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Join IPADE's EMBA International Week to discuss ethical business practices, social responsibility, corporate ethics, and collaboration in a multicultural setting. Enhance your leadership skills, network globally, and explore entrepreneurial solutions to poverty. This program includes case studies, lectures, company visits, and cultural events. Experience a rewarding academic and cultural exchange in Mexico!
BEATRIZ GUZMANInternational Office Director ROSA GARCIDUEÑASInternational Office Manager rgarciduenas@ipade.mx SOPHIA MARTINInternational Office Coordinator.smartinv@ipade.mx RAFAEL RAMIREZ DE ALBADirector MEDEX (EMBA) RUTH CAVAZOSAssociate Director MEDEX (EMBA) rcavazos@ipade.mx OCTOBER 2nd – 6th
ABOUT IPADE • Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresa (IPADE) wasfounded in 1967by a grup of prominentMexicanbusinessmen. • Eachyearweserve more than3’000 participantsand 30’000 graduates. • www.ipade.mx • FoundingPrinciples:- Professionalizemanagementpractices in Mexico.- IntegrateMexicancompaniesintoanInternational culture.- Foster theindividual developmentof eachparticipant.- Focusonethics and social responsibility A 17th Century hacienda. And… a modernBusinessSchool
OCTOBER 2nd – 6th Objectives. WhatisIPADE’s EMBA International Week? • Bringtogetherprofessors and EMBA studentsfromdifferentcompanies, industries and cultures to discussInternational case studies and Business issuesaroundthetopic of theweek. • LearnaboutMexicanbsuinessand culturethroughvisitingcompanies, historical/cultural sitedand social events. • Stregthen International networkingskillsthroughparticipation in theNetworking Workshop. • Inspire participants to acknowledgetheirresponsibilitiesas Business leadersbeyondmaximizingprofit and providing a goodservice, to debate onthesocial worth of Business decissionmakingandactiontakingin theirrespectivecontexts. • International program open to EMBAstudentsfromaroundtheworld. • Central theme: Social Responsibility: EntrepreneurialSolutions to Poverty. • Has beenrunningfor20years. • Basedoncase methoddiscussions, conferences and visits. • Over500 participantsfrom15 schoolsin itslatestedition. • Includes: sessions, conferences, Company visitsandcultural events. • www.youtube.com/watch?v=arU59HRCGcY&feature=youtu.be
WHAT WILL WE TALK ABOUT DURING THIS WEEK: • Doing Business ethically is a key strategy for long-term successfinancially, socially and politically. • Businesses’ commitment to responsible practicesthat unleash innovation, increase productivity, boost employee satisfaction and built customer loyalty. • Renowned Business leaders will gather to discuss the challenges and opportunities of adopting Business practices that benefits everybody in the organization. • This program provides unique forum for executives or entrepreneurs to explore corporate ethics on a wide scales, beyond the standard material on economic and legal issues. • Participants will be challenged to see their responsibilities as Business leadersmore broadly tan simply earning profits for shareholders
Multicultural TEAMS ASSIGNMENT CASE SESSIONS, LECTURES & PANELS • In order to betteranalyzehowCorporationsmayimpacton Social Responsability, participantswill be challenged to answer 1 out of 6 questionsaboutsuchanimportanttopic. • Eachteamwillworktogetherdiscuss and elaborateargumentsfromeachquestionpresented. … BY PROFESSORS FROM PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS WORK LOAD • A combination of:- Academicsessions.- Lectures.- Workshop.- Visits.-Cultural Activities. • Requirements:- 100% attendance (sessions and Company visits)- Active Participation in sessions and conferences.-Teamworkassignment
BENEFITS LANGUAGE • Sessionswill be delivered in twodifferentlanguages: English and Spanish. • Lectures and Company visitswill be conducted in thelanguage of the speaker (Simultaneoustranslationwill be available). • Firstexperiencebeing a minorityformaystudents.- Nationality.- Linguistic. • Facultydevelopment and networking. • More tan a traditional Business Study tour… • Integratedinto a course-Interactive.- Thereality of global Business. • Experiential- Behavioralnotjustcognitive.- Challenging.- Beyondthe confort zone. • Rewarding AND CULTURAL VISITS. NETWORKING, COMPANY…
SOME STUDENTS’ COMMENTS This was a great way to meet people from other countries and cultures. I am sure the relationships developed for many people will last a long time…discussing the cases was beneficial and helped me to understand the thinking of the other individualsin my group. The cultural exchange was the highlight of the trip. It was excellent working in groups and getting to know the students from Mexico, Columbia, Argentina, Peru and Ecuador. The cultural interaction was great. This does enrich the EMBA experience greatly. This residency was extremely valuable from the perspective of being able to learn to work with people from other countries, who have different ideologies, and also from the perspective of being able to discuss our various EMBA programs, their challenges, etc…
WEEK COSTS PER STUDENTS (prices in US dollars) • School’s Library, Computer lab and printers no extra charge. • Student’s responsibility expenses: hotel accommodation, dinners, travel to Mexico.