128 bits or longer key to avoid brute-force attack
Advantage of stream cipher • Fasters than block ciphers
Disadvantage of stream cipher • never reuse stream key Ciphertext 1 = plaintext 1 keystream Ciphertext 2 = plaintext 2 keystream Ciphertext 1 Ciphertext 2 = (plaintext 1 keystream) (plaintext 2 keystream) = plaintext 1 plaintext 2 If plaintexts are text string, credit card no., or other streams with known properties, then cryptanalysis may be successful
RC4 • Designed by Ron Rivest in 1987, owned by RSA DSI • variable key size, byte-oriented stream cipher • widely used (web SSL/TLS, wireless WEP) • SSL: secure sockets layer • TLS: transport layer security • WEP: wired equivalent privacy • Main steps: • key forms random permutation of all 8-bit values (state vector S[0],S[1],…,S[255]) • uses that permutation to scramble input info processed a byte at a time
RC4 Key Schedule • starts with an array S of numbers: 0…255 • S forms internal state of the cipher • given a key K of length keylen bytes (1 to 256 bytes) 253 254
RC4 key scheduling and stream generation j=0, for i=0 to 255 i=0, j=0 While(1){ i=i+1 mod 256, …} Plaintext k = ciphertext
RC4 Encryption • encryption continues shuffling array values • sum of shuffled pair selects "stream key" value • XOR with next byte of message to en/decrypt i = j = 0 for each message byte Mi i = (i + 1) (mod 256) j = (j + S[i]) (mod 256) swap(S[i], S[j]) t = (S[i] + S[j]) (mod 256) Ci = Mi XOR S[t]
RC4 Security • The period of RC4 > 10100 • claimed secure against known attacks • have some analyses, none practical • result is very non-linear • since RC4 is a stream cipher, must never reuse a key • have a concern with WEP, but due to key handling rather than RC4 itself